Stop AIR complains, boycott it

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AlCohonez, Oct 17, 2014.

  1. \m/SLAYER\m/

    half rockets do nothing, each hit covered by FS.
    and spend 450 nanites into AA MAX to force 350 nanites fly away, then do what with such expensive suit?
  2. Taemien

    You quote one base out of 80 bases on Indar. And a control point that has buildings nearby that you can protect the point from.

    Try this, make a character on Connery and run with Hav0c or Recursion when they have an open platoon. See how well ESFs are at stopping them from taking bases. You'll realize that getting from point A to B is irrelevant. See.. your issue is you're still wrapped up on the cert farming or zerg mentality of: We need to roll up in a Sundy, deploy, protect sundy, go in, die, respawn, and repeat.

    Instead you should drop in a Gal on the points and never need to 'respawn'. You have medics if you die. Basically treat control points like raid bosses in other MMOs. You have to stay in the fight and get it down in one shot. If you wipe, you start over. Instead of doing the trickling in thing.

    So yeah, there are ways to make ESFs, MBTs, Libs, Valks, Harassers, Lightnings, Flashes, and to a lesser extent, Sunderers, all totally irrelevant and useless. Both for your own use and for the enemy to use against you.

    As I said, the ESFs are only a threat to cert farmers who are cert farming.

    Now if ESFs had the ability to blow up ceilings and walls, and other means of base manipulations, then we'd be discussing something entirely different. But ESFs have no such role. And they are only a threat to zerglings, cert farmers, and those who still have the illusion that they are a threat.

    I don't get killed by ESFs very often. The few times I do is when I'm in a vehicle myself, or I'm out doing something redundant or irrelevant to victory. Either I'm cert farming myself, or doing something stupid for kicks and giggles. If I'm focusing on capturing bases, ESFs are at very close to the bottom of my priorities. The way I look at it, the more people that are in the air, the less are on the ground.
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  3. Sobdude

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  4. Rentago

    naw nignog fu q and fuq everyone here.

    decimator is where its at, decimate the skies, decimate the infantry, decimate those fancy pants tanks, decimate those mlg pilots, decimate the SHIP out of those Professional shotgun maxes.

    why dont YOU stop being a casual and learn to decimate with the decimator, you don't need anything else.

  5. Shatteredstar

    I know that people I meet that are new one of the first things I encourage them to save for is the lock on launcher for HA. It just gives you so much satisfaction to even drive that plane away. And if we can encourage people to have them, the air game gets plenty troublesome for those pesky ESFs =p
  6. DramaticExit

    Yes, I listed one, to save myself from making a very long list of bases where the control point is outdoors. Do you really want me to create an entire list of bases where this is the case? It would be rather a long list... Even more so if I included all the bases where the primary chokepoints leading to a control point are open to attack from the air.

    No. I would have an insanely high ping, playing from the EU on a west coast US server.

    I love the way you think you have my playstyle all figured out. "Your issue"... lol. Anyway, I'll just address this.

    I was refering more to those attempting to defend a base rather than those attempting to capture it. Nearly always, the attacker will have air superiority, making defensive gal drops difficult at best and impossible at worst. In this instance, the defenders will be relying on ground based (sundy) or "hard" spawn locations (spawn rooms). This means they will have to move from one location (their spawn) to another (the locations they have to defend or the approaches/choke points leading to them), in order to do anything at all. During this time, they will be vulnerable to attack from the air.

    You seem to be completely ignoring the fact that some people, in some situations, have to move from one location to another. I'm not talking about god damned zergswarms flooding across open ground in a swarm of vehicles, or a ton of infantry standing in a field picking their noses... I'm referring to people who're trying to get a job done.

    Perhaps I should have been more clear. When I said "people have to move from A to B", I was not referring to control point A and control point B. I was talking about A being a location where someone is, and B being somewhere that person wants or needs to be.

    Your point is wafty at best and bases itself on an incorrect argument, which only looks at things from an attackers' perspective. Broaden your field of view.

    The elements of your post which I did not quote were irrelevant or redundant.
  7. Hatesphere

    switch your weapons at a terminal like ESFs cant?
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  8. Shatteredstar

    So much this, I do this all the time (I love MAX units). I'll go bursters for air, once air is clear, I throw on my blueshifts or comets and get to work.
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  9. ZomboWTF

    i personally favor the skyguard, especially if an ESF approaches your tank, gets closer to engage, and you just go "suprise, motherf*cker!" and blast him into shreds

    skyguard does so much damage when the targets are closer, it's insane
  10. Demigan

    If you are really targeting just the people with the attention span of a goldfish, then I apologise. You just added phrases such as "if it is an elitist game keep it elitist", "air meta game is a game inside a game" and added a bloody big banner as well as saying that "using AA will sort out 90% of your A2G problems" while you are attacking people who are whining about A2A problems. These things I don't agree with and sometimes aren't even relevant for your target group.
    You do have one sentence that indicates that you think the air game will change at some point. But all casual players would need to stop playing air for some time untill the elitist air gets bored, or that's what I gathered from what you said.
  11. Taemien

    I think you are blinding or deluding yourself on the fact that sitting in a base has any point. Attackers cannot attack if you are assaulting their base. If they get a foothold in your base, it is better to attack them from a coordinated drop or push that takes them out. Both can be done from Galaxy drops and are very effective as such.

    Attacking always gives you the initiative. Sitting in a base waiting for attackers to come, cedes initiative to them.

    Doing what you suggested will expose you to vehicle fire and you don't need to do that. You don't even need to walk or drive to the next base. Redeploy to WG or base with Gal spawn and fly there.

    Walking exposes you too much and all you're doing is zerging at that point. And lets be honest with ourselves. Most people cert farm. They get bored with 'defense' so you will quickly get overran.
  12. Shatteredstar

    My issue with skyguard is that people love to target lightnings with everything else. I feel like so much bait and the lightning feels squishy to me, but I lack most of the upper end of lightning certs.

    Since I'm fairly deep in max certs I feel more resilient and with autorepair on I can generally ignore most small arms and focus on the air and can get into more positions than a lightning can (with more infantry cover/fodder to prevent me from being shot at)
  13. \m/SLAYER\m/

    NC MAX AI - no fun to use outside of labs
    once you switched, they will come back:eek:

    and still, im not complaining, but AIR game gives more fun then G2A. that's why people don't like being farmed by aircraft. because single ESF could farm a lot infantry, and single infantryman cant kill single ESF. Infantry pulls AA when there a lot aircraft. So most aircraft will be destroyed by anti-air in zerg-fights, and almost none in small fights.
  14. Hatesphere

    So once they come back switch back to AA, I really dont see the problem, since an ESF does not have the ability to switch weapons loadout.

    And a single infantry can kill a single ESF, I do it all the time, with the striker no less.
  15. Shatteredstar

    Swap to ravens and win, works dandy for some light AI duty too (kinda like comets do to a degree)
  16. Blue_Shift

    My problem is that it is not elitist enough...let me explain

    it is too much World of Warcraft Elitist and not enough counterstrike elitist. Make it so skill based that I can come out of a swarm alive.. then we will talk elitist.

    Right now it is too much group elitist..Lets glorify the lone ranger .... not the mob. Seriously lock-on gank squads?....

    You see with a mob you can be brainless and do damage... glorify the indivudual so that numbers are still a threat but less of a threat.

    This game should be more of a first person shooter with a lot of people and less like a mmorpg where numbers are vastly more important.
  17. Brahma2

    Sadly... "Elitists" in PlanetSide don't have a clue what real elitism is. They think COD is hardcore. It's sad.

    Though, I've seen some absurdly skilled ESFs that made it through some 1v4/1v5 situations that impressed the hell out of me. It can be done, you just have to be Good.
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  18. Hatesphere

    yeah its funny, they think that they should just be able to hold down sprint and clean up 5-10 players in a row like some sort of war hero or the protagonist of their favorite 1 player game. instead of being humbled by the fact that they really arent that good, they complain endlessly.
  19. Brahma2

    That's pretty much the air game for me now unless I run into someone pretty good.
  20. Hatesphere

    thats mostly a problem with how high the skill floor is in the air game combined with an extremely high skill ceiling, and it really needs to be a addressed with more then just lock on missiles if SOE wants to see more players participate in the air game.