VS Spiker. What happened?

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by KillSwitchWes, Jul 3, 2014.

  1. KillSwitchWes

    So we (the VS) were promised a charge pistol as our ESPistol and ended up getting something generally better, a chargeable burst pistol. The problem is that the charge mechanic is absolutely worthless ATM.

    The charge up is way too long and when charged fires a 4 round burst. You can easily fire 8-10 rounds in the same time it takes to charge this thing up. There does not appear to be an increase in damage, velocity or RoF per round so I don't see the point of ever using it.

    So I have to ask, what happened to the single projectile, high damage charge shot with AoE damage? This is how the Spiker from PS1 worked (more or less) and would be more useful.
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  2. Dramonicous

    They better not screw up the spiker
    Every hardcore infil from PS1 is and always will be in love with that gun.

    Im currently dling the test server patch so I can try it, but if it doesnt work similar to the PS1 then im gonna be sad and wonder why they even decided to name drop spiker.
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  3. Quiiliitiila

    Not sure how the Spiker worked in PS1, but here all it does is charge up to a 4 round burst. As KillSwitch said, you can easily spamfire the normal 2x burst to fire 10 rounds in the time it takes to charge and fire the 4. The charged rounds have no additional qualities and it takes 2 charged bursts and an normal shot to kill someone dealing with body shots. Head shots is equal to one charged burst and one normal shot.

    Pathetic… All these great ideas and this is what we get…
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  4. KillSwitchWes

    Well then prepare to fall into a deep depression... This PS2 Spiker works nothing like the PS1 Spiker.

    But seriously, I'm fine with a standard 2 round burst, it is after all something myself and most other Vanu wanted for a very long time. I just wish the charge up was similar to the PS1 Spiker (as it seems you do too).
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  5. ISKNausicaa

    I was about to post just this, after testing the thing i found the charge fire is uttlery worthless as the standard fire mode beats it in every way, simply put there is absolutly no reason to use charge mode. Ever.

    I would love to see a small slow AOE projectile (use the lasher projectile stats with a smaller aoe) for the charge mode like the classic spiker pistol.

    Another idea would be to make the primary fire close range and make the charge shot useful at ranges outside of normal pistols (think pocket AI lancer, three charge shots to kill, but decent charge projectile speed)

    Both of these ideas would give charge mode a reason to exist and a reason to risk using it
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  6. Dramonicous

  7. minhalexus

    just wondering, what is the damage and RoF of this gun?

    I would laugh if you guys are complaining about this, if it has 167+ damage.

    At 200+, it's OP and I doubt that it has that much damage.
    At 143, I guess that it's decent not amazing. I wouldn't buy it for the 2x burst or charge up.
    At 125, it's underpowered.

    If it has a damage of 167, then 167x4 = 668
    That is not bad at all, if you can release that in one burst even if the charge up is long as 2-3 seconds.
  8. vanu123

    Give it 143 buff the mag size to 20 and give it some splash damage.
  9. DeadliestMoon

    No to splash damage.
  10. SCreech

    Currently has 125/10m and then it trickles off somewhere below 100 iirc, rof 768.

    I wouldn't mind if they reworked the charged shot to, for example a single shot that was more effective at longer range (long for a pistol that is). So a single projectile, 400-450dmg, max dmg range 15-20m (without suppr. ofc), because lets be honest, you're not gonna use the charge up mode in cqc (unless stalkering maybe).
  11. Kanil

    It's useful whenever you and your opponent are not currently shooting at one another. Say... you're on opposite sides of a door. Or you're cloaked. Or one of you just rounded a corner and the other one is chasing.

    The charge up burst is how you start (or resume) a fight, but you don't recharge it again in the middle of the fight, you just stick with two round burst.

    It's definitely not very useful, but there are certain situations where it makes sense to use it.
  12. Kunavi

    So it's a weapon like the TR TRAP? Which can kill, but only if you meet 10 different requirements and get the jump on the other guy... Who must preferably be new to PS2. Well if that's the case, let's see how any VS who defended the TRAP will like having a pistol which works only if this, that and that kind of conditions... Or which is only good as an open and then you have to switch to your PISTOL FFS. I'm slightly amused. Just slightly though because the Spiker will probably be more useful and adaptable than the "EHRMAGHERDSUPERSABR".

    For the rest of the VS complaining? In all seriousness I'm with you, let the Spiker at least charge up all its mag or instead of Burst, let the charged mode fire off a single shot with AOE and nice Dmg + No drop obviously?
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  13. NinjaTurtle

    Seeing as how VS are so desperate for a burst pistol (for some reason) they should have just adapted one of the previous 3 pistols for that role. The Cerberus should have been adapted for a 2/3x burst as it offers nothing the previous 2 didn't

    Now SOE are cramming a burst mechanic into this pistol instead and as a result we have a burst pistol that is decent with a charge that is pointless, in other words is bringing nothing new or interesting. The charge needs to dump either half the mag or all of the mag to be useful otherwise you can just double click to fire more bullets than you can in the time it takes to charge the gun and fire the 4x burst

    TLDR: Spiker needs to dump all or at least half mag to be useful
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  14. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    Does it have the same behavoir as the phaseshift, aka, a pistol that only fires when you release the trigger?
    THAT is what I'm worried about.
    Not that I need a burst Pistol, and I don't want my Cerberus to be a burst pistol, either.
  15. Plunutsud pls

    Yeah just give us a burst pistol which can be overcharged to deal explosive damage!
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  16. JorgeSarcos

    ...to put it simple: VS wont have any useful pistol anytime soon. Buy NS pistols.
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  17. WarmasterRaptor

    Default 2 shot burst, with a charge up option of 1 (or 1.x) sec of 1 shot with small splash combining the equivalent of a double tap (4 projectiles into 1)
  18. moriarrr-ceres

    And for people who don't know: charging mechanic DON'T WORK WHEN cloaked, and it will never happen (the game mechanic don't allow that).
    -you glow and it make noise when charging.....
    -Charging a gun should give a BONUS but no nerf you, in it's current state when charging you nerf your damage output by x3
    -Charging should make you take risk for a reward (explosive damage, more damage, or something)
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  19. Jaloro

    In that case its a heap of ****.
  20. eldarfalcongravtank

    screw the chargeup, just give us the burstfire feature already
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