Armchair generals

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fleech, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. Ztiller

    It doesn't matter what population you have. Eiither push for the objective, or spawn at another base and prepare to defend it if it's hopeless. Camping spawnrooms is the definition of being useless.
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  2. Luke15g

    If the population numbers indicate that a full spawn room push will have no impact on the fight (70%:30%, etc.) then there is no reason for you to be there.

    Spawn room camping is ALWAYS the wrong "strategy". You either have enough population to do a push for the CC, in which case you do, or you don't, in which case everyone redeploys.

    From there you have many options; you can prep a defense for the next base on the lattice, set up an AV team to kill their AMS' en route, move to a different base that needs population, launch a fresh assault on a new base, etc.
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  3. Tuco

    ...and this is why we don't listen and do our own thing most of the time.
  4. Luke15g

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  5. Tuco

    Plenty of reasons to be there.

    Reason #1, the only other battle on the entire server is your side is camping a spawn room (70:30 etc), and you'll even get less kills if you went there.

    Spawn room camping is the ONLY strategy.

    What for? Deploy to another spawn camp?

    Prep what defenses? That big fat sunderer the first liberator passes spots and destroys in one pass? A whole 5 anti tank mines to cover 1 square meter of ground? A whole 3 claymores to cover 2 entrances and a hallway; one is spotted, a max runs over another, and a third gets a kill.

    The man with the plan.

    You mean that base you just said we have to leave?

    The man with the plan.
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  6. Tuco

    That's right, you Spawn Room Napoleons don't look at the map and like to charge out of the spawn room when outnumbered 3:1. Well be my guest, there's the door.
  7. Sixstring

    I don't understand why people are so against a spawn room time limit. Just give players 15-30 seconds to leave the spawn room and if they don't the game should automatically redeploy them to the next closest bases vehicle terminal. Expecting people to be coordinated is a nice idea but realistcally the game needs to make people do things en mass so that the game isn't bogged down by it's glaring flaws like allowing spawn room warriors in the first place. And for the people who are brave enough to leave the spawn room give them "points of action" on the mini-map,if they make it there they get a cert. If this was used to group people into temporary squads of lonewolfves with the same objective the game would work much more smoothly. If anything all pushing people out of the spawnroom would do is encourage them to do something useful before it's too late.
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  8. Metcal

    Out popped but maybe doable.
    Max it up and push.
    No Engies repair because too busy trying to kill to stay alive becase of out popped etc., back to spawn for auto repair.
    Get C4'd.

    Yup, the tactical geniuses and self appointed overloards of PS2 gameplay just "fixed" that fight.
    All those brain cells would be of better and more productive use if aah, you know, were put to own GAME play.
  9. Cinnamon

    If you are worried about being farmed if you leave the spawn room then you are a bigger fool for being at that base than the people trying to actually get some action going.
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  10. Luke15g

    Not sure if you're in an outfit or not but every example of alternatives to sitting on your *** behind a spawn shield that I listed has been carried out by my own outfit and others on my server thousands of times over the last 2 years to great effect.

    Spawn-room warriors are all about K/D whoring and cert farming, I know full well that they can rarely be convinced to do a push or redeploy to a new location. I don't really ever bother trying to explain it to them and generally just ignore them as wasted player slots on the continent/server.

    The whole thing can be summed up with this message:

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  11. MajiinBuu

    There is no "right" way to play the game. If people want to kill people in a first person shooter, let them. If I see someone trying to C4 20 guys for not playing how they want to them to play, they get a pump action in the back. You'll have more fun when your not in the spawn room, but it's none of your business how anyone else plays, if they want to chill in the safety of the spawn room, they are not hurting anyone. Everybody knows that the base can only be defended by pushing out, but without any sort of coordination like being in a squad or platoon, running out by yourself just gets you killed, whether it's from the overwhelming enemy force or being shot in the back by allies. Yelling over proximity chat accomplishes nothing. I'm not going to mute them because I actually find them amusing, as if any amount of screaming will get anyone to do anything. If you blindly rush the enemy with no allies at your side, you end up with a K/D like mine.
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  12. MuNrOe

    If staying alive and K/D ratio is so important to them. I shoot one in the head before leaving spawn every time. I figure that eventually they will follow me out to repay the favour and realise the game is much more fun when you are not sitting in a bubble chasing stats.

    I have allot of respect for players who have high K/D from actually fighting in the field. Not picking easy fights or camping it up in a vech or spawn room 24/7. But some people seem to think that same respect comes from just having good stats. Guess that's a failing on the games behalf.

    Bring back PS1 pain field doors and destructible spawn tubes. Would render these individuals useless. Don't be hating on people trying to organise things over voice. Try listening and see what can be achieved when you all work together. That reward is greater than some statistic that makes you think you are a good gamer.

    Also that guy you sniped just got revived. It's better when you kill him wait 10 seconds then throw C4 on his corpse and wipe out 5 medics. But you would need to leave the spawn room to realise that.
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  13. Kislany

    Actually just yesterday, this worked. We were all shooting out from our spawn room, and when we got the yellow 'orders' (in caps text of course, lol), it was kind of motivating, we got out there, many died, but we did get the A point back. As annoying as those 'orders' are, sometimes they are working.
  14. Spoof

    I keep seeing posts about penalising the players in the spawn room. This whole scenario should be the other way around...

    Penalise the attackers. This removes the incentive to camp the spawns, giving defenders opportunities to move out.

    Of course if we had proper PS1 spawn rooms that can't be camped or spammed by vehicles... but alas.
  15. Rift23

    Developers think people won't play their games/give them money unless they throw in a grind of some kind.
  16. Meeka

    Generally speaking, most FPS players don't have the capability to play a strategy game. They are great at immediate combat, not so much at a strategic planning. I'm the opposite, not the best FPS combat person, but I've taken out entire chunks of zergs single handedly by using strategic warfare. Myself and just two other people have decimated entire zergs and turned around the whole tide of combat because most people have the FPS mindset. Meanwhile, the FPS people shooting from spawn rooms think it was them; when it's people like me and my friends who are taking out the zergs from behind which give them a chance to get out of the spawn room.

    But, that's what makes PS2 great; you have two classes of people; the strategists and the FPS brutes. Each applying their skill sets in their own unique ways to complete a common goal, and you need those two personality types to play PS2 effectively. Without the FPS brutes the strategists can't hold the point, without the strategists the FPS brutes can't get to the point. When both come together in one field and do their own thing, it works together beautifully.
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  17. quatin1

    I have been part of platoons, where we have been out numbered 70/30 and still captured the point and held it for 10+ minutes. During an alert, any time that you can knock off the timer and maintain possession of a base will help.

    Spawn room camping is the epitome of uselessness. If you want to be a spawn room warrior, fine sit in the corner quietly and be shunned. However, you have no basis to complain when real players attempt to organize and play the actual game.
  18. Huxer

    Let me ask you a counterpoint if I may. What is the advantage to recapturing the point? I mean IF I am there when the point turns I get what 25xp. When the facility is fully recaptured there is a 20% chance that I get the 250xp for the defense of the facility. I will probably NOT be able to even get to the point however and will suffer 2-3 deaths in the process.

    Alternatively I can shoot probably 4-6 guys worth 100-300 xp each and have almost no chance of being killed before I redeploy at 20 seconds and move onto the next hopefully more fair battle. The risk vs reward for fighting a force that is most likely twice our size is just not there.
  19. Haquim

    And this is why I wish my commisar hat would come with a boltpistol and a permission to use it for its intended purpose.....

    What risk you spandexwearing coward? You respawn for free! I get more kills in less time than you spawnroomhugging scum by charging into the enemy with my sidearm.
    If the enemy is so close to the spawnroom that you always have a target, fine! But don't just sit there admiring your (seemingly) MLG-pro K/D-R while waiting for the next trusted enemy to pop his head into your line of fire!

    No wonder quatin1 could capture a point and hold it 70-30. 50 guys propably waited for the attackers to start spawncamping and didn't even bother to check the population in the vicinity
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  20. Teshrrar

    Unlike this, there's a right way to play the game: it's a ******* faction war, you are supposed to fight for the sovereignty of your faction, not for your own! The game have a proposal, you have to fit it. And yes, they are indeed hurting who is trying follow the game's proposal, since it's one less soldier on the continent trying win the ******* war!

    Nah, it's ok, let's teamkill for fun, why not? There's no right way to play the game! I want shoot people, no matter what side they are!!

    SOE fail for believing which the FPS player could live in a sandbox. You have to direct them strictly for the game's proposal, or they run from it like the blind sheeps they are.