PS2 is just about ready for BFR's

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by sustainedfire, Aug 19, 2014.

  1. KnightCole

    What we need for BFRs is a single pilot vehicle, no 2nd gunner position, no flight variant. Just a Walker vehicle with durability somewhere about like a Prowler front armor...everywhere. It moves like a stock vanguard, its weapons are about as powerful as Python HEAT. It gets 2 different weapon systems for 1 pilot.

    Primary guns are light long range AV cannons(HEAT guns).

    2nd is light machineguns under the main guns for close range AV duty. Make them about as accurate as hipfired SMGs.

    It gets a shield, but its more like HA Resist, reducing 50% of incoming damage for 8s stock, +1s per rank(5ranks total). 60s recharge stock, -5s per rank.

    It has no "rear" armor modifier, except for in the leg joints and hip joints, those deal 25% more damage.

    if we get a BFR, it will likely be a boring NS one, rather then 3 new ES ones.
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  2. sustainedfire

    BFR could be implemented in a lot of creative ways.

    They could be base defenders, base siege implements (if they had a jump pack), support vehicles- and etc.

    The game needs it- grab the titanfall / MechWarrior / Hawken players.
  3. Darkwulf

    I would love to see some less powerful bfr's in the game. Would be bad ***. This is the future after all.
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  4. Lamat

    Giant battle mechs are great in concept, I think if done properly they would be awesome. Balancing them would be the trick though. I think they would have to be like a lightning in sustainability, but better suited for urban combat. Tech plants and amps stations and other rough areas. You just know they'd be up on the tops floors of the tech plant though.

    I never played PS1, so I have no idea how bad they were.
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  5. Gammit

    OP, please PM me your address so I can discern if it is worth it to locate and slap you.
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  6. Dis

    Well let's see, have we completed the PS1 checklist?

    Dwindling playerbase resulting in multiple server merges? Check

    Fights becoming spammier and spammier? Check

    Hit reg gone to hell? Check

    Ghostcapping in a fps? Check

    Yup, we're ready for biffers.
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  7. PurpleBeefer

    BFR's did not ruin PS1 imo, though a lot feel it did create a problem. BFR's were used way too much to the point MBT's were not used as much or there was a decline. honestly I did not feel that was the case cause BFR's were nto impossible death machines to kill. even before a serious nerf the BFR was taken down by two decimaters to the crotch or concentrated fire (teamwork OP) but i guess the whole infrantry is supposed to counter everything arguement is here too. im surprised there hasnt been a rant about infrantry killing liberaters alone. but i digress, the BFR would be awkward to impliment with the current syste, since BFR were on timers huge timers, insane timers. and not to mention the cert system back then would make a person dump all their certs to become a BFR pilot, which meant specializing. This prevented spam to a certain degree seeing as those players would only be BFR pilots and unless they were higher battle rank would ONLY be able to do that. and not much else in terms of infantry or air or whatever.

    TL;DR BFR good only if we have the phase 2 resource system in place with base redesign and extensive testing. (bring back cave system)
  8. Ghosty11

    Don't worry 2 bricks of C4 will destroy anything in this game.
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  9. DxAdder

    They Hate MAX's what chance would any kind of BFR have in PS2 ?

    They would be turned into paper tigers in no time so lets not waste time on them.
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  10. Makora

    The problem with BFR's in the game is that they don't really fill a niche. They'd be cool, but what could they do, that a lightning couldn't? What could they do what a MAX couldn't? At what point does it's usefulness become OP over those two options.
    Since I, personally have not seen BFR's in action. I don't know how they worked. As I understood they ended up being manned by 1 person but having the health and damage output of a fully manned MBT. And even I can see that that's a wee bit OP.

    Then again. I could see them being OP, but OP in the right way. What if there was a limit to how many could be on a continent? Like a hard number. For example. Capturing an AMP station gives you access to a BFR. But only one per faction. So if the fights are equal, you have one BFR per faction, per continent. But if one faction has two Amp stations, they still have just one BFR. The enemy BFR (if still alive at that point) will eject the pilot and self-destruct.

    This creates a situation where the BFR is a known quantity. If you see one, you know that enemy does not have one anywhere else on the continent. And if you take it out, then the enemy is without one for quite some time. Say a cooldown of 30-40 minutes upon deployment or 15-20 minutes upon death.
  11. Jertornas

    sigh I just want a proper new mechwarrior game... :(
  12. MotionBlured

    BFR's should require 5 players, wearing different colored spandex, combining 5 ES buggies together while cheesy 90's showtunes play in the background.
  13. Kcalehc

    I'd rather Super-Heavy Tanks. (a la Baneblade, Stormhammer, Shadowsword type things)
    Walkers are kind of silly really; cool looking, but horribly impractical for battlefield use.
  14. Axehilt

    Personally I never felt they were that overpowered since I came back from a break in PS1 about a month after BFRs got in. At that point a single hotdropper could usually take one out, and they were already tremendously limited in mobility and incredibly cert expensive with a massive cooldown. The jumping ones were a little overpowered for a month or two (since they didn't have the vulnerability to hotdroppers, and were significantly more mobile; non-VS tanks had a hard time landing shots to counter them.) Then they were nerfed into the ground and worse than even the not-quite-worth-it ground BFRs.

    But because most players didn't understand how to hotdrop them, effectively BFRs were a trump card against all vehicles. Players felt they were overpowered even though there was a clean counter to BFRs outdoors (hotdropping) whereas players somehow feel PS2 MAXes aren't overpowered even though there isn't a clean counter to MAXes indoors. Trump cards that don't have proper checks/balances need to be fixed (and avoided in the first place by not designing units which are strong against too many unit types unless they're also particularly vulnerable to at least one unit type.)
  15. Whatupwidat


    These things sucked in PS1, and even after they got nerfed to hell and back they still altered the game dynamics to the point that I cancelled my sub and moved onto other games after a few months of hoping the game'd go back to how it was before they arrived - ie, fun.

    It BAFFLES me that people want these ******* things back. The game is already dying slowly, why speed that up?
  16. Reclaimer77

    I hate just about every one of you right now.
  17. tf2hero

    well i could see them working if they fired AP rounds and required more skill to kill infantry
  18. LT_Latency

    In a video with higby and Angry joe. Higby talks about BFRs being a bad thing for PS1 so i doubt they will be added to this game.
  19. Axehilt

    Hating MAXes is fairly justified for similar reasons, "You know what would make rock/paper/scissors more awesome? Nukes that beat everything." Interesting games typically have checks and balances (the scissors to your paper) whereas MAXes just beat all indoor combatants.

    BFRs weren't quite that bad, but still...having to basically toss away a Mosquito/Reaver for each attempt at killing one was a bit much, even ignoring the fact that most players lacked the skill or comprehension to even attempt a BFR hotdrop.
  20. Celenor

    Can't be any sillier than Galaxies that ram stuff and get kills, get flipped upside down yet don't die themselves. Most BFR hate is illogical bias, or perhaps even fear of changing the food chain.