Question to low KD players

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by patrykK1028, Sep 13, 2014.

  1. patrykK1028

    Do you get frustrated when on 20 death streak? How do you find motivation?
    I dont have good KD but whenever Im on 5+ deathstreak I want to throw my keyboard through window. It would be nice to know how to chill out even when dying all the time

    I'm a low KD player and I just hop into a vehicle when Im having a bad day. Thats how I get some easy kills. If its really bad I switch factions
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  3. z1967

    I just grab a MAX and go to town. Alternatively, I just redeploy. (Also my low K/D is that way courtesy of nearly a month and a half of constant skyguarding.)
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  4. Hatesphere

    breathe, and then think. try to decide if what you are doing isn't the best thing to be doing. getting rolled at a base? why stick around and get farmed, find a more even fight. I usually only have death steaks when I am trying to but my head up against crazy odds.
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  5. NinjaTurtle

    Depends what you call low KD, but I consider myself to be low KD

    I get frustrated and before carrying on I go make a coffee or just switch the game off for 15 minutes or so, do something else before carrying on.

    I play noticeably worse when I am not relaxed. Being frustrated or angry only makes you play worse which increases how frustrated you are and therefore makes you play even worse. It is a circle that can only be broken with a short break
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  6. FateJH

    I'm low KD and I don't care. As an Engineer, I focus on doing upkeep and defense preparation.
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  7. Simferion

    Cursing, swearing... more often than not it's because I'm tired or my game starts to stutter like hell.
    I grab a MAX, a vehicle, I change character or server or I play something else.
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  8. Paragon Exile

    I taunt the enemy teams over /yell.

    Always puts a smile on my face.
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  9. AdmiralArcher

    it depends on the reason that my K/D is low

    sometimes its low because im just throwing my body at the enemy...

    other times its low because im fighting 00 or FCRW

    and then there are those times when its low and it feels like im constantly getting farmed which sucks
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  10. Neo3602

    It depends if I'm getting killed alot at a base and there are a lot of enemy vehicles around, i will generally redeploy 1 base back and spawn a AP lightning and try to get some flanking kills.
  11. ATRA_Wampa-One

    I had a sub 2 KDR for the first 9 months of this game just because I was playing in hotel rooms and their crappy wifi due to work travel.

    Now that I'm playing on a drastically better connection (and I upgraded to an SSD) my monthly average is in the high 2's low 3's.
  12. NC_agent00kevin

    I typically hop in an ammo or repair sundy and go cruisin the zergs.
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  13. Ownasaurusrex

    I like to think of planetside as a form of cert gambling with kills and deaths as rewards and costs respectively.
    I don't care to play a play style to minimize my deaths to maximize my kills... That's what most of the experienced playerbase does which is known as 'farming.' I try to go into huge battles with cogniscence of facing certain death to cause meyhem and damage to the enemies war assets.
    Against very organized platoons this isn't rewarding: this is my own skill ladder. To become good enough to cause dents to the operations of highly skilled and organized players. Kills deaths and certs are collateral.
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  14. LibertyRevolution

    When the real time stat tracker thing starts saying things like "death streak", and "you're being farmed" is normally when I log out..
  15. DFDelta

    Kinda funny how most people that have answered aren't even low K/D to beginn with.

    Idly clicking around a little on the players site and taking guesstimates based on peoples kill/deathfeeds I'd guess being around 1.4ish already puts you into the top 20%, probably even better.
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  16. Ceiu

    I'm a 1.02 overall, but I only have one account I use with any regularity and this is the account on which I started.

    According to dasanafaklsfjlkafjzxmkvnasfgh, I'm a 5.2 or so with shotguns, and I regularly go on 5-15 kill streaks when my siblings aren't around to download the internet and **** with my connection. Though, there are other times when I just get killed over and over. Usually it's due to me attempting to shoehorn my loadout into situations it doesn't belong (getting gunned down at 30-50m while trying to run someone down), or getting blasted/farmed by vehicle spam. As others have said, just redeploy or take a break if you're actually getting angry or frustrated. Alternatively, figure out how you're dying and pull out a counter loadout instead.
  17. Call-Me-Kenneth

    A K/D between 2.5 and 1.5 is a low KD, and having had about 40 days of playing time combined between infantry and vehicles i think my KD is normalized at this point. im currently hoovering at 2.2k/d wich to me is perfectly acceptable. under 1.0 kd is not a low KD is the mark of a player who is spending more time dead than alive. whether that's good or bad, i guess its up to the player.

    the higher you go over 2.5 k/d you will find players who spend more time avoiding death that accomplishing objectives. hardly the kind of player that makes a good addition to any faction, and yes this is an objective assessment, its not up to personal opinion. i would rather have some dude who plays a .3 k/d LA/HA over a 3.8 k/d infil or a 15 kd tank who only shows up if the fight is won and only to farm the spawn room.
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  18. _itg

    When I'm on a death streak, I either find a biofarm and pull a MAX, or I go totally suicidal, charging headlong at the enemy over and over--as a stalker infiltrator, no less. That way, if I keep dying, well, it was expected, but occasionally I'll manage to break through the line, catch people offguard, and pull off some really great kills. There's nothing better than diving into a crowd and knifing half of them to death because they're all trying not to shoot each other.
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  19. TheShrapnelKing

    Complete and utter ********.

    The Elitism is strong with this one.
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  20. Elrobochanco

    Pull a tank or max, and remind myself that the reason my overall is low is because I play the objective and do a lot of support. It's not difficult to have a high K:D if you alter your playstyle to focus it. Obviously if you don't do this all the time you play it will not reflect across all stats. You just need to make sure you have the power advantage, or the power to hide/disengage.

    But if you are engaging tough fights, being in the hotly contested zones, repairing vehicles already engaged, attacking population that has the potential to hurt your own just to buy time for someone else, doing room holds against 40 people throwing grenades, or running just far enough to repair the last tick of a SCU before being mowed down. You will die, repeatedly, and there will be nothing a single ratio anywhere on your stats can do to show the value you are contributing. All you will have is the knowledge and possibly even reputation that when you and your team are there, that the chance of success is multiplied.
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