Two on one Faction gangbangs make me log out.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Angry Scientist, Jul 28, 2014.

  1. Angry Scientist

    Currently, Emerald Alert on Indar. All populations are equal, but both VS and TR have all forces on the NC front. There isn't a single fight (when I logged out, anyways) where population was in our favor, defensively or otherwise. The TR/VS front had...about a platoon each of hostiles. Across all of it. Meanwhile, the VS enjoy a healthy 40% continent control.

    What the hell is with this server and avoiding the VS? I can't even tell you how many times I've watched Hossin have equal pops but the VS carrying a majority of territory because no one wants to fight the VS. Is it mechanics? Have we just been beaten down so much by the overpops of the past that we have an automatic response towards anything purple? What the hell gives, and why are you cowards inciting the worst outcome of the prisoner's dilemma possible and functionally breaking the game?
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    People don't like getting farmed by the PPA that's what I've observed.
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  3. Nexus545

    As far as I'm aware it's very common to ignore the VS. I know I will always fight the TR if it's an option to me. Just hate fighting VS.
  4. dasichri

    Not only that, I see so much fail when it comes to TR and NC, but not so much with VS.

    Its REALLY making me not want to play my favorite faction (TR)
  5. AlexR

    TR, Miller. Indar alert. TR has upper pert of the map, VS lower right, NC lower left. All the bottom line of our territory is marked on the map as "pew pew pew explosions!" and from the left NC part and from VS right side. Guess what is happrning between VS and NC teams? Hehe, nothing. So if we focus on fighting with one faction, we are loosing other side, and vice versa. Annoying.
  6. Tommyp2006

    NC literally were not participating in the alert, barely had 20% cont pop, so they were free territory. They took Amerish 30 seconds after the alert ended too, so none of it mattered anyways.

    And no one likes fighting VS. I'll take fighting NC 24 hours a day over fighting VS for one.
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  7. Solidpew

    Sometimes your faction gets the short end of the stick. At those times, it's best to find spots where you can benefit from being underpopped, i.e. towers.
  8. Jachim

    THis is funny, 90% of the time you'll see explosions on TR/NC and TR/VS lines, but not on VS/NC lines. Pretty common to hear yells when NC or VS are fighting each other to focus on the TR instead. :rolleyes:
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  9. AdmiralArcher

    first off, no one likes fighting the VS, they have the hardest tank to hit and they have the PPA on everything, i hate playing VS because they own at supression, the NC is good at CQC supression, but they are close enough to hurt at that distance, the VS are great at ranged supression....where the TR cant supress worth a dam

    personally, as long as FCRW and DPSO are not the outfits im fighting, i dont mind killing VS, and likewise with NC, as long as 00 and X and ADK stay away from me, im happy killing NC

    those outfits just suck the fun out of everything, its so hard to play against them that i end up finding a different fight or just logging out, and its not that they are good so i dont like them, its that they ruin fun fights because they are too efficient and too "good"
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  10. FieldMarshall

    Nobody wants to fight a faction that parks their tank and goes into the secondary to farm infantry beause its better than the main cannon.
    Everyone avoids VS, meaning whoever VS attacks gets ganged up on.
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  11. Maljas23

    Its funny because there are still some that swear the PPA is fine currently.
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  12. Saviorself

    Haha, man if you avoid ADK, you might as well avoid NC altogether since ADK is the the largest NC zergfit. I never understood the fear over FCRW either. They are there to farm, often outpost defenses, with their favorite being tower fights. If you don't want to get farmed, just don't do stupid ghostcaps with low skill groups.

    Here's how it often pans out in the off-hours:

    1. Clueless NC groupies ghostcap small outpost, 1-24 pop, maybe even at the lower end of 25-48, enemy at 1-12
    2. FCRW shows up, after all it's off hours, nothing good to do
    3. NC get farmed, fearful whispers of FCRW are broadcast over squad chat
    4. Sundy blows up, FCRW redeploy to the next defense

    In this game, there is no particular outfit that is worth dreading. Recognize a farm for what it is, if you can get in on it, then get in on it. On the other hand, if you and your team are dying like lemmings, just find another fight. Don't run from outfits; instead learn to run when situation no longer profits.
  13. LIKE A BOSS!

    To me it shows how crappy the magriders main cannon is.
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  14. Prudentia

    i don't even...
    you have the highest pop
    the most territory
    and you wonder why both NC and VS fight against you instead of fighting each other till you zerged the entire continent so there are no more NC/VS borders....
    sometimes humans amaze me... but most of the time, like this one, all i can do is facepalm
  15. eatcow0

    ADK is one of my favorite outfits to farm.
  16. Bankrotas

    Everyone likes to fight NC... Even NC themselves...
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  17. KirthGersen

    OP, same thing happens on Ceres oftenly. TR and VS prefer to attack NC instead of each other.
    But I can understand why. When we have an advantage and zerg, they both feel like in hell ;)
  18. Silus

    Yeah, we're kinda terrible at times. Tryin' to whip these mooks into shape ain't easy let me tell ya.
  19. Bape

    Yes I was on that alert where VS had like 43% territory while TR was around 30ish and NC 20ish. Both TR and VS ZERGED NC while no fights were between VS and TR for a good hour until there was about 28 mins left and then that when the VS attacked the TR. To make the story short NC population dropped to 20% on indar and they all went to amerish.
  20. DQCraze

    You have the two best outfits on the server on VS. They look for 12-24 fights exclusively or they pop in at the last min to save a vital outpost. This forces 12- 24s in 48+ to keep from being farmed, I concede DA/AC in 24s are pretty much untouchable by any other ground outfit and thus require higher numbers to defeat. You guys complain about zergs, but we aren't going to be farmed. GOKU arrives with even more numbers of good players and it becomes a slaughter, backup regroup zerg and push. So you wonder why people don't fight the VS this is why. I have seen a shift in the last month however, it appears more TR are showing up and things are looking better.
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