To TR and NC which was worse ZOE age or PPA age?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LIKE A BOSS!, Oct 8, 2014.


    I've always wondered which PS2 period was worse. I've never really been on the opposing end of pre-nerf ZOE. Is the PPA worse than the old ZOE or does old ZOE still win the "OP" contest?
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  2. Diilicious

    what is a ZOE?
  3. MarkAntony

    ZOE because it could go anywhere. At least you can hide form PPA in some places. Not much difference though.
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  4. Tommyp2006

    ZOE by a mile, it's really not even close. There were FAR more of them.
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  5. Alarox

  6. Hatesphere

    PPA is cake to deal with compared to old ZOE.
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  7. EGuardian1

    ZOE was DEATH of PS2 if it stayed. PPA is just like having an itch in your anus. It's aggravating, it's annoying, it's a ***** to get rid of, but it's not going to destroy the game.
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  8. Hosp

    ZOE. Nothing worse than being about to win a battle just to have a score of Super Saiyan Crabs roflstomp the point. That ability is somewhat mitigated from the air.
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  9. Diilicious

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  10. Ixidron

    ZOE, definitely, they could go where vehicles couldn't and beat the crap out of everything.

    Zealot overdrive engine, vanu MAX ability, basically it gives you damage and speed but you take some extra damage.

    When it was released (despite thousands of complains and delay requests during the test period) it was so freaking OP it broke the metagame, most vanu were MAXes, permanently running faster than infantry and strafing without the movement penalty, so it was impossible to hit them with explosive based weapons.

    The extra damage they took was low and because devs can't use math properly TTK for most weapons against them remained the same, meanwhile VS MAXes could kill at an insane speed, being able to face NC MAXes at point blank, oh and you could toggle the ability on and off with no delay or penalty, so you could negate the damage penalty whenever you wanted.

    Not to mention the comet became insanely powerful, you could also fire 4 projectiles and had plenty of ammo to spare, that combined with MAX HP and his super speed, HAs became pointless, you couldn't attack them with vehicles, you couldn't attack them with infantry, and hell if you tried air they'll beat you to pulp with vortex and bursters.

    Those were dark times, I still have nightmares.
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  11. Diilicious

    :| sounds like more of the same easy mode stuff.
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  12. z1967

    I can C4 PPA tanks and Harassers. ZOE MAXes were impossible to hit with anything that did enough alpha to kill them. PPA doesn't allow tanks to evade their normal counters quite like ZOE did. It was nuts and game breaking. VS players knew it too and asked for it to be nerfed.
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  13. Spankay


    They slapped scattMAXes silly inside bio labs, their own natural environment.
    Outside, they rolled over anything that wasn't purple be it human or vehicle.
    Imagine getting headshotted at 50 meters and be killed faster than from an AR at that range by a MAX with the default AI guns.
  14. Ronin Oni

    Wouldn't mind a usable ability to replace it though :\

    Don't care how niche it is, just something.
  15. z1967

    Yeah, it needed to be nerfed. However, it is a useless ability in it's current state so it should be replaced. But not with jetpacks, that would probably end up horribly as MAXes are too tanky to be given any decent mobility abilities.
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  16. Maphreal

    The PPA really isn't that bad. This coming from someone who plays TR & NC only, on a server with a huge VS overpop.

    I was taking a break during the age of ZOE, but from what I've seen it looked much worse, and could very well be responsible for much of the VS overpop that several servers are dealing with to this day.
  17. Ztiller

    Actually,. the damage taken was 30% higher. IIRC, you died instantly to a Decimator hit.

    Not saying that the ZOE wasn't OP, but at least dont exaggerate. You don't need to.
  18. Ixidron

    It took them 2 game updates to increase damage taken to 30%. (Introduced in GU9, nerfed in GU11, 27 days later).
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  19. sL360

    The ZOE age. It was a constant swarm of purple MAX hordes. I remember being trapped in a spawn room all the time hearing the PEWPEWPEPEWPEWPEW and the mechanical walking sound of the VS maxes while the announcer berated us for not fighting harder. I almost quit playing the game for how long they left it there unbalanced.

    That's why the PPA isn't nearly as bad. You can't bring a harasser or a magrider into a biolab/infantry base fight, but you could just waltz all over everything with that shiny purple ZOE.
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  20. minhalexus

    Sure, but there was another problem. It was 'instant on and off'.

    A good ZOE user could effectively deny that decimator OHK.
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