Horn Spam

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CrossToxin, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. CrossToxin

    Not sure about other servers but on the Emerald server Horn spam is an issue. Outfits dedicated to spamming their horn in the middle of a base to annoy the crap out of everyone fighting there is just bad. Whether is be a dolphin horn or the default nanite horn, the constant noise is just annoying. So either a cool down between horns would help or having the ability to mute the horn would be nice. Anyone else experiencing this or am I just being followed?
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  2. jiggu

    Never had any issue with it, but an option to mute horns wouldn't be so bad.
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  3. MotionBlured

    If I paid for something as basic as a horn, I'd spam it, too.
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  4. Tuco

    I liked how everyone had the same camo in PS1, no special little snowflakes making me wonder if I killed a friendly or an enemy, and hate tells afterwards, "you killed me." yeah well stop wearing blue and purple dumbas.
  5. Nhilys

    It already exists, it's called C4.
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  6. DorianOmega

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  7. CrossToxin

    http://youtu.be/a_BNoGhgucs uploading a audio clip to show an example, It is the G00N outfit on emerald that is constantly spamming it.
  8. Champagon

    Never had an issue with it
    I have more of an issue with that one vanu dude spamming Darude (sandstorm) over proximity. Seriously what the hell man.
  9. DaMann22

    I spam mine to notify everyone that I am available for transport or to tell people to GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY!
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  10. CrossToxin

    At least you can mute proxy music spam
  11. CrossToxin

    Yeah to spam with a purpose is okay. Unless your purpose is to ruin other peoples gaming experience then that's not okay at all.
  12. Calisai

    Yea, I have a serious problem with it!

    Damn Horn blowers...

    Here is my problem.....

    I WANT A HORN FOR MY MAGRIDER! grumble grumble grumble...

    Screw them an their OP Horn blowing ways.... :(
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  13. GantryPengy380

    What would a Magrider horn sound like though? And if I had a horn, I'd either spam it for the reasons DaMann posted, or because it sounded awesome.
  14. Calisai

    Umm.... considering a Horn is just a device for loudly broadcasting a particular predetermined sound used to garner attention....

    Whatever the hell you want. ;)

    That said... the horn would probably be louder and more complex due to the increased technology of the VS! It would probably be so loud you could physically feel it. It would be FABULOUS!
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  15. Wafflepancake

    I wish they would bring back the old kazoo :( Or sell it separately
  16. Problem Officer

    I bought the Organ horn for Harasser and Sundy recently, I will spam it forever.
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  17. LibertyRevolution

    That was 1 min, after about 3 mins you will be considering pulling out your tank mines...
  18. ComradeHavoc

    You people will complain about anything nowadays won't you. Quit being a whiny little princess and play the game.
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  19. Pikachu

    Its strange how you never hear the special horns anymore. :confused: At christmas when they came they were very popular.
  20. Yeahy

    Hot, fresh, young and loud Horn.