[Suggestion] Wait......which is the faction specific trait for vs?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Silronth, Jul 10, 2014.

  1. Silronth

    Jokes aside,which is the faction trait for vs?
    TR-TR got fast firing weapons and fast vehicles.
    NC-NC got slow firing weapons but with great damage per bullet,also vehicles got the most armor.
    VS-VS got um......the crapy zoe that has no use,the magrider,eh...... we got an turbo version of the harasser for our mbt.
    I think VS should get as their faction trait to be rapid fire weapons with the reload time realy realy fast,why this?because VS use "alien"technology that would allow VS weapons to do this,but,if maybe others see this as "stealing" the tr trait,there is another option i came in mind with that i would realy love to see in game,no need for ammo,pls do not quit now hear me to the last word,VS weapons would use the pattern of the phaseshift of having heat ammo,and having to recharge batteries when reaching max overcharge,instead of extended mag we would get something like supercharged core that would slightly increase the maximum of ammo we need to shoot till reaching the maximum of heat,or it would make that the heat would rise harder,then the question about what happens to engineers ammunition package,forgot about that?well i didn't,it would transfer into somekind of heat reduction dispenser,it would make the heat rise harder or make at every 50 seconds every ones heat "pool"is reduced to 0 and depending to how many peoples heat is dispensed the engineers wuld get xp for that,thanks for hearing me out and sorry for the wall of text.
  2. Cinnamon

    The faction trait for VS is only using the most OP weapons and always complaining.
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  3. Goretzu

    NC have got low RoF weapons (which is as much a disadvantage as it is ever an advantage).
    And one vehicle that has slightly more armour at the cost of being slow and turning like an oil tanker (other than that they have the same armour).
    And shotguns stuck on everything, no matter how useless they are stuck on it.

    All faction traits are a little meh in PS2, TR probably comes out ahead (on balance) with high RoF + big magazines and better speed/mobility (on two vehicles) though.
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  4. Silronth

    i do not say other factions have better traits,i spoke of vs because my main is vs,of nc i rather think they should have the trait of the tr,why?because they are rebls,thy strike fast and with great eficiency,tr should have nc trait of high famage per bullet,why?because tr is an militaristic organization that can control only with absolute power.
  5. Mekeji

    Their faction trait is to be the most unique yet still complain about everything.

    The mag is incredible. It can go places no other tank can go, move around in an erratic way, and with skill the main cannon and be used to completely shut down the smaller bases. Not to mention how many places there are that the mag can get to that it can farm spawn rooms without fear. That isn't just from my time playing it but also from a lot of fighting vanu and going against people who are too busy doing well with them in game to come to the forums and complain.

    I see more mags while fighting VS than I ever see vanguards while fighting NC. That is because the vanny has a set role and if you pull it out, outside of that you are asking to be hit by C4. The mag on the other hand is good in any situation.

    As far as weapons go the VS have no drop, some weapons that do splash, charge weapons, and just in general neat little gimmicks with different weapons with them still being rather effective. (not the charge sniper rifle. That is just stupid)

    On your idea of overheat that is pretty imbalanced as a faction with infinite ammo and high ROF is just going to be better than the other two.
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  6. Silronth

    op weapons?you mean if some one got a great cqc weapon from start on their heavy assault is op?nc got best sniper lmg in game and is viable for mid range if you learn controling it.
  7. Mekeji

    TR have the TORQ which is extremely fast firing, extremely accurate, and has a good size mag. The only down side is that it only does 125 damage which doesn't matter when you are firing 857rpm accurately. (I play TR and using the TORQ made me realize it was OP)

    The VS on the other hand have the PPA which is the worlds most effective anti-infantry tank mount.
  8. Silronth

    look,there was this or this,i think i was not specific enough,if we get the heat thing the rof should remain the same,and the vs weapons no drop?all weapons i play on my ha have drop as well the la and infil that are 2nd and 3rd most played classes after ha,"some"weapons do splash damage,name one except the lasher for infantry,except for phaseshift i recall no more charge up weapons,and realy charge up weapons over tr's high rof?
  9. Huxer

    I thought about it for a very long time, 200 damage weapons, rof increased, shielding maxes, more ammo counts, no bullet drop, faster reload times,etc. At the end I have come to the conclusion that the main VS perk is, in fact, the default cammo we are given. It does matter.
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  10. Silronth

    you speak of ppa when we were speaking of infantry weapons,anyways the ppa will get nerfed sooner or later just like the marauder or the canister.
  11. Silronth

    well,huxer,put on a nv scope on your weapons and no one will give any more any sh*t for the cammo.
  12. Mianera

    ^ This. Also, don't forget the COD attitude, especially in their ESF pilots. They constantly /tell and whine.
  13. FateJH

    The VS faction trait is versatility. Their arsenal includes a bit of everything.
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  14. JibbaJabba

    Didn't you watch the game launch trailer?

    VS faction specific trait is being !#$!@#$ invisible all the !#$ time at night, inside bases, and on the entire continent of hossin.

    VS also gets "high tech" weapons.
    A Cylon raider for an ESF straight out of battlestar galactica
    A frickin flying tank! (s
    Frickin laser beams that have zero bullet drop

    The only thing you are missing is a flying shark with a laser beam on it's head that can cloak.

    The VS is an awesome faction. I have no complaints about it.
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  15. Silronth

    mianera,pls tell me wich are those op weapons execpt for the ppa that all vs players can say that it is a bit op comparing to other mbt anti infantry weapons?fatejh,me myself fill more versatille on my tr characters.
  16. Silronth

    wait,you mean vs got cool looking things,but who gives a f**k about cool looking things while actually he just wants to play the game and doesn't care of how he looks but rather the effects on gameplay.
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  17. TheBlindFreak

    All of your heavy assault weapons have drop? Are you literally only using the dumbfire rocket launchers? If so, why would you even bother complaining about NC lmg's elsewhere in the thread? And NONE of the VS carbines have bullet drop. And the only infiltrator weapons with bullet drop are the carbon copy bolt actions, which are identical across all 3 factions.

    Sorry, any credibility you may have had is gone.
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  18. Silronth

    i do not know which server you play,but this is rather the people from your server that are some cod fanboys.
  19. JibbaJabba

    "Wait, you mean...."

    Stop right there, Dr. Logic Trap. If you say such a phrase ("you mean..") there is a really good chance that you are about to make a straw man argument.

    That is NOT what I said.

    Please don't make me start lecturing about reading comprehension.
  20. Silronth

    again,i think you missunderstood me,i said the weapons that i PLAY WITH,that are mostly ursa and orion,and the lancer,yes you got me here,lancer is the only rocket launcher from the 3 "new" ones that i like but still you will do less damage with a charged up shot to full than with a dumb fire on.