PPA would have to be nerfed inorder to balance it.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BadAsElite, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. BadAsElite

    I hate to disagree with you DatVanuMan, but the PPA will still be far to powerful and spamable.
    It's kill potential with what you have suggested is still going to out class the Canister / Marauder by (3-4 X), while maintaining a 2HK. Thats 20 kills per a magazine when you look at it like that.
  2. Tyrant103

    It needs nerfed, not the nerf hammer but nerfed quite abit and the equals should be a slight buff.
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  3. DatVanuMan

    Then what is wrong with my idea? Please, try to improve upon it, not suggest a way to make bland. Just improve upon my suggestion, because there's something you see that I don't.
  4. DatVanuMan

    That is how the downfall of fun occurs, when you nerf something, and buff something else.
  5. Scr1nRusher

    Just buff the Canister and Marauder.

    Both need bigger Magazine sizes, better damage drop off and higher velocity.

    Rather then Making all ES AI weapons such..... just make them generally better.

    (also the canister should be able to look up, and the walker & ranger should be able to look down).

    If ES AI weapons were all great, and if MBT's had bulldog and fury's as secondary options, and if the kolbalt had a 150 magazine........

    then HE Tank rounds can finally be removed.
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  6. Dasubur

    One hit kill?

    are you joking?

    just buff the other weapons a bit and everything will be fine stop calling for unnecessary nerfs.

    adding something that can one hit kill is just asking for some one to abuse it.
  7. Adinatore

    You know, you bring up a very good point Alarox that I hadn't thought about. Although I believe that the PPA is fine as is, how can we feasibly buff the marauder and canister to its level without the weapons becoming OP? Since both TR and NC variants have limited range as compared to the PPA, they would need to have greater damage. If they OHK, however, the nerf calls will be never ending. If their TTK is lower than the PPA, then nerf calls will still follow.

    Despite these obstacles, I feel like the canister can be buffed appropriately and effectively if we balance it asymmetrically. Namely, I mean that we should drop the idea of a CQC shotgun being pure AI and turn it into a CQC gun similar to the airhammer. The idea would be that the canister can kill both infantry and light vehicles effectively at up to, say, 50 meters, and, from there on, becomes notably less effective. This may mean giving the canister splash even if the splash is less effective when fired from ground level rather than above. It would be able to do damage against tanks but it would only be able to do about as much damage as the current airhammer (may need buffs depending on how dangerous it ends up to infantry). This way, the gun becomes unique in that the tank using it sacrifices long range capabilities for CQC capabilities similarly to how the vulcan should have worked.

    As for the marauder, well, I haven't thought much about that one. It would definitely need a large rework however since it's currently a gimped PPA in terms of AI work. Perhaps make it fire low gravity rockets that do medium damage to both vehicles and infantry so that it's an all around gun? Nah, that would probably be OP because versatility is OP :rolleyes:
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  8. Epic High Five

    Give it Saron bloom/COF, bam, problem solved. It still gets to fire forever and ever and ever and ever whereas every other AI weapon has lost (or never had) this ability but it seems like the PPA is a magical exception.

    And stop suggesting that the C85 gets buffed. Everything everybody has mentioned so far has already been done and it didn't work.

    Also the state of all AI guns being as effective as the PPA did exist before, at release (except the C85 was still garbage lol) and it was awful. The PPA has no place in the current game and simply must be nerfed if parity is going to be restored without also driving huge swaths of people from the game. Again.

    The Airhammer is a bad weapon that's supported entirely by being on a hyper mobile platform. It does literally nothing better than the default Mustang at any range. Slapping it on a Vanguard wouldn't solve anything at all.
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  9. Tyrant103

    It deserves a reasonable nerf though, played vs a PPA ? It's not fun. For me, they are just no go zones.
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  10. Mxiter

    Revamped Vulcan, Revamped Marauder, Relase magrider, Release Scatmaxes, Fractures, Release Liberator, Updated Liberator, Release rocketpods, Release new Saron, Release Airhammer, Release Striker, ZoE :

    guess what: OP stuff are fun to use, but imbalance havn't place in mmo pseudo-competitive games since it's totally unfun for the opponents.

    I don't want to the PPA to be as bad as current marauder/Canister, i want to get all those 3 weapons in the middle of them actual gap.
  11. Pikachu

    Strange how you did not consider it too powerful and spammable for 1.5 years.
  12. BadAsElite

    It's a bit hard to try and improve on that as a whole. But the Magazine itself needs to be close to both the Canister and Marauder.

    A similar scenario could be.
    If we had the Marauder with that much Sustained fire (TR's trait is bigger magazines btw) and given they had a much longer range, we would be in a similar possition we are now. With the high payload the PPA is puting out currently.

    Currently a PPA is a Marauder with 5-6 times the Magazine size with 0 bullet drop.
  13. DatVanuMan

    Then just buff what is UP. That way, you can fight back, and enjoy the farming sessions PPA users enjoy.
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  14. DatVanuMan

    Exactly. That's what I want. Everything is good and bad in its own amazing or crappy way. That's what is supposed to make the factions, and the game itself, unique.
  15. Vikarius

    1. Magrider keeps getting nerfed and the other MBTs keep getting what used to make the Magrider unique.
    2. Saron gets over nerfed and becomes a low skill cap short to med range AV option with super bloom (and no bullet drop lolz)
    3. Magrider users realize that they will almost auto lose against a prowler/vanny AP/AV vs AP/AV. See #4
    4. Due to this these magriders users stick with the only real weapon their MBT has (PPA)
    5. Due to this weapon being effective AND unique unlike the design of the magrider (and other crappy ES weapons), it is seen as overpowered.

    A - Large portion of tankers and harassers using the same weapon is gonna make that weapon *look* overpowered but it doesn't mean it is overpowered
    B - If the rest of the ES weapons an MBT has including the cannon are clearly inferior to your faction's version, obviously the one that isn't inferior is going to *look* overpowered, but that does not mean it is.
    C - If there are more people pulling MBTs and harassers on Vanu then on NC+TR because most of the vanu small arms arsenal is a straight downgrade from counterpart weapons, and they have useless faction traits, obviously if vanu is pulling more armor then the other 2 factions its gonna make vanu armor *look* overpowered, but that doesn't mean it is (can combine C with A)
    D - If the majority of VS small arms weapons are lackluster, inferior, or straight downgrades and they have useless faction traits, if the VS have something that isn't lackluster, isn't inferior, and/or is a sidegrade from their faction counterparts, it is going to *seem* overpowered but that doesn't mean it is.

    Lets switch it up a little. If SOE made the EM1 and the Mercenary the ONLY weapons in the NC arsenal that got the job done, those weapons would *seem* very overpowered, but that doesn't mean they would be actually. It would *seem* that way because the NC players would eventually realize those were the only 2 effective/efficient and a large majority of the time you got killed by any NC it would be with one of those weapons.

    Effective Weapon = / = Overpowered Weapon
    Most Efficient weapon choice = / = Overpowered Weapon

    So in closing... there is yet to be valid proof that the PPA is indeed overpowered. If it was indeed overpowered to the point a lot of people in this thread are making it out to be, then valid proof would be as easy as breathing to provide, yet hasn't been provided (hint hint). If you want the PPA nerfed and the other 2 faction AI weapons buffed even though you cannot provide valid evidence that any of them are underperforming/overperforming, that is fine. Just as soon as VS gets a valid faction trait, a turret for the MBT main cannon, and our other ES weapons tuned up. Deal?
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  16. Alarox

    No changes I've suggested thus far have been implemented.
  17. DatVanuMan

    SO, do this. I know the TR trait is MOAR DAKKA, but more bullets go VERY well with more fire rate. Also, the VS trait is faster reload, BTW. So, decrease the magazine to the point where it is more than the NC (Considering it's a shotgun), while increasing the RoF and magazine size of the Marauder to 25 or 30. Just decrease its damage BY A BIT so that it fits the low damage, high DPM profile the TR has. As for the PPA, make it have 20 rounds, a fast reload, and a reduced RoF, while keeping the damage. That way, it fits the balanced DPS, high versatility and reload speed the VS has.
  18. BadAsElite

    I'm not asking for that. But if they were going to buff the Canister, Marauder and leave the PPA alone, they would both have to have higher Alpha damage as a repercussion. Like most low magazine size weapons have higher alpha damage in general in PS2.
  19. \m/SLAYER\m/

    Just buff Kobalt, end of story
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  20. BadAsElite

    We're geting closer to a more realistic balance. But 20 rounds is still far to big (and too close to the suggested Marauder Mag size), should be the same or very close to the NC's Canister.