Desperate Noobs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MikeC0bretti, Sep 3, 2014.

  1. MikeC0bretti

    Just realizing this game is full of pathetic idiots ( some of them are even BR 100 ) just waiting for people to go into selection console when they are defenseless and then killing them. Happens to me all the time, of course with my " greetings " in tell to them right afterwards. How desperate can someone be is really beyond my imagination.
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  2. Zeppelin123

    Noobs indeed, I place AP mines there like a pro usually.
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  3. MotionBlured

    What kind of idiot would use a console when there's enemy around?
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  4. MikeC0bretti

    1. AP mines are really helpful when a sniper is camping all the time by a console...
    2. Kind of idiots doing nothing else only waiting by empty bases for someone to spawn and take vehicle...
  5. Ztiller

    I do this all the time to deny enemy Armor reinforcements to the frontlines. I have single handedly stopped entire zergs in their tracks with this method.

    I take no pleasure whatsoever, rather the opposite, whenever i kill someone BR 20 or lower. As for players above that, it's part of the game.
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  6. Vajerys

    Hmm, so waiting until the enemy is distracted with his equipment to kill him makes someone a noob. Should snipers also target only moving enemies, so, you know, it's more fair?

    Either use the terminals in a spawnroom or accept the risk that somebody whose patience exceeds the itching in their trigger finger will get the best of you. Nothing 'noob' about fighting in an intelligent way. And insulting somebody in chat afterwards makes you just a sore loser, nothing else.
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  7. Darkwulf

    Man you made a thread about this? What a waste of time.

    It's part of the game. Keeping people from pulling vehicles, slowing the assault on the next base. Sounds like recon doing their jobs to me.
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  8. Axehilt

    Planetside 2 is not a Hug Simulator. (It was redesigned in early alpha.)
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  9. Prudentia

    i'll remember to also not kill the 50+ enemies on Biolab landing pads when i flanked them untill they have seen me.
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  10. Mahaut

    I'm proud to say that at least 50% of the kills toward getting auraxium on my first crossbow were obtained by camping vehicle terminals.

    That's a lot of enemy vehicles that never got to see the battlefield, and even more annoyed people running in circle looking for me in their own base rather than, say, attack the next one.
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  11. FateJH

    I shoot down enterprising ESFs trying to spawn and leave entrenched bases all the time. You'd think after the first ten die, at least maybe the eleventh or twelfth would catch on.
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  12. Lord_Avatar

    Terminals are stalker feeding grounds. Suck it up cupcake.
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  13. MikeC0bretti

    Sorry....I never thought of this as a part of strategy killing people, which are practically in a no play mode. Especially, when the console is buggy and I need to press E button most of the time 5-10 times just to enter it. But I guess from some point of view you are right. It is just not my style of gameplay.

    @ Vajerys - calling this an inteligent way of killing made my day :) Outplaying your opponent is inteligent, killing him when he struggles with buggy console and he has no chance to hit back is everything but not inteligent.
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  14. Iridar51

    All those comments: "It's tactical, I prevent enemies from going for objective" make me laugh. Such a poor excuse for low-class behavior. At least bads that play HA and MAX have the courage to face the enemy.
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  15. Xasapis

    Not sure what you're on about. A kill is a kill, as long as it was done via legit means. Some kills are easy, some are extremely hard.

    Or you want to argue that you've never killed AFK people?
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  16. Iridar51

    I've killed AFK people that were AFKing in the combat zone. That's vastly different from going out of my way to find and hunt AFK people, don't you agree?
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  17. Xasapis

    In what way? The people standing in front of a terminal are not AFK.

    I'm an abysmal infiltrator so I don't play the class much, but I did do it once. It is certainly rage inducing and I had people looking for me afterwards.

    I don't think that getting killed is what annoys people. We get killed a lot in this game anyway. I think that getting killed while we think it's safe is what grinds on the nerves of some people.
  18. Iridar51

    Dunno, you're the one who brought AFK people here.
    Exactly. And looking for people who think they're safe, way out of combat zone, is low class, cheap and cheesy.
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  19. Leftconsin

    Looking at the map...
    Going to the bathroom...
    Reporting a bug (because they for some reason couldn't wait)
  20. Alchemist44

    Some people even have the gall to shoot an enemy when its not looking directly at them! The nerve! How dishonorable!
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