[Suggestion] AngryJoe/ Cryaotic on Twitch and Friendly Fire

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Firejack, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. Firejack

    Watching these Streams from yesterday I'm cringing at the way Cryaotic is punished over and over for accidental friendly fire while trying to organize a fun event for his followers and promote the game.
    The despair and disappointment in his voice as he pulls a MAX and its lasts 15 seconds (!!) before being accidentally team killed is brutal to watch - http://www.twitch.tv/cryaotic/b/551588262?t=14m35s (watch for 30 seconds or so)

    How many times is he weapon locked? 5,6,7.. more?! Why is the game punishing him for pulling a Liberator that is repetitively rammed as he learns to fly? - http://www.twitch.tv/cryaotic/b/551588262?t=36m39s (watch the for a minute or so)

    Then look at AngryJoe get deliberately team killed over and over and over again. By one BR99 village idiot mostly. http://www.twitch.tv/angryjoeshow/b/551575230?t=22m53s (watch for around 5 minutes) Where was AngryJoe's protection?

    Is this really what impression we want new players to have? You are accidentally team killed or accidentally are credited for a team kill because of some other players actions and get weapon locked. While deliberate team killer are able to repetitively team kill over and over.

    Friendly Fire needs to be turned off

    I know this is a controversial statement but the SOE team need to admit Friendly Fire being on hasn't worked in PS1 or PS2 and its no longer worth the penalty we all suffer as a community. Despite our best efforts to avoid team killing 99.9% of us are punished for a system designed to stop the 0.1% of idiots who don't care if they are weapon locked as they'll just wait to do it again or create another account to team kill with.

    Just think about all those players who are pushed away from the game as they are fed up of being weapon locked for something that was an accident while someone blows up their harasser with C4 because they drove by them to let a friend get in the gunners seat and nothing happening to that C4 team killer.

    Now before someone jumps in with "Spam, spam, tank/rocket spam everywhere" counter-argument. With Friendly Fire off I suggest we simply add a rule that means if you hit a friendly+enemy with the same tank shell/grenade/whatever. No damage is done to either target and you're weapon locked for 10 seconds. That means people will have to be careful with their shots and not spam, just like we have now with Friendly Fire on.

    I've almost reached breaking point over the issue of team killing a few times and watching these videos is just tipped me over the line.
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  2. LT_Latency

    No, I have never been weapon locked once that cane remember in 1000 hours of playing.

    I few time I have gotten to my final warning and start to be more careful for a while.

    Without FF, You could zerg door ways and spam explosions much more easily because you no longer need to worry about killing each other. You could put 100 people into a single doorway with out FF
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  3. JudgeNu

    FF On is by no means necessary or warranted.
    I did not watch your videos.

    I was in Acan Biolab while this was occurring.
    How do I know?
    Because players I don't even know was in ORDERS chat encouraging all NC to come to TR WG and help them make AngryJoe ragequit.

    To me, It seemed bordering on harassment.
    That was my take from ORDERS chat.

    I cant imagine what yell chat was like in that area.

    Someone please tell me that I am imagining things.
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  4. Conscripter

    I used to be vehemently against this but I support removing FF for small arms & running over teammates in light of how badly this games scales and how bases get congested. Especially outposts.

    The problem with ******** about zerging of doorways is this game is already about narrow firing lanes indoors that invite stalemate and rocket primary.

    At the very least FF damage should be a fraction of normal damage.
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  5. KMFR

    While I don't think it should be off perhaps the damage could be reduced by 75% and the punishments made harsher.
  6. SharpeShooter

    Duvana should get an outright ban for that! It gives the game such a bad rep! What a complete ............
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  7. Firejack

    I thought I'd addressed your first point in my above post, no?

    For your second if you're talking about groups spraying bullets (not explosives) while moving through doorways/choke points a enforced reload could work for when players hit friendlies.
  8. FaLI3N

    yer the only times I have ever been weapon locked in my massive no-life amount of hours in this game is when me and a few outfit members were screwing about team-killing each other for fun and when I was team-killing one guy I caught AT mining our sundies one after another and killing them. The second one is a bit of a pain but trolls will be trolls.

    That first clip was kind of a crap happens sort of deal. It was a harasser in a large scale fight fleeing from enemy armor from the looks of the map so he might not of even been rendering infantry until he was stuck on that hill that he couldn't of turned out of. Regardless he also made a rookie mistake of pulling a max in the last minute of a hopeless base defense so he would of lost it anyway.

    Didn't watch the rest but going on from what you said they can't really tell how rammed who so they would need to lock both and if they made it so it weapon locked you both but didn't cause damage then you would just get them trolling that way.

    The 3rd one he was streaming so it was probably just some troll from there. Nothing really to do with the game, would of happened no matter what game he was playing and it is one of the risks you take by streaming gameplay.

    Turning off FF would only increase explosive spam. Nobody wants that. At the same time I would prefer harsher penalties for teamkillers, especially ones that are timing the kills so they stop just before they are locked multiple times. Longer respawn times, slower ROF, one clip max ammo capacity etc.
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  9. AT22-Titan

    I don't think the ability to damage friendlies is the problem, it's just people being total... Not much they can do about it other than ban the ones who tried to ruin the event by teamkilling.

    I do understand the frustration of some of the players on the same faction though but still no reason for behaving so badly.

    As for VS and NC farming low battle ranks, the event shouldn't have taken place on just the TR side. Maybe the youtube guys could've coordinated and picked factions and fought against eachother that way.
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  10. JesusVoxel

    If you wouldn't have to worry about killing friendlies, this game would turn to absolute chaos for it's last few months and then die off completely.

    I have never got my weapons locked, even when I begun playing this game knowing absolutely nothing about it.
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  11. Frosty The Pyro

    they need to work on how greif is tallied, I will give you that at least. there are only two situations I have ever been weapon locked, one was with lockdown pounder spam holding a choke like a champ (60+ kills in about 5 minuts, it was great till the weapon lock), and with the lasher.

    The thing about the lasher is, there was basicly never a tk with it, but the lasher and some similar weapons are very easy to acumulate a lot of incidental hits. were as on the other hand you can strait up gun several freindlys down before you ahve to worry much about greif.
  12. Vanon

    And that does not happen now? 10% of my deaths are from my own faction. Some idiot firing blindly at range, or some idiot jumping in front of you. I've gotten in to outfit feuds in my own faction over this. Some guy is sitting at the warp gate and shoots someone, then that guy kills a guy from his outfit in revenge.

    I understand that it's a messure to prevent "zerg spray n pray" however lets look at this objectivly. If there are 100 guy's in a door way, do you really think that they won't take the base anyways? If FF is turned off, then all that means is those guy's instead of killing their own and having them rezzed by cert crazy medics, they will just be shooting the back of their team mate's and the bullets won't go through. I do not see any valid argument that supports FF being on anymore. This game has gone in the direction of cert farming, large battles, and away from small fire team groups. It made sense in games like Modern Warfare where there were under 30 people on a map, but when you have 100 guy's, 48 on each side and 4 Vanu there for no reason, you have everyone competeing for kills, especially when spawn camping. My own faction jumps right in front of my HE Lightning, or setups up a sniper position 2 inches in front of my sniper for the sole purpose of getting the certs. Why should i be punished if some idiot jumps in front of my HE lightning because he wants to kill 1 guy in side the door that i'm wrecking?

    TLDR: FF only made sense when there were smaller fights. In large scale fights, it just means you can't use AoE weapons because a bunch of people are stupid and will run in front of it, hurting your gameplay expierence.
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  13. OminousZ

    What i have noticed is, some times people don't realize they are in front of team mates because it has become too crazy all the time. I think large fire fights are fun, but so are the smaller, more tactical ones. Basically, when there's too many people in one given area, team killing is going to be off the charts.
  14. Ribero

    I like it where it is.

    Though the intentional griefers in the the videos could do with a banning.
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  15. Prudentia

    As much as i would like a Lasher buff, no FF would also be a stupidly huge buff to Prowler, PPA, Pounders, Bulldog, Rockets and idiotic BR100 who purely rely on target acquisition and don't have the slightest amount of target recognition. basicly Spamspamspamspamspam
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  16. Iridar51

    While I agree that punishment-for-FF-system could use some tuning, I have to say that in the year and a half I've been playing, I was weapons locked two times. L2P.
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  17. AshHill07

    I don't think just disabling friendly fire is a good solution. But if these streams proved anything its that the current system doesn't work ...
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  18. Conscripter

    So have I, but I've tk'd countless more times, you have to be an idiot to get locked. This thread isn't about weapons lock anway, l2read.

    With 100 people on essentially a 32 player base SOE should probably either just disable small arms FF or redesign bases. We all know how likely the latter is going to work, especially since they insist on putting campable spawn huts above ground.
  19. Iridar51

    0/10, try harder. Weapon lock is part of what this thread is about.
  20. Jaedrik

    I feel, at this point, that rightly ordered 'hardcore' design is purely at odds with beneficial design for scrubs who can't check their fire, or people who can't keep a low profile. We must choose. They must choose.

    BUT, the mechanics are set in stone. They're never going to touch any of the core gunplay mechanics, EVER AGAIN. All of that was decided in Beta.