Half Price Sundies + 7 Sec Respawn + AMS Shield

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RHINO_Mk.II, Jul 31, 2014.

  1. Scr1nRusher

    Blockade armor is generally better.

    AMS shield is only when you are AMS'd.
  2. Iridar51

    I don't mind if deployed sunderers can't be soloed by infantry, but I don't think that AMS shield should provide strong resistance against tank fire. This will provide vehicles with a role other than farming infantry - destroying enemy sunderers.
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  3. Peebuddy

    No idea where this "attacker favoritism" is coming from, can't the defenders also pull one? Defending sunderers have numerous advantages over attacking sunderers.

    • Pick of the liter deployment spots
    • Benefits from base defenses like towers, cliffs, and turrets
    • acts as an easy ammo depo for infantry (because they general defend near the sunderer) and on-the-spot load out changes
    • Gets people out of the god damn spawn room!
    That last one is very important because I've found out what gets people out of the spawn room, a closer spawn point toward the action. Any base with a defending sunderer wedged up inside a tower or between two rocks are almost impossible to destroy, at least 90% of my sunderers in places like that aren't destroyed by vehicles or even AT-mana turrets but SoB suiciders who ram their ESF or invisible flash into it and place c4/ tank mines.

    Say NO to one man armies
    Say YES to prolonged engagements
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  4. \m/SLAYER\m/

    but in case of 1 vs 1 it will take eternity to destroy sundy
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  5. Hosp

    I've mentioned this before. In small engagements, it seriously penalizes defenders.
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  6. Iridar51

    One what against what one? Sunderer vs Sunderer? Sunderer vs Tank? What?
  7. \m/SLAYER\m/

    ghost cap
  8. Taemien

    That suggests that the average player gets out of the spawn room to pull one. They like to stay in the spawnrooms and complain about being attacked.
  9. JudgeNu

    This, I hope, creates a new dynamic.
    I played Engie a lot and I enjoy the versatility of the class.
    Deploying a sundy in an Ideal spot for infantry to deploy to their objective and to set up a perimeter around that Sundy to defend it is what I like.

    Sure there isn't usually enough like-minded players that gather together to do this.
    Outfits I am sure have this mindset.

    To me a Tankier sundy means this.
    It can create an area such as a mobile base.
    In between areas of the real base.

    Suddenly with a Tankier Spawn point the objectives change somewhat and the battlefield has expanded.
    Many times I have trekked the landscape and said to myself, "this looks like a great spot to set up camp"

    Also when, from an NC perspective, VS spawn a 'Gaggle of Mags' they have more than just infantry to target.
    Now there is a mobile base with which they must contend.

    Too bad engies cannot create the barriers you see scattered in an amp station from nanites using their gun.

    Will there be a ton of sundies scattered about?
    Possibly, prolly at first.

    But I can assure one thing.
    Ill be next to mine when it explodes.
  10. FateJH

    The existence of the hard spawn usually dissuades the need for mobile spawns when playing defense, even if it may be helpful for distant objectives, and friendly AMSes don't often hang around for long when they do park somewhere for defense. When they do start showing up it's after the defense has moved sufficiently "outside" of the base. Typically, putting one in the vehicle bay of one-point Amp Stations and the central bay of all Tech Plants is best use for them for defense (three-point Amp Stations do not need this). The further the defense gets from the owned base to the connected enemy base, at least with slower progressions, the more often you will encounter S-AMSes.

    Usually, they just want to get out and get to the next/last base so someone can try a sneak cap.

    The easiest thing I can think of doing against the possibility of such a threat being reported in the field is to drive the long way around to the next base, such that we never encounter each other.
  11. Iridar51

    Who cares about ghostcaps?
  12. \m/SLAYER\m/

    so shield will be available only for balanced fights?
  13. Aegie

    Moreover, as this whole debate seems to make clear people do not want to defend. That includes bases and Sunderers- first you have to have an incentive to defend the base then you need an incentive to defend the Sunderer.

    I mean, whole point of this proposed changes seems to revolve entirely around people not wanting to defend the Sunderer. So sure, you can put a Sunderer at a base you already control and you can defend that Sunderer. Meanwhile, everyone else will go charging off to attack.

    IMO, spawn mechanics are the problem (as I have been saying since the beginning) and no amount of this kind of lipstick is going to make the pig pretty.
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  14. Inex

    Almost. The word you're looking for is 'able', not 'wanting'. Sundys are nearly impossible to defend against suicide mines: you either have too few people in the attack to hold back and defend the Sundy, or the greater numbers causes enough chaos that you just can't ID targets before they explode you.
  15. Nakar

    I care about ghostcaps. As it is it's fairly hard to destroy an attacking Sunderer at a small 12v12 ghostcap, and if the Sunderer can't be destroyed then you're ping-ponging the point for all eternity. If the only cure for a persistent ghostcap is to overreact to it with 24+ so you can decisively destroy an attacking force's Sunderers (plural, because at this point why not) then that seems kinda lame.

    The game is absolutely attacker-advantaged at both the small pop and large pop levels, and this will at the very least increase that at the small pop levels. Not that instagibbing Sunderers is a good thing either, mind you, but an incredibly sturdy mobile spawn seems like the sort of thing that would be expensive, not cheap.

    Ah, if only loadout could have an effect on nanite prices for vehicles, wouldn't that be a delight...
  16. ColonelChingles

    You do have to keep in mind though that the business models of PS2 and CoD/BF are quite different. CoD/BF depends on an up-front purchase to generate revenue (though now they have microtransactions as well), whereas PS2 uses a free-to-play model and only gains revenue if players voluntarily spend money to either speed up their unlocks or purchase pretty cosmetics.

    I would speculate that CoD/BF players might be less spendy in PS2 because they have their CoD/BF games to play and pay for. To them maybe PS2 is just what they do for a change of pace... and then it's back to CoD/BF. In this way it might be reasonable to conclude that such players won't make as strong a financial investment in PS2.

    Whereas someone who primarily plays PS2 because of PS1 or because they think PS2 is unique is likely to spend more money more often on PS2.

    In other words it might actually make financial sense for SOE to make PS2 more like PS1, because although PS1 fans are less numerous, they may outspend CoD/BF players by a good amount.

    Plus of course PS2 probably can't outcompete CoD/BF by trying to out-CoD/BF them. Those are well established series using a very formulaic mechanic... it may be cliche and a terrible pun, but you simply can't beat them at their own game. We've seen quite a few games become successes in their own right by doing things differently than CoD/BF... the zany and colorful Borderlands series for example.
  17. z1967

    Also, Are the guns disabled on the Sunderer when it is deployed? Because I really don't want bulldog sundies farming in already fairly tanky sundies and then getting a massive C4 and AT mine resistance. That is a recipe for disaster right there.
  18. Iridar51

    How is 12 vs 12 is a ghostcap?
    My position is that AMS shield should not give much protection against tanks. Even if it's "1 soldier versus 1 soldier", which happens never, the defender can just pull a lightning and blow up the sundy from safe distance.
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  19. Taemien

    You might have a point here. People don't like defending. They clamor for incentives and rewards. But why beat around the bush? Remove defensive play from the game in the form of SCUs in bases to turn off the spawns. This way there is no illusion of a base defense that 'has to be done'. People can attack each other and whomever wins takes the next base down the line.

    Lets face the truth of the matter. No one wants to sit in a base and wait to be attacked. Nix that part of the game out of the equation. I can speak from experience, guard duty sucks.
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  20. r4zor

    You seem to be forgetting that in most Outposts there is only room for 1 defender sunderer, while outside there can be dozens ...
    Scr1nRusher, you really should think your points through.