NC cowboy hat finaly tomorrow??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Oberlion, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. Whatupwidat

    So it's a fear of being seen to be not an adult?

    Do you have a problem with grown adults who work through the week to be able to behave like children for the odd 30 mins a day?

    I suggest you need to grow up a little :)
  2. miraculousmouse

    Many people consider video games for "kids" but i think thats BS, especially a game like ps2 which is aimed at teens and adults. but come on, you watch an animated TV show about ponies doing stupid ****, aimed at little girls (no sjame in little boys watching it either), but wtf are you doing watching it as a grown man? Watch south park instead
  3. Whatupwidat

    I can't watch both?

    Why do you care what I - or anyone else in your narrow definition of "a grown man" - watch or do?
  4. MonkeyOnTheWing

    It's live in the PTS VR right now. Just saying... GET HYPE FREEDOM LOVERS
  5. Edenwolf

    No, they are introducing an eye and ear customization slot..
  6. Edenwolf

    This is a player studio item, not something the developers made like the commissar hat.
  7. maxwell smart

    lol that hat with the nc blue an yellow + jetpack its hmm what was it...
    "flash-back" seeing it now... it all make sense !!
    he kinda locks like Colt o_O

    will the hat change with the camo?
    i want it blue^^
  8. Mustakrakin

    Great just what we need, more dumb redneck heros wearing cowboy hats yelling "murica" in the NC. NC need a major image change, they need to be seen like the true anarchist and anti establishment faction they are supposed to be...
  9. Rovertoo

    Can't be much more of a freedom fighter than a Shotgun-bearing defender of the Great Bill of Rights!
  10. Mustakrakin

    Except NC doesn't believe in any bill of rights and wants nothing to do with democracy. The NC are anarchist and at the most "ancho capitalist"
  11. AdmiralArcher

    you guys have plenty of helmets that scream awesome, the hat looks great, just let it slide
    • Up x 1
  12. KnightCole

    now with the Tank helmet, we need a new Tanker class, specifically for driving and the only ones who can drive anything bigger then a Flash. Non tankers cant have har guns bigger then the bas and Kobalt. Lol.
  13. Champagon

    and so, the time of hats is upon us.......................
  14. GeneralPeragorn

    I would buy that so quickly if it were TR.
  15. Ronin Oni

    I just replaced using composite helm on my NC with the PTS reward helm... looks MUCH better. Still use the Infil composite though cause that one looks cool.

    I also put the PTS Helm on my TR infil, because the std, composite, and Dreadnaught (which looks BA on all other classes) all look like crap on the Infil.
  16. KnightCole

    Cowboy hat tomorrow? I care more about the new optic changes. Though I see we get a series of new optics in the optics....can the NC x2 just get a plain red dot without the frills on the edge? The extra 4 frills so close to the center red dot sometimes have a habit of throwing me off if just for a second.
  17. Runegrace

    So you define maturity based on what you don't like? Sounds kinda…immature.
  18. miraculousmouse

    Do you like little animated ponies?
  19. Scorponok

    i thought they patched on thursday's and friday's?
  20. MrSilk

    You can watch whatever you want, but if you go outside the norm and don't follow certain ( genetic/societal) gender roles, don't get upset when people don't understand or question you.