The New Resource System Destroys Planetside2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ConcernedGamer, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. ConcernedGamer

    Planetside2 is now Planet o' Tanks. The Name will be changed here shortly.

    The Lattice system destroyed any kind of small squad tactics... the game then became massive herd vs. massive herd... Skill needed? nah, just bring 50 to 100 of yer pals. Victory assured.
    Where did the enemy go? The only place they can go, the next base on the link.
    Skill/tactics needed? nah, just bring 50 to 100 of yer pals. Victory assured.

    No longer is the game about tactics(if it ever was...) or infantry game play. He who pulls the most tanks wins.
    Tank spam was a major nuisance before this change, now it is the main focus of the game and <grin> Don't forget the ESF flocks!
    The old resource/timer system kept them sort of in check, or at least to a tolerable level.... now? You can literally pull as many as you want. May as well eliminate enclosed bases and battle royale with the tank spam!
    Yeah! That's it, make the capture point a post on a flat field (near the ammo tower of course). Then make it so that you don't even need to get out of the vehicle to capture the point. Yeah! Excellent! No need for any infantry battles.
    I think there is a game that does that, something 'world of tanks' or some such.

    Heavys with good shooting can take down a tank or two in a few minutes, but what do you do against 15 of them? Or what about 20?

    Who knows? It may calm down, but given the "I have tank, I win" attitude, I kinda doubt it. lol

    I suppose we will all get good at tanking and flying, or log out.
    Because that's the game now.

    You want to do something other than drive a tank or gun for one? Don't bother, for the moment you walk out of the spawn room no less that five vehicles of various types have already launched something deadly(and usually of a one shot death type o' thing) at you.

    Oh yeah, another suggestion: Put the vehicle terminal in the spawn room, that should make things more efficient... and make the sunderer a vehicle spawn point too. Nah, who needs sunderers, except for ammo sundies, yeah and maybe repair sundies. What else would you need?

    Wanna flank around the enemy? Better do it in MBT's!
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  2. Paragon Exile

    At least you used [PSA] correctly, that's something.
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  3. Verviedi

    Ever heard of something called World War II? The German Blitzkreig rolled over nations that hadn't adopted tank technology yet. Infantry will NEVER beat a coordinated tank push.
    Adapt or Perish!
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  4. DevDevBooday



    In all seriousness though this is only part one of the resource revamp, we will hopefully get ANTS in soon and you will have tactics oozing out of every orifice. Atm its more the flat 60 resources a minute than the actual system itself thats the problem.
    Just enjoy/hate it while it lasts.
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  5. LT_Latency

    This is not WW2.

    Tanks are and max are basically Free right now. I have never not been able to pull something so far.
  6. Jachim

    What more do you want? Infantry get about ten different ways that they can kill tanks. Either bring your own damn tanks (and coordinate like you should) or shut up.
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  7. Jachim

    What? They are free, yet you can't pull anything so far...?
  8. LT_Latency

    Maybe a resource system that has some sort of meaning. Oh your tank and max blew up......Who cares pull another one
  9. Verviedi

    Yes, it most definately is. It's a WWII game with futuristic textures. Tanks lacked turret stabilization until recently, infantry weapons are useless past 200 meters, there are no guided munitions beyond "maintain lock", there are no drones or other remote-controlled craft, everything lacks rangefinders and range guidance systems, artillery is nonexistent and what we have is extremely inaccurate...
    Should I go on?
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  10. LT_Latency

    No it's not. It a video game where all play styles are suppose to be vaild.

    Vehicles are stronger but they are suppose to be limited by the resouses system. That is what balances them. Currently there is basically no limit on them you can just spam them even if you get destroyed quite quickly
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  11. Jachim

    You can only pull every 9 minutes, I don't see this as a problem. It's supposed to be COMBINE ARMS, not infantry 90% of the time, Tanks/Air 10%. It should be whatever you want as long as you're not an idiot about it!
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  12. Jachim

    Vehicles are stronger, but fight other vehicles AND infantry. Infantry can safely ignore tanks all they want in most bases especially on the three other continents other than Indar. Tanks don't get that luxury. They ARE limited by the resources system and it IS balanced because EVERYONE can do it.
  13. LT_Latency

    9 minutes is nothing. 4.5 minuets if you are splinting with a driver/gunner

    Are you saying you have trouble last 4.5 minuses in a tank. With a sub it even less
  14. Flashtirade

    Most of the effective infantry counters to tanks are free or cost less in the same regenerating resources, it's only fair that tanks are spammable too :^)
  15. LT_Latency

    As long as they change it so infantry can 1v1 tanks
  16. Phyr

    This is false. All play styles can be used, but that doesn't mean they're all valid or any good.
  17. LT_Latency

    No it's true, There is no point in having one play style just get slaughter how is that fun for them.

    If vehicles are going to be spamable they need to have the power of something that is spamable
  18. Flashtirade

    The top killer of tanks is C4, followed by suicides. I don't see the problem :^))

    In all seriousness, the spammability really is a problem, not just for tanks but for MAXes too. The cost is fine, it's just the regeneration rate is very high, almost a non-factor if coupled with continent bonuses and resource boosts.
  19. Phyr

    Then they need to get to fixing my knife only playstyle, it's only fair. And when will they implement a crouch walk only map? My pistol playstyle can't do anything against tanks. Where's the justice in that?
  20. zombielores

    Infantry getting slaughtered by something that is designed to slaughter infantry? How odd.
    I know it sucks to be farmed, but only you can stop the enemy farm, tanks shot at infantry because
    #1 we run out of other tanks
    #2 I'm the AI tank
    #3 infantry cluster together just begging to have an HE round blow them to pieces ; #4 You have not provided enough AV presence to scare me off.

    If you really like to stop the enemy farm, use counters, here are just a few off the top of my head
    #1 C4, solves any problem you got, it's like duct tape and it's fairly abundant
    #2 Dedicated AV squad, you can actually stop a 48+ tank zero with coordinated AV squads, Lancer snipe them from behind, doesn't even give them a chance to fight back same thing with AV Mana turrets but you have less range, lockons even work provided you catch them in the open and their resources free.
    #3 AP tanks, tanks actually have a food chain where AP> HEAT> HE primary and secondary
    #4 A2G aircraft, almost all tanks won't have AA guns but a good amount will probably have basilisk and if the enemy is coordinated, then they'll have AA units like busters to counter you.

    And if you have that much of a problem with tanks, then wear flak because against HE it increases TTK against you by roughly 4 seconds minimum, in it's max blast radius, which is incredibly small