Is the Spiker going to be ignored just like the Phaseshift?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ztiller, Aug 14, 2014.

  1. sindz

    The problem with the spiker and the phaseshift are that the devs and higby think they are great, even though they clearly never played VS or the guns. And also with tweets like this, you know VS are screwed forever.


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  2. CEGrif

    that was higby being sarcastic
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  3. CaptAmazing

    I won't go into a detailed discussion about the Striker. Just a few words. While the Annihilator is fire and forget, you have to maintain the lock with the Striker - as soon as the lock is brocken for a split second all the rockets hit the ground. If one rocket misses you damage is around the same as a "normal" launcher. Good luck getting lock on, click 5times to fire all rockets and maintain the lock, while having to be exposed to incoming fire. No the Striker is not better than the other launcher - it isn't even a side- but a downgrade.

    Ask the big TR outfits if their members use the Striker over the Annihilator - they will tell you they don't.

    I didn't even say the Spiker is good as it is and that it doesn't is in need of buffs- just that it takes time to fix things for SOE. That you claim the Spiker is bad but the Striker is better than the other AAs shows that you only care for balance as long as it affects you.

    On a sidenote: No idea why you would use the NS assault rifle over for example the standard Pulsar VS1 or the H-V45.
  4. sindz

    Sure, just like when he said VS only uses things that are OP.
  5. Phyr

    Phaseshift just needs a 4x scope.
  6. Ztiller

    Phaseshift needs a 4x scope and a functional semi-auto secondary fire mode.
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  7. emedes

    the phaseshift is ok, just bcoz ppl are stupid enough to use it allway at max charge or they start the charge once the centred the aim is their fault, to be effective whit the phaseshift u just had to decloack and at the same time shift+click and Boom u are done. And since it has no ammo u dont worry about missing.

    Ppl just dont get into it bcoz Burden of knowledge.
  8. Ztiller

    I have auraxiumed the Parallax and XM98 with 3500 kills each. I have 40 kills left to auraxium on the Ghost. I have 450 kills with the Phaseshift and a kills/minute that is 2x as high as yours on every single one of those weapons. So don't talk about "Burden of knowledge."

    The Phaseshift is bad. The semi auto is horrible and the bolt action mode is not good enough to compensate for it.
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  9. Flag

    People use it. It's just that like the lancer it only works "well" when used in a group.
    And it's not broken, just boring. And not OP like it once used to be.
  10. \m/SLAYER\m/

  11. Ztiller

    What is the point of this picture? There are like 4 people in the whole world who have auraxiumed the Lancer.
  12. DxAdder

    The Phaseshift was built wrong from the start, Instead of a 12x 0HK BASR it should have been a 4X No Sway 0HK BASR.

    They still haven't fixed the suppressed noise when you fire a charged round, and the semi auto mode on a 12X weapon is
    an utter waste of time.

    The Spiker while it is the only burst pistol available for the VS & can get a suppressor is so underwhelming in every other way.

    The charged mode is useless, I would rather have it shoot illumination flares for a charged shot.
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  13. Vixxing

    Really? You are f***king clueless Spiker is THE WORST GUN YOU COULD EVER USE AS A STALKER! You have to decloak *soundeffect* Chaaaaaarge! *soundeffect* and theeeen release... Unsuspecting victim? Rly?
    I think you should try that IRL and video it... (i PROMISE you will do ALOT better with a knife!)
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  14. LIKE A BOSS!

    The TR players in this thread are idiots. Even NC know that the AMP is better than the Spiker and the there shotgun pistol.
  15. Arsonix

    Guys keep it civil. It is annoying hearing the Spiker's problem being downplayed but getting a thread locked doesn't help anyone.
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  16. Vixxing

    The only thing Phaseshift ever had, was the ability to get 2 hs in one scope (with slow loadup and horrible delay)
    Lets look at a Parallax: 5 shots in one scope with straightpull, no loadup, no delay

    "but Semi auto" you say? You can shoot 5 shots a little bit slower with Parallax, but then again every one of those shots is a possible OHK...

    Phaseshift is worse in EVERY single way by a large large large margin... (i also got several Sniper auraxiums and over 15k sniperkills i kinda know what im talking about)
  17. AdmiralArcher

    i have yet to come across a TR player using the AMP on connery........but i see lots of VS players with spikers and a few NC players with Mag scatters........the AMP might be decent, but no on uses it because for all intents and purposes, it sucks

    the VS should have gotten the AMP, and the TR should have gotten a weapon similar to the cerberus

    the NC........the NC has wanted a shotgun pistol forever, because it completes their PS1 theme of having a shotgun pistol. yeah its only useful in CQC, but its not totally useless like they all claim

    and you act like because we are TR that we dont play VS or NC?

    i have a BR 71 VS account and a BR 30 NC account
  18. LIKE A BOSS!

    There is only 7 people that have more than 100 kills with the spiker while there are 55 people that have more than 100 kills with the AMP. That should say something. The gun is only bad to you because ALL TR pistols are really good. Versus Vanus where they are all copy and pastes.
  19. AdmiralArcher

    do you even cerberus bro?

    and did you even read my last post? i have a VS character with a higher BR than my TR character..........its not like im speaking as just a TR player
  20. Ronin Oni

    I'd prolly nab em for 250 certs.

    1000? psssh hell no. Any 1k cert weapon better be DAMN good.