TR, is it a joke?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by day ofm one, Oct 12, 2014.

  1. DatVanuMan

    Sorry to tell you, but damage ISN'T a Terran trait. Either more ammo or RoF.
  2. Rovertoo

    The reason for that, as I see it, is because TR weapons are primarily CQC. The entire faction is essentially armed with SMGs (and there are longer range options for balance purposes, just like other factions have shorter range options), and the vast majority of gameplay is inside of bases, prime ranges for TR guns. So the tradeoff for having most of the game play inside your realm of control is a larger drawback when you're out of your element.
  3. Chrispin

    You aren't analyzing the recoil patterns how you should. If the shots follow a predictable pattern, then the recoil is more manageable. The T1 Cycler is one of the most uncontrollable assault rifles in the game, not because it constantly recoils in one direction, but because it recoils to the left and right equally as much. That's why the recoil pattern is in an "S" shape while the other 2 guns go up and to the right.
  4. Syphers

    Only after 30 rounds wooow...Cmon lol most guns have -30 rounds why should you faceroll mouse1 that much with the beefiest class. The orion should be toned down cause the class is cheap easy
  5. Ronin Oni

    Carv literally JUST got a huge buff and is fragging amazing now.

    T5 AMC is awesome.
    Lynx is awesome.

    Cycler TRV is jaw dropping, change my underpants awesome.
    SABR-13 is situational (long range) but unmatched compared to any other AR.

    Repeater is best pistol in the game.

    Try again.
  6. Syphers

    ? The S shape is easier to control it balance itself, you'll definitely notice the difference at longer range
  7. Chrispin

    No, it makes it worse at longer ranges because it's unpredictable.
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  8. Person7man

    I don't want to sound mean, but no guns in this game besides battle rifles and the Gauss Saw have recoil at all. COF, yes, but once you learn how to compensate none of the guns have any visual recoil, especially the TR guns. I don't want to question your skill, but try to practice your weapon mastery... it makes a big difference.
  9. Chrispin

    You can't compensate for recoil when it's totally random horizontal recoil, a common TR weapons trait.
  10. Xasapis

    Hmm, somebody mentioned Carv. Carv always had identical recoil pattern to the Orion. Also:

    CARV has same fire rate and damage as the Orion. Their dps is identical. The horizontal recoil is now also nearly identical (to a point you wouldn't notice the difference).



    Not a dps difference. CARV also has double the mag capacity, allow you to mow through more without stopping to reload. At that point you're talking about weapon tradeoffs that aren't dps related. Faster ads/reload, or more throughput?
    TR also have the MSW-R, that also has same dps as CARV and Orion with more hip fire and the mag capacity and reload of the Orion. Again, more tradeoffs.

    I know how forumside likes to complain about anything and everything, but at this point I find it to be a sort of a natural thing. Because, lets face it, we are not as good as we think as we are, so we tend to blame our equipment rather than ourselves.

    That been said, I can't seem to be able to put MSW-R into the same effective roles as the Betelgeuse (basically Orion) and Anchor. Perhaps because the equivalent to those two weapons now would be the Carv perhaps.
  11. ATRA_Wampa-One

    I'm sorry... what?

    AR Average Horizontal Tolerance (shake)
    VS: 0.6
    TR: 0.57

    AR Average Horizontal Recoil (Max/Min)
    VS: 0.1555/0.1555
    TR: 0.21475/0.1555

    AR Average Vertical Recoil (and FSRM)
    VS: 0.242375/2.46875
    TR: 0.2608125/2.3125

    Roughly equal recoil stats, TR has better tolerance and FSRM, VS has better Max Horizontal Recoil and Vertical Recoil and they're tied for Min Horizontal Recoil. Average DPS for TR AR's is 1877 while VS AR's is 1663.

    LMG Average Horizontal Tolerance (shake)
    VS: 0.68125
    TR: 0.625

    LMG Average Horizontal Recoil (Max/Min)
    VS: 0.182125/0.17275
    TR: 0.17851875/0.17703125

    LMG Average Vertical Recoil (and FSRM)
    VS: 0.33875/1.75625
    TR: 0.3275/1.71875

    TR wins this in every category except for Min Horizontal Recoil. Average DPS for TR LMG's is 1467 while VS LMG's is 1449, so almost even actually. VS does get the fabled 0.75 ADS on 2 of it's LMG's.

    Carbine Average Horizontal Tolerance (shake)
    VS: 0.55868125
    TR: 0.625

    Carbine Average Horizontal Recoil (Max/Min)
    VS: 0.21685/0.2101875
    TR: 0.2130125/0.20685

    Carbine Average Vertical Recoil (and FSRM)
    VS: 0.285/2.575
    TR: 0.316875/2

    VS has less shake but more Horizontal Recoil across the board, less vertical recoil but a much higher FSRM. Average DPS for both TR and VS Carbines is 1724.

    For LMG's TR have less recoil across the board but VS has 2 guns with 0.75 ADS so I'd say about even, for AR's TR is clearly better than VS since the average DPS is much higher while still being about equal recoil wise, and Carbines are about equal.

    So "VS also don't really have much horizontal recoil or shake" is a myth, especially when compared to TR weapons.
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  12. AdmiralArcher

    yeah....the TR has been known to have the best Medic guns.....i guess it kinda makes sense, ironically we have the worst medics ever on connory
  13. AdmiralArcher

    the TMG-50 works great, i just auraxed it finally......its best to use with 2X scope, foregrip, supressor, and HVA

    if you use a compensator the hipfire CoF will be too great and you will suck balls at CQC, the recoil is easy to manage since its mostly up

    otherwise the rhino is very accurate

    i personally liked the CARV when i used it
  14. AdmiralArcher

    there was a post while ago explaining why that, even with very similar traits, the Orion, due to its .75 ADS was still a better gun than the CARV and the MSWR. i think it had to do with percived location and actual location of the enemy o something like that
  15. Xasapis

    Not sure how that would be relevant in a game like Planetside 2, where hitting an enemy is happening client side and not server side. The reason we get so many simultaneous kill/deaths is exactly because the server considers both clients input valid and rewards the kill to both of them.

    On a separate note, I don't see why the discussion about 0.75 ADS weapons revolves solely around heavies.
  16. AlCohonez

    Dude, seriously? Are you referring to 'spray and pray' as a legitimate 'playstyle' are you just trolling?

    On the other hand, that explains the discrepancy in your KD's as Vanu and NC. I actually replied to your NC LMG tread to with burst fire tutorials. NS-15M and such are all cool beans but you will loose to someone with 200/167 damage model LMG that knows how to burst fire and control recoil. They are far from being 'garbage', just difficult to handle.

    On the other hand if all guns were like NS-15M it would be super boring (i.e. point, click and hold). It is kind annoying that NC trait for weapons is 'difficult to handle' and 'good, but you first need to....' because you can see the ordinary blues to struggle hard.
  17. LibertyRevolution

    Spray and pray is my playsytle, and it works just fine for my VS, and it is passable for TR, but for NC it doesn't work at all..
    If you pull up LibertyRevolutions stats on DA, you will understand that I am not joking...

    Here is my weapon stats from DA, look at my SPK on my NC weapons..

    As you can see, the only weapon that NC has that does not suck for my playstyle is the Cyclone.
    Cyclone seems OP btw, thanks to Posseee for telling me that was the gun for me in my "Help me find a LMG for my NC" thread.

    Seems like my Mag-Cutter is what killed my K/D, just noticed that.. Buff Mag-Cutter!
    I do have some interesting weapon stats eh?
  18. Axehilt

    TR's arsenal is good.

    Players who blame their weapons aren't. (Especially if those weapons include the best tank by a significant margin.)
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  19. Juho

    If you don't like your faction's weapons there are always NS ones. When I played on TR I never used anything else but NS weapons, now while being NC I still keep using NS weapons
  20. Nurath

    Eh, I'll agree TR sucks for range and accuracy, but the TRAC-% abuse is odd seeing as it's quite a good little wrecker at least with the forward grip.

    It's quite accurate for a carbine.

    Plus one does appreciate having more bullets to put on target.

    Still, TR needs love.