Useless Weapons of Planetside2...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Psycobyte, Oct 25, 2014.

  1. Psycobyte

    I want to know what everyone else thinks about this game because I am becoming more and more frustrated with the useless of a lot of the planet side weapons. For starters the Tomcat air to air rockets in particular. I can understand taking time to lock on but when a weapon is specifically designed to take out air-crafts you think it would be capable of doing so. As with many other Planetside 2 weapons make little to no sense in their physical design but are completely lacking in their ability to handle the tasks they're supposedly able to handle. For example the Ns-44 Commisioner is a complete joke as far as side arms go. This gun features two separate sets of chambers for a total of six chambers not only does this make no sense in practical design, the amount of ammo that the gun holds makes it almost useless as a weapon unless you have the drop on your enemy. I could go on for hours about the flaws of the upgrade system which forces literally100's hours of game play or 100's of dollars. to get a gun or an aircraft with equipment that barely does the job its apparently sole design is for.
    -please comment
  2. Hatesphere

    that is its funny because the Commisioner is one of the best preforming pistols in the game because it can front load the damage when you need it too, it just punishes bad aim. how it is designed aesthetically has no baring on its in game performance, it is simply just a short and long reload animation with a bit of flare.

    i wont even go into A2A missiles, many pilots still hate them due to their ease of use compared to a nose gun.

    as for grinding for certs, thats just how it works, it takes me maybe 6-10 hours to get 1000 certs when i run with a squad and play the game, really no different to the time it takes to get unlocks in say cod 4.
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  3. Psycobyte

  4. -Synapse-

    I've always thought the Commissioner was overrated, but it's not bad per se. If you want to talk about crappy guns look at something like the ES pistols/snipers, or the burst only carbine varients.
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  5. Rovertoo

    Tomcats are pretty good and balanced, very easy to use and as such aren't super duper powerful. The Commissioner is arguably a touch overpowered, and by no means useless.

    On the other hand, there are some useless weapons in this game. Namely Burst Variant weapons and Battle Rifles. But I'm sure those will get touched up sooner or later.
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  6. Hatesphere

    i think OP doesn't get that side arms are side arms not primarys. if you are leading with your pistol you are doing something wrong.
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  7. patrykK1028

    In CoDs its basically as fast as you download level hack. I think everybody can do it in under 6 hours.
  8. Hatesphere

    i am talking about playing the game normally :rolleyes: higher tier unlocks took a while from what i remember.
  9. patrykK1028

    Hmmmm... no. I mean, I didnt play CoD 4 but unlocks were very fast in CoD WaW and in MW3 (I had 15 golden weapons in MW3, its something like auraxium here, after playing 400 hours), where I made first 30 lvls in couple of hours. The only thing which was hard to grind were Pro Perks.
  10. Hatesphere

    I remember it taking me quite some time to hit max rank and get access to every weapon, and I wasn't that bad at cod 4. my main point is if OP does not want to put the work in he really shouldn't be complaining, part of it is to attempt to force specialization at lower levels. I remember when all the weapons in this game used to cost 1000 certs no mater what.
  11. Whatupwidat

    Your example is the best pistol in the game?

    haha - ok then :p

    The only "useless" weapons in the game are, and have been for ages, semi-automatic rifles. So battle-rifles and semi-auto sniper/scout rifles.
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  12. Hatesphere

    even then i have done some pretty amazing stuff with the semi auto snipers.
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  13. patrykK1028

    Yeah it took some time, but it was really fast compared to PS2. I think I would score lvl 80 (max in MW3) after playing for much less than 100 hours, if I didnt use lvl hack (it might sound lame but everybody does it in CoDs). In PS2 after 250h Im BR55. And in MW3 Id have everything unlocked, in PS2 I have.. well I have like 20% of things Id like to have.
  14. Pfundi

    The OP is right.
    For a beginner the Comi is just Bullsh*t. (I'd still prefer Underboss)
    For a beginner it takes months to get his first 1000 Cert unlock.
    For a beginner. But you wont stay beginner.
    You will get better.
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  15. Hatesphere

    Cod also did not have 3 different streams that you could go into: tanking, air, and infantry, So I would expect it to take longer from the get go. But by br 40 I had pretty much everything I needed for infantry if I was smart with my certs and did not have to pay a cent (Thats more then I can say for some F2P games). I could have focused just one infantry class instead of all of them and branched into tanking or air. Again it sort of forces specification at early levels, unfortunately everyone likes to specialize infantry for some reason.
  16. Pikachu

    Burst weapons
    Battle rifles
    Shotgun slugs
    LMG S
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  17. BobSanders123

    Going to have to agree with you on all of those except the locust. Because i suck at flying, I need those 150 rounds.
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  18. Bindlestiff

  19. nehylen

    I disagree with a lot of the list, and with the Commie being useless. For me, as a VS player, and speaking mostly about relative uselessness (useless because something else is better in every aspect that counts):

    - The "second tier" BASRs (V10 for VS): costs the same, otherwise plain inferior to the first tier (Parallax for VS)
    - the PA shotguns with 11 pellets (slower, and same effect as the 10 pellets one)
    - Spiker
    - Pulsar LSW (SVA-88 downgrade)
    - Eridani if you pick the extended mag attachment (virtually zero advantage over Sirius). Spend your time playing ReloadSide if you don't
    - MKV suppressed (what does it bring that the others don't?)
    - the suit slot that makes you sprint faster
  20. Whatupwidat

    Those are WEAPONS!?

    Huh. Guess that explains the PPA - gotta make up for those glorified firecrakers :p
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