[Suggestion] AngryJoe/ Cryaotic on Twitch and Friendly Fire

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Firejack, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. LT_Latency

    That is the point of FF. You can't just bomb everything with HEAT and nades because your hole team will get killed as well.

    With out FF you can just throw them like crazy and if 10 of your own guys are there.......no big deal. With FF you just killed 10 of your own guys and hurt your team.

    Same with 100 people standing in the door way. You start killing each other and weaking your team. If you can all just hold the hammer down on your LMG and spam grenades the zerg force becomes WAY WAY strong.
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  2. Divinorium

    1º Video
    **** happens. Suck up the game shouldn't hold your hand, even more, you should have awareness of what's going on, instead of zerging.

    2º Video
    You don't learn how to fly in the warpgate. We have the VR now. In fact they were griefing his team, without even realizing it.
    A vehicles standing right where vehicles spawn means that it will be rammed by players that have no control, yet, over their vehicle.
    Let's not ignore the fact that they were trolling each other, even thought it's a joke between then still trolling. So a troll got weapon locked? good.

    3º Video
    One week suspension should make the 99 think twice before doing that again. And keep a eye on him. If he gets in this kind of **** again, ban him forever.

    FF Is necessary. This game without FF would be even more pathetic and Zerg friendly.

    If Weapon lock/Getting TKed is a problem to you. You probably need to stop and think wth you are doing.

    Sometimes i get weapon locked.(Dude with my ligh on fire i WILL run over you if you decide to take cover behind it)
    Save some exceptions, ******** changing faction, when i get Tked is probably because i runned infront of a ally shooting.
    Tip: If you see a allied standing still/shooting pass BEHIND him.
    And when i'm shooting and some allie decide that he can aim better than me and enter infront of me. Well "****" happens.

    PS: If anything the game should teach in the tutorial what NOT to do. Seriously the tutorial of this game is a joke.

    PS2: Maybe, maybe., SOE could add a "pardon" system. So you could "forgive" ppl who killed you. Maybe....
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  3. Captain Kid

    In my opinion friendly fire should just do a percentage of damage. Maybe 50%, maybe lower.
    If I accidentally throw a sticky on a friendly (because there are 50 of us stuck in a room designed for 4 people) it should not kill him.
    But it also should do some damage otherwise we get a very weird game with LOTS more of explosives, rockets etc. spam.
    ON the other hand maybe even remove a small part of the damage would change and damage the game we can't foresee.
    Leave FF like it this but make better bases. You don't get stuck by vehicles spam into a room the size of a closet.
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  4. Phyr

    Changing the entire game just because a few high profile people get trolled is one of the dumbest things they could possibly do. Friendly fire is fine, players are the problem.
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  5. JudgeNu

    Yikes I meant FF Off
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  6. Danath

    FF shouldn't count if you are hitting an enemy too (explosives)
    Also the pardon system with smaller tolerance with FF could improve things a lot. (It's not my fault my debris killed you! :()
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  7. deep470

    Great idea! Also, a headshot from a friendly sniper wouldn't kill anymore. Thumbs up!
  8. breeje

    turn FF of for players level 1 to 10 and remove some xp for all the other players who teamkill
    - 20 xp for level 10 to 20
    - 40 xp for level 20 to 30
    - 60 xp for level 30 to 40
    - ........
    - ........
  9. dasichri

    Turn friendly fire off? HELL NO

    Do you have ANY idea how this would ruin the game?

    Of course not, otherwise this would not even be suggested.

    Can you honestly imagine it?

    Imagine 20 lashers shooting constantly at you because theres no fear of friendly fire.

    Thats just one example of dozens.
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  10. Elrobochanco

    I think there could be changes to FF to make it a little less accidentally immediate death.

    But for a game like this to function it needs to exist. Otherwise it would be 24/7 explosive spam without a reason to stop.

    One simple idea (obviously not simple to implement) would be if you are shooting regular bullets and tag a friendly, it should do reduced damage (say 20%), for the first 1-2 shots then ramp up to regular. This would effectively eliminate most instances of "ran out of spawn shot in back".
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  11. dasichri

    Thats pretty much the most acceptable thing you could do to change friendly fire mechanics

    Reduced damage for the first 2 shots then full damage after.

    Except explosives... full damage for those all the time.

    That and harsher penalties for friendly fire, either loss of xp, certs, increased respawn time, loss of resources, increased weapon lockout, etc...

    Might be a pain to actually code it though and increase load on the servers even more due to more data and calculations.
  12. Nepau

    So I ask you, with FF off how do you prevent Massive HE spam? or People just using explosives everywhere? Does FF have it's drawbacks in large fights? yes, but then again you look and again and again there are quite a few people who have yet to get Weapons locked, or have massive times of getting killed by their team.

    If anything these prove just as much that there is a large group of people who enjoy greifing, especally when there is a "Celeb" around. It is not fair to take their promo streams as the defacto state of team killing. Not saying there isnt room for a tweak here and there, but to turn FF off would just be begging to make the game worse. Well unless you enjoy not being able to get to a point because the other faction can just keep spamming HE all around it without worrie about killing their own troops.

    *edit* sorry last part there isnt aimed at you AshHill07, just a more general statment about the OP and wanting to turn FF off.
  13. vilehydra

    Also lets not forget about the situations where a skilled player uses FF to his advantage.

    One tactic in a 2v1 firefight is to position yourself on one side of an enemy player with the other enemy on the otherside directly opposite of you. Because FF is on the more skilled (or lucky as the case may be) can mitigate an entire players worth of damage, or even better use that enemy players damage to kill the enemy in the middile faster.

    A valid tactic that requires full strength FF to be on.
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  14. Fenrisk

    They should remove friendly fire as it would VASTLY improve server and player performance. Less collisions to be handled by the server.
  15. longmachao

    I don't give a *** about a bunch of Youtube celeb. getting TK. Leave friendly fire alone..Its already way more forgiving than it was before. FF has been around since beta, why is it a problem all of a sudden?
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  16. Fenrisk

    Turning friendly fire off would GREATLY improve hit detection and server performance. It would also prevent your sunderer, tank or aircraft from being trolled/destroyed by some BR 1 who logged in from the opposite side.

    HE spam ignores friendly players ALREADY and grenades can't be spammed so the ZERG argument is invalid.

    Turning friendly collisions and fire off would improve this games performance to a level that most players would never look back and think, i remember when FF was on and everything was great!. lol
  17. Hatesphere

    no, FF is one thing that should always count for explosives. With it they way you are suggesting, it would mean you could lob nades and rockets into CQC to quickly kill an enemy without even scratching your friends.
  18. Hatesphere

    Does HE spam ignore friendlys? last I checked if I level my cannon at a friendly and pull the trigger he goes bye bye. i would rather have the occasional troll then a bunch of people using "tactics" to soak their own troops in a rolling explosive barrage.
  19. Fenrisk

    The HE aoe blast seems to mostly ignore friendly's or do significantly less damage. Either way FF does not stop ANY tank from spamming its anti-infantry weapons at the enemy. They will and do fire regardless so this would not change a thing. You would see no difference between FF off or on in terms of HE spam.

    You only get one nade so NO they can't be spammed and most people don't use them that often because they are very weak in this game and expose you for too long when throwing them. You can kill the enemy 10 times faster using your gun. Turning FF off won't change a damn thing in terms of nades.
  20. eldarfalcongravtank

    FF should stay ON, the way it is in real war. however, FF should have more severe punishments:
    - killing 2+ teammates within 30 seconds should give you weapon lock for 2 minutes
    - killing 5+ teammates within 30 seconds should give you weapon lock for 5 minutes
    - killing 10+ teammates within 30 seconds should give you weapon lock for 10 minutes
    - killing the same teammate within 5 minutes twice (e.g. for revenge) should give you weapon lock for 5 minutes
    - killing the same teammate within 10 minutes a third time should boot you out of the game with a temporary ban for 1 hour
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