[Suggestion] Faction Specific Ammo

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by InvitroCanibal, Aug 14, 2014.

  1. InvitroCanibal

    For the TR HE incendiary rounds and shrapnel rounds
    For the NC Hollow points and Armor Piercing
    For the Vanu, Tracking rounds and splash rounds

    The Tr HE Incendiary rounds are as it sounds, explosive rounds that have indirect damage to surrounding targets. The shrapnel rounds fire through the gun down sight like normal bullets until right before impact where they explode in mid air without being pressure sensitive. They work like mini cluster bombs by dividing the damage per each bullet by 6 and spreading it over a small area, similar concepts really but the shrapnel rounds are more like shotguns at long range except the bullet spread stays consistent until right before impact where the shrapnel goes in several directions, increasing the COF and good for covering a wider area as well as for fire suppression.

    The NC hollow points are similar by nature to soft point ammo but with more damage occurring to non max units and non Heavy assault units. The AP rounds are the opposite, they penetrate the heavy assault over shield as well as some of the maxes armor and they penetrate past regular shields in general by 5 percent of the original bullet damage. So that, some damage skips the shield and goes straight for the health, this is effective for taking out pre-wounded targets whom have a red bar on their health status.

    The Vanus ammo is more about accuracy and range, the tracking bullets reduce the rate of fire on a gun but they curve towards the target just slightly, allowing for increased accuracy. The splash rounds/plasma rounds essentially offer an aoe advantage to regular rounds which is good for suppression as well as taking out targets in cover.

    Since SOE monetized attachments, they could be either bought or earned at twice the rate of regular ammo attachments, so that instead of 100 certs, they'd cost 200 certs.
  2. Mastermind

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  3. InvitroCanibal

    You make a good argument..bravo
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  4. ZomboWTF

    So you want to make effectively every TR weapon a Lasher?


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  5. Paragon Exile

    Sounds overpowered :(
  6. FinePool

    I feel like this would be a nightmare to balance.
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  7. -Synapse-

    It would be cool, but it would be
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  8. Neo3602

    It sounds like an interesting idea, though I think that the shrapnel rounds for the TR should be replaced by something different, maybe something called multi-shot that makes each shot fired 3 instead of 1(without using additional ammo) but the 3 bullets would do 1/3 of the damage that you would do normally.
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  9. InvitroCanibal

    optional ammo
  10. InvitroCanibal

    Ya, I can agree with that, the balancing is tricky. I was thinking of more of a change in tactics and that's what the ammo alternatives would be about. Not necessarily making them over powered, but it seems like any radical addition to PS2 is a balancing nightmare.
  11. SeanFree

    No. The balance would be appalling.

    I shuddered thinking about it.
  12. InvitroCanibal

    Ya, I was trying to picture it like a cluster bomb, but the multi shot is the same thing essentially and it works for me. The idea was to basically make something that was sure to hit almost every time but with significantly less damage inflicted, so that you trade damage for an increased hit ratio.

    The main idea was something that splits into several pieces at a certain distance/just before impact.
  13. InvitroCanibal

    lol that's fair enough
  14. AgentRed

    That would a cool item to have but make it very expensive for players to get with cert and SC
  15. Lord_Avatar

    Interesting, but all special rounds would have to be very similiar across all empires for balance reasons (which defeates the purpose I suppose). Also, "tracking rounds"? No...
  16. Flamberge

    Maybe as an ammo for the new directive weapons, but for normal weapons, not sure. It would be hard to implement, hard to balance, and hard to do anything anyway over the tears of forumside.
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  17. InvitroCanibal

    They aren't rounds that chase you lol, they turn slightly to hit the target. We are talking very slight non head shot turns. I was thinking along the lines of like 15 to 30 degrees in it's turning radius.
  18. InvitroCanibal

    I'm kool with that
  19. Leivve

    There would be no point to that as you are doing the same damage with the risk of missing one of those bullets, and TR weapons are weak enough damage wise as is. if they balanced it so if all 3 shots hit it did MORE damage then normal it would be a different story. At that point your weighing consistency vs potential.
  20. Neo3602

    @Leivve that's true, perhaps it could be changed to 4 bullets that each did 1/3 of the damage of the normal bullet, but at the cost at of additional bloom per shot, each of the bullets would only have 1/3 of the normal bloom pershot but because there is 4 bullets being fired then the bloom would be greater than what it would be with out the multishot ammo.