[Suggestion] Ten simple features that made Planetside great.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by P]-[r0st Byt3, Aug 29, 2014.

  1. ZBrannigan

    it's dust in my eye! swear to god!!
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  2. Rockit

    I give all you guys an A for effort but all this and more has been asked for since way back in the early beta days. The fundamental issue of the game is its business model and that will never change. The focus is on creating short term revenue gain rather than creating an involved virtual world experience to addict players to an over arching role playing experience. PS1 had RPG elements and PS2 has none and this was a design focus from the beginning. T-Ray said that early on in the development process. Basically what you have here is a typical COD/BF4 game just bigger (and with HATS!).
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  3. ZomboWTF

    everything was going down the drain once people ran around in can-do-everything heavys and BFRs, but the metagame about base capturing, ANT and NTUs, hacking towers to cut connections and even a CTF design to capture a base... Planetside 2's meta game is medieval compared to metagame and tactics in PS1

    the most things i want from this list:
    1) A Sanctuary
    2) Facilities that need to be captured on a cont so you can spawn Galaxys/MBTs/Liberators
    3) ANTs so you can slowly besiege a base by surrounding it and not allowing ANTs to get through (mines, stealth fury flash wolfpacks xD)
    4) CTF, determined role of Infiltrators Hacking and Vehicle Stealing
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  4. Tuco

    Sho Shad

    Too bad you guys kept defending the CUD. Game would be playable if the CUD were removed, with a graphics update, like uhhh Runescape or something.
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  5. Whatupwidat

    This is the only thing I agree with fellow PS1 vets on - base design was better in PS1. I mean ****, I tried playing infantry for a few minutes on Esamir last night - just no. Those bases are literally the worst designed bases I've ever seen in an FPS.

    I gotta disagree with this one - the massive TTK of the original PS1 was one of the main reasons I disliked the game. It took so bloody long to kill anyone.

    All a longer TTK would do is open wider the divide between the haves and have-nots - which was fine in a subscription based game....but in a free-to-play game it's a bloody ridiculous idea.
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  6. patrykK1028

    I dont like any of these ideas. ANY.
    And 30 seconds respawn is just a ****kng joke. Waiting HALF MINUTE AFTER EVERY DEATH? I die like 50 times a day, i would waste 25 minutes of my life everyday starring at death screen. And it would make this COMPLETELY not noob friendly. No new players would join and the game would just die.
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  7. ZBrannigan

    because playing a MMOFPS is so 'productive'..............

    so PS2 is a less 'skilled' game then! aiming accurately for longer surely requires more skill?
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  8. ZBrannigan

    don't disagree with this, but it makes me question the execs decision to even try this. COD/BF have to reskin/resell their game EVERY year. the players themselves get bored with each iteration............. then buy the exact same 'gameplay' again(ironically, they rage against 'directive' resets).
    PS2 by it's nature of being persistent means it can't 'resell'. which means SOE have to add enough content to keep players (who we already know have zero attention span) happy. patch day issues will get worse with each 'addition'.
    so not going to last if SOE don't pull fingers out of ***** and take less than 6 months to add anything.
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  9. Gicod

    Me too. One of the best games ever made. Well worth the money I spent and years I devoted to it. Markov forever.
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  10. Whatupwidat

    No, just patience.
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  11. ZBrannigan

    which in itself is a virtue............ that you struggle with. i must remember to mine vehicle pads.

    the ability to sit on my *** for 6 months doesn't make me better at anything except sitting on my ***, certainly won't give me the ability to 'juggle' 6 balls in the air unless i 'practice' doing EXACTLY that.
  12. Hosp

    Well that was my 2 cents, but here's my nostalgia vid...

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  13. Squeegeeman

    you're welcome
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  14. Champagon

    OP, please apply to work at SOE. We need more of this!
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  15. Axehilt

    Yeah, I agree with the majority of Majiin's counter points.

    I think one of the better PS1 features to consider is Spawn-Binding (the ability to travel to a base/sundy and hit a button there which causes that spawn option to be permanently available to you). It enables a lot of strategy of moving around the map and being able to react to that one base you care about. The reasons against it would be (a) PS2 already is already generous (perhaps too generous) with spawn options and (b) it adds interface complexity.

    I suppose I don't really think it's needed, but well...next to the OP's list it seems awkward not to bring it up.

    I think the only thing from the OP's list I would actually want is jacking vehicles.
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  16. Whatupwidat

    No, patience is a luxury for those of us with time to waste :)
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  17. stalkish

    Didnt notice anyone correcting this mistake within the thread, could have missed it.

    The Liberator was a tech vehicle and only required a tech plant in order to pull one, the dropship facility gave you access to the galaxy dropship. The reason not all bases had this galaxy pad was because vehicles used to rise out of the ground on the pad when pulled, and the normal vehicle spawn pad was nowhere near large enough to accomodate the galaxy.
    The loadster, a dropship for vehicles, was also too big to be pulled from a normal pad, it was only available at a dropship pad (or sanc ofc).
    Also wernt available at all bases for balance reasons.
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  18. Copasetic

    Well, kind of. The exterior was ok. The interior was underground where vehicles can't farm infantry, also good. But that's where the good design stops. The interior of the bases were all cramped; full of choke points and long narrow hallways. Any decent sized fight inside a base was nothing more than throwing bodies down a hallway until you eventually managed to pile through to the next hallway or stairwell. Explosive spam everywhere. God no, it was awful.

    I loved the fight to the base and I loved the fight to take the courtyard, after that it was a chore that sometimes lasted hours just to pile down to the spawn room to destroy the tubes. The only highlights there (for me at least) were the frantic pushes out to the courtyard to secure the NTU silo for an incoming ANT drop, those were awesome.
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  19. Athanasios2104

    10 things needed?

    we only need 1 ! :eek:

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  20. BlackDragonFun

    The main thing that I miss from PS1 is how bases are won.

    There were certain bases where once the capture was initiated by hacking a console with an infiltrator, you had to carry a module from that base to a designated base for it to be captured. This was an interesting mechanic as it forced the attackers to keep hold of the base, while having to coordinate an escort to bring the module safely to another base. Conversely, it gave more opportunities for defenders to prevent the base from being hacked.

    Base capping in PS2 in comparison is just dull and unimaginative. Cap a point, then spawn camp/do nothing. The positioning of spawn rooms with one way shields encourages/forces spawn camping. In PS1 you could fight your way in to the spawn room, which would be increasingly hard the closer you got, in order to blow the spawn tubes to prevent further spawning. Your choice as a defender was to get out of the spawn and defend the base, or risk not being able to respawn at all.

    PS1 wasn't perfect, but there were a lot of great ideas, and it's a shame that so many of them were discarded.
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