I'm a little uncomfortable with attachments being able to be purchased with SC.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Angry Scientist, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. Bape

    bah nvm don't think my opinion really matters any way.

    Deleted my post by the way.
  2. SacredRay

    Its not different. You advocate this change under the illusion that a stock weapon isn't useful and would not be useful unless it was certed out. I also think you are agreeing with the notion that a certed weapon is costly in terms of time and certs (it really isn't).

    What is stopping you from saying the same thing about classes? Maxing out a Heavy Assault for example is pretty expensive (Adrenaline Shield for instance). The difference between a level 1 Adrenaline Shield and a maxed one is huge. I could say "gee, a stock Adrenaline Shield isn't useful and I'm not good enough to make the certs. I might as well buy the upgrades".

    Slippery slopes.
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  3. omfgwee

    There is a sure thing that not everything will be purchasable with sc. If u can buy everything with sc there will be no reason to get membership for extra xp because there will be nothink left for you to buy with certs.

  4. Nitrobudyn

    So You wouldn't mind if class abilities and slots were unlockable via sc?
  5. Aggh

    F2P players already deal with this anyways. Just because you ground certs for hundreds of hours doesn't make your upgrades any different than ones bought with cash.
  6. Chipay

    I remember Higby telling us that upgrades would be certs only.

    Guess SOE has no problem lying to its playerbase if it means earning some quick bucks

    They must have a good reason for doing it, guys. I'm sure not everyone at SOE wants this, but they probably have no choice.

    And again, I don't think that would affect the gameplay too much, since most attachments only worth around 30 minutes of gameplay.
  8. Zenanii

    You're complaining people can effectively "buy" 100 certs?
    Pff, out of the 100k odd certs I've earned so far at the very least 40k of those were from boosts and auraxium membership. Not to mention I've bought weapons for over 25k certs worth. And you think buying atachments for 100 certs will change anything?
  9. McToast


    To me it shows that they need money.

    I don't really mind attachments for SC, but where does it end? Why not make SC costs for suitslots too? Why not c4 and grenades? Those are weapons after all. What about upgrades for vehicle weapons? Why can't I spend SC to unlock magsize on a vehicle weapon when I can spend SC to unlock magsize on a MAX?

    I like the f2p model of this game because I don't feel like I have to spend money. And because of that reason I do spend some money. This is another step in the p2w direction. The game won't suddenly become p2w with this change, but it's another step.
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  10. Goretzu

    I don't think this is the end of the world.

    However equally this is a textbook example of "P2W-creep".

    The are going to reach the tipping point sooner rather than later as things are going.
  11. MasterCheef

    Paying for upgrades would only be an issue if the battlefields were separated by BR. If this was the case, then yes a new player would be at a disadvantage against another new player who bought their guns and attachments.

    This is a game where ALL ranks play on the same field. It DOESNT matter who kills you. A certed out BR1 or BR100, doesn't really make a difference in gameplay on the battlefield where you are more likely to run into a highly certed out player than you are a new player with a stock weapon.
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  12. Cyridius

    PS2 is already Pay2Win. Just accept that Money = Certs and Certs = Power.

    So, in that context, I don't see this as being a big deal, the attachments are all as easy or hard to get as they were before, just now you can pay for them.
  13. ohmikkie

    I assumed that SC purchases would transfer anyway.
  14. MasterCheef

    Exactly. People are forgetting that if they remove ALL grind, then not only do you kill reason for membership, it makes it harder to keep a new player addicted.

    They wont make a class fully purchasable, it wouldn't make sense. They will not remove the need to earn certs, its half of what drives the motivation for gameplay.
  15. Zombekas

    It's 100 certs at most, are you even serious? ಠ_ಠ
  16. Chipay

    500 certs for an extended mag on your MAX
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  17. DK22

    whatever, the game is fine. be a member and all will be right.
    worked up 2K certs, hmmm what to spend them on....
  18. Rolfski

    There are many definitions for a f2p game being p2w, but the two most commonly used are:
    1. You can buy ingame power with cash.
    2. You can buy ingame power with cash that cannot be acquired by playing the game.

    This game just became officially p2w by one of its definitions as you can buy all attachments with SC now.
    That's not only a slippery slope as Smedley admitted, that's throwing your f2p reputation straight out the window, which is bad for this game, especially with a PS4 launch coming up.

    Please SOE, don't don this while there are so many more ways out there to drive revenue out of this game that are still untouched, like cert reset, stat reset, name change and server change tokens.
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  19. sindz

    Complete horse****.

    Attachments for SC isnt a pay2win, its negligible at best. Reason for this is, _no one_ knows how much x attachment helps y gun. No one besides SOE has these numbers and from what I can tell ingame, the difference from full attachment weapon vs no attachment is next to nothing.

    And attachments are dirt cheap and certs are flowing massively these days. Stop crying about small things that doesnt matter at all.

    Lastly: If anything its a good thing for new players who previously were going up against high ranked BR players with everything unlocked and would get smoked (some people think this anyway). Now they can drop a few bucks and even the playingfield.
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  20. Govedo13

    The change is bad. I feel nerfed. I wish that if we are about to PtW to be able to buy vehicle weapons attachments with SC.
    The OP is right if SOE wants new revenue source he gave some great suggestions.