Question to low KD players

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by patrykK1028, Sep 13, 2014.

  1. Sielgaudys

    Don't really care. I don't use vehicles I just play as infantrymen so if i get by killed by tanks a lot...well....that's going to happen.
  2. Xasapis

    Well, if you die three times by doing the exact same thing (approaching a point the same way for example), then it's time to change the approach or change the base. Bases that have reached a 2vs1 ratio or higher (sometimes smaller, depending on vehicle spammers) are usually bases that are lost, unless they see a big last minute influx of friendlies. There is no need to bang your head to preserve an objective that is realistically not feasible.
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  3. andy_m

    This is so wrong dood, so wrong. And not just your, or my opinion.

    You cannot use KDR to determine the skills of any player.
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  4. Haquim

    It depends on what you mean with "low". "low" meaning "under average" (which i would estimate around 1.2 with revives removing and 0.98 without revives) or "low" meaning "bad".
    Personally I don't count myself as low KD, but my guess is that "high KD" players are far more influenced by it. There might be some exceptions ofc, but I think it's generally like this:
    The higher the K/D, the higher the chance it's a statpadder who refuses to charge in a room among the rest of the crowd and waits for it to be safe. The lower the K/D the higher the chance it's a grunt who actually fights at the front or a dedicated supporter who is too busy repairing/healing/reviving/scouting to kill a lot of enemies.

    And if I get a huge deathstreak myself im ususally busy raging at the spawnroomwarriors behind me while I repeatedly die trying to achieve something (thus lowering my poor underrated K/D). Occasionally I also rage at enemy weaponry: PPA, AV MANA and Ravens. Also rarely Lancer and Phoenix, dunno why they don't use that OP stuff more frequently
  5. andy_m

    You are just guessing, and generalising.

    Your fault, of course, not the fault of any "spawnroomwarriors."
  6. zaspacer

    I agree. And I wish the game was moving more toward rewarding objectives, 2/3-sided battle strategy, etc. But it isn't.

    The game is progressively moving more and more toward farming. Certs, Implants, Directives, Stats, BR, Resources, and XP all push farming. Find the most OP units, and farm, farm, farm. If they nerf that unit, just look for the next OP unit... it usually pops up pretty quickly.
  7. Atis

    Not if reward depends on number of enemies and population ratio in hex. Lets say 100xp is taking empty small base. Triple if 1-12 with even pop, 5x if 12-24 etc. 40xp bonus for every 1% of enemies over 50% etc. Other factors can be counted too. Therefore, flipping techplant, defended by 100 enemies with your 80 allies would be very profitable, but zerging small outpost with 2 guys in spawnroom, would earn you nearly nothing.
  8. Moonheart

    I don't. I just log out and play something else and I'll come back when I feel motivated again.
    Sometimes, it takes several weeks.
  9. Haquim

    No, I'm not guessing. I know that my K/D goes up and my SPM goes down when I play safe.
    (Not playing safe does NOT mean I try to charge an enemy tankcolumn alone or do other rather suicidal things)
    There ARE some exceptions of course. One of those I know of has over twice my KD, but only 5% more SPM.
    And it is extremely hard to compare performance anyway. One guy has 200 SPM and the other 300 SPM. So the second must perform better, right? NOPE. Second guy got membership and a hero boost running, hes actually only a 150 after all....

    And yes, the fact that I died trying to change the course of battle was my fault.
    That we recaptured the controlpoint AFTER the base was captured is theirs. Because thats what happens about 70% of the time - when the base is about to flip all the spawnroomheroes rush out and charge the point, only to capture it a couple seconds too late. If my trusted companions would do that only thirty seconds earlier, but OH GOD the glorious K/D might suffer....

    One day im gonna make an ALT only spawnroomwarrioring and get a K/D of over 100 to show my MLG pro leet *insert any kind of immature selfboasting* skillz.
  10. Nurath

    Sometimes I have good days sometimes I don't.

    I either change class/hop in a vehicle/redeploy to a different fight if I am just not doing well.
  11. Rich9115

    dont know whether this is post for finding low k/d players to mock them or a legitimate question on how to deal with basic frustrations....... personally whenever im on a deathstreak i latch onto just getting one kill so much so that i forget everything else and just focus on the kill and it usually comes soon after i stop worrying about the objectives..... dont yell at me for not PTO cause its the way i deal with deathstreaks and after i end it for awhile i go back to PTO
  12. Horrida Messor

    If I need to shutdown some pesky Engineers on AV MANA duty or destroy a bunch of medics sitting behind cover constantly ressing my enemies - I don't care about KD. Since I allways to make as big impact on a battle as possible, I never care about my KD.
  13. Noktaj

    Try to pick a fight where the odds are in your favor (usually when you have more pops like 60-40%), pick 12-24 / 24-48 infantry fights.
    Avoid tank/air spam and biolabs when fighting NC.
    Play defensively and always let some random go into the room before you.
    Watch you back always.
    Don't stand still/camp in the same spot for too long.
  14. Lamat

    When I started I had a fairly low K/D like 0.6. It's a huge game and there is so much to learn about all the different classes, vehicles and bases. The best advice is learn situational awareness. Learn when a fight is not worth fighting anymore. Play all the classes and vehicles so that you at least understand how they work in the game.

    If you are dying a lot:
    1) are you outpopped by a large margin?
    2) If pops are close, does the enemy have more vehicles or a better position?
    3) Are you in an organized squad and/or are you fighting against an organized squad?

    You may want to respawn at a base further back and pull a vehicle.
    1) Pull a tank to flank their vehicles
    2) Deploy a sunderer near their flank

    However if you are getting completely zerged and don't have the numbers, just find another place to fight. You have to get really skilled to have fun fighting a zerg and you will pretty much want to stick to infiltrator or light assault. And the best you can hope for is to annoy/farm them not stop them.
  15. Rougen

    I think most of it has been said, but low KDR isn't bad at all if you are being useful, although a large death streak can become frustrating, mostly because you are getting whacked whilst trying to do something you feel is useful!

    Support roles and drivers or pilots can spend hours fixing / healing and getting shot in the process, moving other people around to objectives and having gunners get the kills, but it' still fun, and it's often these roles that turn the fight, not the shooting from spawn, retreating ESF farming kills on the outskirts of the battle, or tanks or others spamming windows that have nothing to do with the objective.

    It's hard to move away from K/D with all other FPS in history pretty much ramming it down your throat, even I get annoyed if I log without a 1/1 K/D ratio, but only because I think some other people will think I am crap if I am not even killing the same amount of people I am being killed by in a fight. But then again, I can sometimes kill 10 or more people in a row and help turn the fight by helping cap an important point or objective, so it is swings and roundabouts.

    At first I just primarily played heavy, I was getting a feel for the game and it was in my idea the best way to try and survive as infantry, but it's boring, after all heavy should really be about taking down armor, not running around bases with full mesh and SMG's! I have been playing more medic and a lot more engineer the past months. I also now like piloting GAL's, shipping people around to objectives and trying to keep a tactically advantageous spawn-point active for my squad. If there are sundies and armor about I love doing harasser runs, as well as being useful to quickly take out sundies and other pains they can sometimes be pure comedy as well!

    In my opinion, unless you are one of the very few individuals in this game who just have a natural ability for PS2 to shoot every one in the head from miles away with even a short range SMG and seem to kill people with very few shots from it, then most higher K/D people just farm kills in easy battles, from spawn and don't add much to a real fight. See that tank camping the same spot on the hill firing through the window? They aren't doing it to help win the battle, they are sat there as it's an easy kill zone. See those people stood in the spawn when the spawn room isn't even being camped? They are farming too. How about scythe's that attack bases that have nothing to even do with their factions fight but they have an easy flight path behind the hills back to the warp gate? Yup, just farming too. Some people get excited by numbers instead of actually having fun in a battle and trying to capture objectives, all they are playing for is K/D.

    I had a large death streak the other day, so instead of fighting for the outpost outside the biolab, I thought I would try a bit of farming, I just ran through the teleporter ignoring the other enemies in the room and farmed kills from the tele room in the biolab near the landing pad for about an hour, it's easy to get 20 kills in a row without dying by popping your head out quickly, shooting people as they run past or standing in the window. Did it add any value to the fight down bellow? Not really, I was just hitting random stragglers, they still took the outpost down bellow, I redeployed just as it was capped, didn't really take any skill as such to get many kills and only two deaths. Made my stats look better for the session and it was boring as hell. I should have been down there helping.

    Some people also play very reserved, in that their focus is 100% on survival rather than objective. Now, some survival is good, obviously if you keep running at a straight line to the same door covered with enemy fire full of 50 turrets and maxes watching the entrance you will get farmed, but, some people will do anything not to die - run and hide, then redeploy if in a bad situation or badly hurt, run back to spawn, run back behind others, deliberately let others go first in to a room and be cannon fodder so they can see what is ahead, whatever. And it's the same people, I've come across a few on a regular basis that are fairly high on the leaderboards, they are 100% focused on survival at all costs, where as normal people won't be so bothered about re-spawning / dying, they are more objective focused. If they nearly die when you have a 1-2-1 they will run, bunnyhop, jetpack, get behind trees, rocks anything frantically trying to avoid you and retreat no matter how far to a safe zone or large group of friendlies that kill the pursuer.

    I wouldn't worry too much about it, I myself again can find it frustrating at times when I look at the session stats, but at least PS2 does have supporting stats, such as assists, support ribbons and medals etc. You still get certs and XP from it, it's just it won't look great on your banner sig, but then I think they are pretty lame too, mostly there to show off K/D, when for all we know, they just spent five hours yesterday sat in a spawn room or going to easy fights ;)

    Ghost Avatars sig is much better.
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  16. Winfield

    Don't think KD really matters on the subject, I'm sure even "good" players have these times when everything they do goes badly.

    More often than not I get deathstreaks because of my own stupidity more than anything else. That or this game's extremely quirky hit detection that decides that the enemy takes no damage when I hit him in the chest with a PA shotgun.

    I can't really take this game as "seriously" as I used to, hence I use shotguns nowadays. Atleast they added a flavour to the game, while not necessarily a good one. I rage too much.
  17. FBVanu

    Not that I have to explain myself to you or anyone else, not that I have to justify my playstyle.. but for you do understand that your opinion doesn't matter... your opinion only matters to you. There is no wrong way to play the game.

    I play it the way I like to play it and the way I enjoy it the most. If you believe that my KDR is too high and my SPM is too low, than you have a problem. Stop reading other peoples stats, stay clam, relax, there are dozens of ways to play this game, Your way is not the only one and your point of view is not the end-all-be-all way to play... obviously, :rolleyes:

    I don't play for the KDR, or the score per minute. The KDR is just a result of the way I play, and so is the SPM...

    I protect my faction's armor and Sundy's.. that means most of the time I am not even in the range of the cap point timer, so i don't get the base capture or the xp for the base.. I don't care. I don't play for certs.. I got more certs than I want to spend,.. who cares?

    Most of the time I try to stop flankers, or flank the flankers.. that keeps my faction alive, that allows my faction to capture bases
    that is where I have the most fun in this game..

    My KDR on my Vanu is much lower, because that is mostly skyguard and lightning , more aggressive, closer to the action, and I get blown up a lot more.. but again, in a Skyguard.. I can sit near a base for 15 minutes and not get a single kill or much XP.. other than the occasional air deterrent .. ergo: low SPM.. but I love my skyguard.. when I can ruin a Reaver's perfect dive and rocket approach, where he/she was so certain that they would have that vehicle kill in the bag.. they could already taste the kill and the XP.. and then.... boom.. I blow them up with my Skyguard.. that satisfaction is priceless
    If you can get 100 kills in the same time, good for you.. if you can get more SPM good for you.. if those things are important to you...

    I'm here to have fun..

    You need to try to wrap your mind around the fact that I don't care about the stats.... I have fun when I play. And when I see so many people complaining about this weapon or that thing or bla bla bla .. it feels as if I have far more fun than a lot of other players.. :confused:
  18. Jeslis

    Can you explain your sig graphic to me.. I seem to be unable to comprehend it.. guy jumps down.. shoots a .. corpse?.. too much flash can't tell whats happening!
  19. Frizzbro


    If you die 3 times in a row its due to massive outpop, Vechs/Air farming, spawn camped or just straight bad. heres some things to make you feel and look better.

    Grab an ESF and kill the baddies who are farming your base/sundy/spawn...suck at flying? Pull lock ons or yotes and apply for QRY. Mediocre at flying? pull lock ons or yotes. you'll be fine.
    Pull a MAX to kill camping tanks and aircraft. Run to terminal. Switch to Blueshifts and kill infantry.
    Pull a shotgun on any class in a tower fight(attacking or defending). Go from KD zero and turn into Vanu Hero. No skill required.
    Pull a sniper rifle on your infil. Find gay spot around enemy sundy. camp and conquer.
    Pull a HA with Adv. Shield+Resist shield. Flick on to turn into raid boss. Outpopped and they are on SCU? Run to terminal. Switch Adv. Shield for Grenade Bandolier. Close eyes toss 4 AV Nades. GG.


    Additional KD padding options. HE tank, zephyr lib, bulldog gal, gunning for tank, AI engi turret.

  20. Einharjar

    You're probably just getting worn out and it gets worse and worse if you don't stop back and take a breather.

    My KD used to be absolutely abysmal, more so than it is now (i don't even know what it is now, because I hardly ever check but I did hit a 2.0 at one point in time, finally).
    When I was new, I remember having KDs as low as .23 or worse. It seemed like I was the only guy with 10HP while everyone else had their normal amounts. It seemed like if the enemy so much as Farted in my general direction; I would die.

    It turned out that it was something simple: I was tunnel visioned almost the whole time.

    I'm used to being in 3rd person as i loved playing modded BF games or SWBF games. I used to use 3rd person all the time on the SWBF XL matches or modded XL maps. It's helped a lot because Shooters in 1st person provide absolutely terrible peripheral vision assistance. 3rd person helps over come that, especially in those XL maps on SWBF (thats a battle of around 300)

    When I got used to being only in 1st person again, I found myself looking everywhere like a nervous rabbit, which helped me see what was getting me killed all the time.
    Eventually, I was able capitalize on it and start using other bum-rushing players as meat shields and utilize cover better.

    Also, the minimap helps a lot too.

    So all in all; it really boils down to awareness issues. Planet Side has huge battles that can send a bullet with your name on it from pretty much any direction.
    The thing that kept me going was that it was clear other people could survive if they could, so could I. DO NOT THINK that you SURVIVE by Killing. That comes later.

    Learn how to LIVE first; and aiming + getting kills comes after that.