The solution to Emerald VS avoidance

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by dngray, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. Crator

    That sounds reasonable to me... We have plenty of continents to play on so spread out the pops sounds good..
  2. Ownasaurusrex

    Why do you see me on Emerald TR mostly? Fighting off the hordes of fourth factioners
  3. Yuukikun

    Your post has been removed due to the breaking the fundamental rules of forumside 2

    Rule 1 of forumside 2: it is never the players fault if non-optimal situations occur. One shall not make a player realize their own faults.
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  4. libbmaster

    Can confirm, emerald NC total mess.

    -NC main atm.
  5. Champagon

    NC Leadership is non-existant
    TR Leadership could use some work


    This is generally how these forumside threads go
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  6. emjayz


    please dont kid yourself, the VS arent some magical force that congregates due to sheer willpower and skill
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  7. Champagon

    Edited after reading your post. Really dude?

    Beamer OP plz nerf
  8. FocusLight

    Or, you and your (possible) friends look at the map some time, see when the VS is offered virtually no resistance because "VS is horrible to fight due to X Y Z reasons" and then you can

    A) Join another faction for that session and see how it's like to go up against the VS.
    B) Consider changing your own faction from the inside and slapping people for doing the X Y Z things that people ACTIVELY.AVOID.YOU to get away from.

    People play the game to have fun. If the enemy they fight is, say, consistently out-popping them no matter where they go and even worse, accompany that absurd over-pop with huge amounts of juvenile smack and bragging and other BS, they won't be having to much fun. You will want to change that, if the best way to change it is self-policing the smackers or whatever then you start policing that.

    Because if you don't, you soon have the NC and TR crumble up and either leave the game or join the VS to become a part of the damn problem. The end result is that the imbalance grows bigger AND YOUR SERVER DIES. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT? NO? THEN DO SOMETHING.

    You have a problem as Emerald VS. It's called "We are a bunch of insufferable annoyances that are everywhere and people are actively avoiding us. Oh and, we are bored as all hell because no-one wants to fight us, so we ghost-cap with 48+ in every lane ever" and frankly, YOU need to fix this issue.

    Instead of considering that, your asking the people who DO.NOT.WANT to fight you, to join together and fight you instead of each other, whom they seem to enjoy fighting.

    So here is the three things you can do to prevent Emerald from dying.

    A) Get off your butt and do something yourself.
    B) Start by self-policing any smackers or what-not and make them stop. I don't care what you got to do, if they don't want to listen, if they REFUSE to be civil... hell I'd shoot those fools. Yes I'm telling you that if they refuse categorically to consider laying off all the smack or whatever they do that drive players away, LITERALLY drive them away, from fighting you, then your enemy is not the TR or NC anymore, it's VS players that has denied you your entertainment.
    C) Switch over to whatever faction you play other than VS and start hitting the VS itself, and/or try to get more TR or NC to do so to. This one won't work very well unless you are actively trying your best to execute B.
    D) ALL OF THE ABOVE. All the time.

    You have dug your faction into a hole where you are undesirable enemies, apparently. Welp, onus is on YOU to solve that.

    Good luck.
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  9. gibstorm

    In any game if you have unbalanced teams it's a good idea to try to find ways to attempt to balance them. In PvP games balanced tends to get worse as players like to join a winning team over a losing team.

    It's one of the reason PvP MMOs have a short life span or stay incredibly niche. This issue is never addressed in most of them
  10. NinjaTurtle

    He is the villain the game needs but not the one it deserves

    I would love to see TE come back to Emerald, would really liven up the battlefield.... even more so the /y chat :D
  11. Axehilt

    The problem is that the game is already set up to self-balance: it has three factions! No faction, not even VS Emerald, has a chance of standing up against two factions who focus on it. (The only except is if one faction actually has over 50% pop.)

    But players are so bad and unaware in PS2 that even with that natural self-balancing mechanism players still refuse to fight the VS, which results in the VS actually being much more difficult to deal with (because half your pop on the continent is derping against the other underdog faction, rather than helping you deal with the VS.)

    If people would just consistently attack the leader, whoever it might be at the moment, then things work out fine. But there currently is a lack of perosnalized incentive to do that.
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  12. Lividicus!

    The problem is that 90% of the VS don't have a desire to even admit there is an issue! I just checked out my kills per empire and noticed that VS is now at 45% and NC is at 55%. Prior to ZOE being released it was approximately 50,50. I stopped fighting the VS when they had those insane ZOE's running a muck everywhere, and their population was GREATLY increased during this time!

    VS a year ago were generally the lower population, not by much, just slightly. However, they were very well organized likely due to being the underpop faction. In theory this should work on the TR and NC as well, but, we are now so outpopulated that there isn't even a reason to try.

    In the past month my playtime has reduced at least 75%. I haven't even logged on in days because it's just depressing! My outfit has a few members that quit altogether because of this issue. I understand that the VS don't believe there's a problem. And we all know the reasons why. All the disloyal 12 year olds have switched to the VS because they flat out have the best goodies.

    I'd trade lockdown just to be able to strafe! I'd trade max lockdown for ZOE, even though ZOE isn't in the position it was when released. I'd trade the marauder for PPA any day of the week. And I'd trade our "factions specific" higher rate of fire (which is a total lie to begin with, all our weapons have the same RoF as the other factions, except we get higher recoil) for no bullet drop. And who wouldn't trade their camo for black?!

    I don't believe VS needs nerfed into oblivion! I do, however, believe they need to be placed on even ground with the rest of us. I was running my squad, and had a newbie join up a few days back. He hasn't logged back on since, to my knowledge and specifically told me that "the guys in black have all the cool stuff". Not even one day of playing, and this guy already noticed the deal....

    Honestly, SOE's only option at this point might be to nerf them into oblivion. It would make a lot of the fourth faction leave, and the die hard VS (respect!) will just whine a ton on the forums. After a month and the population gets evened out, then SOE should buff the VS to be on equal ground with the TR and NC.
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  13. _itg

    What SOE ought to do--since it's easy, not since it's a true solution--is to grant a large XP bonus for fighting a significantly overpopped faction. The bonus should scale proportionally with the level of overpop. For example, if a faction is 40% world pop to your 30%, you'd get a 50% XP bonus on top of all existing bonuses, but if it's 37%-33%, the bonus might only be 20%.

    The goal of this is partly to incentivize people from the overpopped faction to switch, and partly to incentivize the two weak factions to attack the dominant one, but it's also to provide "just compensation" to the underpopped faction. With a big enough XP bonus, I think most of us wouldn't mind losing so much.
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  14. NC_agent00kevin

    I highly recommend any VS that don't already play NC or TR to make one on Emerald and then go fight the VS for a couple weeks.

    I've tried taking VS bases with a few guys at them before and it's typically not long until 48-96 show up to crush 1-12 and then redeploy off to the next fight. Solid tactic in redeploying all over the map, yes. Fun to fight against, no. You can't even attack with a ghost capping Zerg because they will inevitably show up with two or three times your numbers, crush the attack, then completely disappear only to reapper when trying it again.

    I used to be totally against redeploy changes but now I think it might actually be a good idea. It would force those massive redeploy zergs to pull mass Galaxies to counterattack instead of simply redeploying across the continent. It would actually have an impact to be forced to actually transport themselves to the other side of the continent to defend. It would probably largely stop this kind of thing and help change players perception of the VS.

    It's not their fault they use game mechanics to their advantage.

    That still doesn't change the fact that it's just not fun to fight the VS.
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  15. LibertyRevolution

    LOL, I watched as AOD sent 2 full platoons against 24-48 at mani satatlite and lost.. twice.
    It doesnt't matter if they implement platoons or not, the huge zergfits coordinate with outfit chat already, and are still fail..

    If you played the alert, and you lost the alert, then you lost, and it is your fault your lost.
    You make it sound like VCO believes in a trophy for everyone...

    If you don't play the alert, and your faction doesn't win, only then did you not lose, as you didn't play.

    That is already how it works, each faction can only have 33% of the server.
    If you see a map with like 60% one faction, that means the other factions are not using their slots on that map.
  16. ATRA_Wampa-One

    AOD is a special kind of... well special.

    What's sad is that in the recent server smash AOD actually did fairly well at the job they were given... which means either TR weapons are vastly UP (stats say they're not) or Emerald's worst can take on other servers best and come out on top so things like server mergers probably won't fix this either.
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  17. LibertyRevolution

    They would just send their squad leads ahead in ESF, then their entire platoon can deploy there...
    Only bads use gals as actual transports.

    I have seen organized outfits send just one guy to a base.
    Then promote him to squad lead and move him from squad to squad to get the entire platoon redeployed there.
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  18. Tycoh

    It's easier to simply ignore the VS than trying to have two factions cooperate with each other.

    Since both NC and TR hate VS and love fighting each other, the TR and NC win by having fun fighting each other and VS...well no one really cares what the VS do. I guess they win by stomping out the small pockets of enemies.
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  19. NC_agent00kevin

    Yeah we used to do the same thing and still do on a small scale.
  20. LibertyRevolution

    The VS have outfits that do nothing but redeploy to "reinforcements needed" on the spawn list.
    So as soon as your 1-12 or 12-24 start a cap, and that base shows up as a deploy spot, they deploy their outfit there to defend.

    NC/TR should try it, it works well at keeping the land you have, and it demoralizes the attackers so they go fight the other faction.
    I can't tell you how many times I tried defending with a few randoms, and a VS 12-24 takes the base because we get no help.