Redeployside 2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Saltydbs, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. Saltydbs

    I'm finding that I much preferred the days of ole in PS2.

    No lattice system...
    No redeploy wherever you want/that has less numbers...
    No mass spawning of vehicles...

    The current system I find really boring and tedious. I basically log on with a few of my friends, look where the zerg is, and go there. If I attempt to take a base seperate from the zerg with my small squad, then we get people redeploying about halfway during cap and then get instantly outnumbered.

    In this game I am told where to go and what to do and when. There is no thought/strategy really anymore. You go with the hordes and you spam vehicles/maxes. There is no bonuses to actually taking cap points/generators/etc. You just grab something you can farm with and set and farm for a few hours with your zerg.

    Yet another developer that has seemingly made the game worse for little to no reason.
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  2. Nexus545

    I don't know man. I need to hop in my air taxi (Reaver) to go places because I can't redeploy where I want to go.

    And people always mass pulled vehicles in the beginning because people actually worked as a team more.
  3. Radical Raxuss

    I'm usually ok with redeployment the way it is. Pretty much prevents ghostcapping which I believe is so much worse.

    Usually. GOKU mass redeployments and TIW showing up out of nowhere does kind of make things frustrating.
  4. DatVanuMan

    More vehicles fighting eachother, less vehicles farming infantry. SOE did a good thing with the new resource system. And redeploying is there for a reason, I'd rather get to a good fight easily than use an aircraft and bail when I get there, which may get me killed.
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  5. Saltydbs

    I disagree with them doing a good job on the resource system, just my opinion though.

    And having to grab a vehicle for travel instead of just magically appearing somewhere at a certain base is bad? lol
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  6. iller

    Redeploying to a contested base like that should just instantly shut back off again as soon as a 40% defender population threshold is reached... Yes Ghost-capping needs to be kept in check. But using redeploy just to zerg something with overwhelming numbers is BAD.

    They don't have to completely shut it off and make everyone take Transport vehicles to EVERY PUSH like some purists keep yelling for. But why keep letting more and more people teleport from the other side of the continent after the fact just to ruin a good even fight?
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  7. Peg

    Which is the entire point of not being able to teleport across the map.
  8. andy_m

    Oh dear... This old chestnut...
  9. Rift23

    But if we don't have lattice, people will just avoid fighting zergs instead of getting camped into their spawns.

    And that's bad, mmmk.
  10. Noktaj

    Those moments where you are in the deploy screen and thinking "WHY THE FRAK CAN'T I DEPLOY THERE!?!?!?! are TOO DAMN HIGH!

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  11. DatVanuMan

    Please rephrase that. I just woke up, and I have a hard time understanding anything:confused:
  12. Peg

    Good morning

    Traveling across the map = risk of being intercepted/delayed/pushed back/diverted/attacked

    Redeploying (aka: teleporting) = Risk free, instantanious and bypasses any enemy attacking or defending the base.
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  13. KAHR-Alpha

    I guess you weren't around when whole platoons would Instant Action on any contested place.
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  14. NC supporter

    We already have another thread regarding this topic, we don't need 50 clones popping up. However, this is a step in the right direction. SOE and gaming's main audience want fast paced gameplay while also not being exactly shallow. The mindset is different than what it was a long time ago and the main resource right now in players is time. So the more time they get playing means the more worth the game is in their eyes. None of them would really want to try ARMA considering you need to pay and how hard it is. ARMA isn't exactly looking for a huge profit but SOE is to impress Sony. We already have few players so we don't need to drive away the bulk which is all those players wanting redeployside upgraded even more. I doubt you want to just have 12 v 12 across all servers or another forced merging due to lack of players. There are games where devs aren't in to just rake cash but frankly PS2 is not the case. If your getting bored you can either find some fun within the game or maybe this is not for you. Majority vote rules since most people who actually play the game are ok with recent changes and we've seen a pop. growth too.
  15. DatVanuMan

    Okay, what's the problem here? XD
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  16. Ceiu

    Heh. The zerg used to be fairly immobile (in the long-distance sense), but with the redeploy mechanics, whenever they notice an area of interest being contested, they just redeploy and show up en mass. This happens all the time during alerts.

    The problem is that rather than having some semblance of strategy to when and where a given group/squad/outfit attacks, they just appear without warning, overwhelm their opposition with little more than superior numbers, then repeat as soon as they have the area.

    I'm not sure where I sit on the matter. On one hand, it seems to promote 48+ vs 48+ battles, as it makes it mindlessly easy to find the battle and jump in. However, it basically eliminates smaller battles (A-Teaming, as one of my friends used to call it) entirely as the swarm just shows up whenever they see the opportunity for a one-sided curb-stomping.
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  17. Tuco

    What mechanic has actually changed for redeploying?

    A couple less seconds?
    Or is it the restriction of being only able to redeploy on a lattice?

    Cause if that's so than It was easier to redeploy before the lattice, not harder.
  18. Yuukikun

    You're saying that you attack a base and then have to fight? Poor you.. It must really ruin your amazingly fun ghost cap moments..

    Also, if you are outnumbered at a base, it means you made the ennemy pull forces from somewhere else to fight you. If you keep more enemy forces busy at this base than there are in your faction at the same base, it means you made the whole rest of your faction having to fight less, which improves your faction's chances of winning alerts and such.

    People seriously need to see farther than their nose.
  19. Tuco

    If there's a battle at the Palisades, and Crimson Bluff is the only tank spawn, nobody intercepts tanks as it is right now.

    How about aircraft? Well almost everyone spawns aircraft at the warpgate. So...

    What's left? You want to make infantry go through the inconvenience of traveling from point A to point B? OK *spawns lightning* Wait, we already do that.
  20. Tuco

    The game rules haven't changed, players just learned how to exploit.