[Suggestion] NC MAX Mid range anti infantry

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ColdSuit, Oct 11, 2014.

  1. MAXArmar

    The difference in cert-cost between 2 x Blueshifts (2000) with 2 x extended mags (1000, you need them because default Blueshift has a mag of 40) and dual Mattocks with slugs is negligible. The cheapest AI option for the VS MAX is the 250 cert Cosmos VM3, which is a gun that is ****** at almost everything.
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  2. _itg

    That's true, but TR and VS have options which don't require extended mags to function, while every NC shotgun is literally unusable without that additional 1,000 cert investment. Note that we're not even talking ranged effectiveness here, just entry cost to play AI MAX at all.
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  3. ComradeHavoc

    This is like the argument of a GuassSaw versus an entire weapons arsenal. What these fanatics won't accept for whatever reason or bias is that the NC max isn't the king in CQC, there are pages of data anyone can google search, or even use common logical sense, the other Maxes can do what the NC max is supposed to specialize in except with a larger amo pool, faster reload, and better range. It is fantastically rare to see an AI NC Max out doors, it is common to see AI VS and TR maxes outdoors. I will eat a child If you can't understand this.
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  4. Taemien

    A 3rnd Burst Railjack velocity weapon with a slight delay before bursting.

    That would be a good weapon for our MAX.

    Did you know when you equip -Another- weapon, you don't have the original equipped?

    So a MAX using the new proposed weapon won't have the original or hacksaw equipped. And those shotguns are piddly without being dual wielded.

    So ya, when we use a new weapon we are giving up the upclose ones.
  5. hostilechild

    hacksaws with slugs are the worst option available, silly to use it.
    go with mattocks and slugs

    but personally i will take Falcons, they are dam sniper rifles once you get use to the lead(and minimal drop) on them. and infantry and snipers at 100m plus just tend to stand there thinking they are safe (pretty sure the falcon isn't displaying as they never move).

    Even close up the falcons are brutal if you can aim (if you can hit someone with a slug up close you can hit them with falcons). Its the 40m-70m that gives falcons more trouble and you need to be able to compensate for slow speed with leading targets. (both hit = kill.)
    Only downside they fire slower than slugs. But can drop a max in 2 shots (2x2) slugs won't drop a max at all. Best antimax option.

    Falcons > slugs anyday (can even shoot esf/galaxy etc out of the sky with them). 2x2 shot an esf yesterday, first was hovering second hit as he afterburned away right into the lead shot :cool:
  6. AlCohonez

    To the OP, this subject comes up often and it just won't happen. NC max is an AI doorway warrrior or a raven spammer at long range, there are no other choices. But if you happen to be a max and need to leave your doorway (for instance, fight is over at your doorway and you need to move to another doorway) then use double falcons as AI weapon at mid range (i.e. when you need o run between buildings) but this should be treated as a 'transition stage' since due to the dumbfire nature of the rockets both infantry and AV can easily outmaneuver you the bigger the distance (and you NEED to direct hit each time).

    If you want to use your max outdoors anyway than 1) prepare to be defenseless and frustrated and b) try mattocks for their slight edge at range. I don't recommend slugs because to squeeze out that boasted accuracy from them you need to a) be stationary, b) crouch, c) let the weapon reset its cone of fire after each shot, like if you were firing a revolver at a long distance and you will miss perfectly aligned shots even at mid range due to RNG of the slug trajectory. Basically you're a big, stationary target with a poor DPS output. I prefer to run from cover to cover and suppress my approach with pellets. At mid range it takes a clip per arm to kill a single enemy but at least when you find yourself in a corridor again you don't end up with the weakest scattercannon weakened even more by slugs.
  7. Copasetic

    No other faction's AI MAX can instagib in CQC, so you're pretty wrong about that.
  8. Pirbi

    Mattocks if you want an AI dual at mid range. Add slugs if you know you'll stay around mid range or more. Then you can run around the countryside almost as freely as the purple crabs.
  9. EGuardian1

    If you're close enough to Grinder - you're close enough for headshots :D
  10. eldarfalcongravtank

    as soon as TR/VS Maxes get a closerange weapon (NS flamethrowers), NC Max can have a midrange weapon against infantry like an NS machinecannon or something
  11. iller

    as someone who only plays NC....

    ...I can actually agree with this.

    Raven/Falcon isn't guaranteed kills but atleast it's a guaranteed Deterrent against infantry. Alternating fire atleast creates enough splash next to them that they won't have an easy time corner-peeking long enough to whittle ya down. Plus there's the Arm-Shield option to further reduce incoming fire. It's more effort than VS who can just point-and-click their problems away. But it's an option
  12. Bennybones

    That is the single funniest thing I have ever read on any forum. Obviously in the particular context of a discussion such as this.

    On topic. I don't know, I don't really have anything to add. NC maxes are awesome, but it would be nice with some kind of Godsaw-like weapon for more all-around purposes. I dunno, I don't care too much. You come in to my biolab/building/base you gonna pay in pixelated blood. FREEDOM!
  13. Cest7

    You want Close range, Or long range?

    You don't get both.
  14. Jackplays17

    Yes... but they fire soo slowly, if you dont have PERFECT aim, GG you lose. for TR and VS, they can unleash hails of bullets.
  15. Yeahy

    I've said it again and again and again and again....
    Cert cost is irrelevant when you are talking about balance.
  16. _itg

    I think you're reading too much into my post here. I never said anything about NC MAXes being weaker because they have to spend more to be competitive. That doesn't change the fact that NC players DO have to spend more than other factions to be competitive, and that's not fair.
  17. Yeahy

    Basically what I'm getting is that you need extended mags for the NC max weapons to be effective. But once you get them, they're still somewhat effective?
    That may not be what you're trying to say, but if it is the case, then it does not matter that they have to spend certs.
  18. _itg

    I do think NC MAXes are effective with extended mags. With slugs, I'm quite satisfied with their effective range (granted, I don't have a character with Blueshifts/Mercies to do a direct comparison, but I never feel gimped with my slug Mattocks). They lack sustained fire, but they have their CQC advantage to balance that out.

    You can ignore the unfairness of the fact that NC MAXes cost more certs, because it wasn't what *you* wanted to talk about right now, but I wasn't responding to you when I brought it up. It's like you're trying to start an argument with me while I'm on the telephone with someone else.
  19. WindBomb

    You-- You want me to put Slugs in a non-automatic shotgun?
  20. ThreePi

    NC MAX has a slight advantage at close range and a massive disadvantage at medium to long range. That's hardly fair.

    The only reason NC MAXes perform as well as they do is because they're pulled almost exclusively to camp doorways. If they were given a range buff the overall stats would probably drop since they'd be pulled in a larger variety of situations. But at least they'd be more fun to play as.