Continent Lock Ghostcappers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by squarebug, Jun 28, 2014.

  1. squarebug

    This is Connery, it's been like this for days when the majority was always happy to be on Indar.. this cont lock is poorly designed.. Don't be like this SOE it was a bad idea with this game.

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  2. Leftconsin

    Yeah. Everyone is on Hossin. I think it will even out within a month.
  3. squarebug

    i hope so. this may become a regular thing
  4. NinjaTurtle

    As much of an advocate of cont locking as I am I will admit there are a few issues such as this.
  5. volth

    Its the same on Ceres :(, Indar unlocked 11pm yestderday and then it was locked again 4am today by vanu.
    That isnt fun SOE
  6. dohh

    Holy crap! That's on connery? The past week or so the NC has been getting their ***** handed to them. To see that much's a miracle, even if it WAS ghost capped.
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  7. T0x1s

    NC ghost cap at night alert.

    A suggestion is to disable cont locking on nights when no one is playing except these anoying ghost cappers.
  8. Verenz

    Get rekt Indar!

    Seriously though, a lot of us don't like fighting over the same bases every day.

    I have fallen in love with this update.
  9. squarebug

    before this update Connery played on all 3 (cus believe it) that's not many continents..
  10. TheFamilyGhost

    What is the fascination with crying?
  11. squarebug

    er what the hell? no tears here. honestly i'm pointing out that this is a prob.
  12. Verenz

    1.How can you possibly claim that Connery could fill 3 continents and then claim that under the new system it cannot fill 3 continents.

    2. What does it even matter to you if a continent you are not on gets ghostcapped

    3. The truth is you were happy when you could 24/7 indar and everyone who didn't want to do that had almost no choice because indar ate all of the players.

    4. Hossin is amazing and unlockable. I don't see how you could like indar but not Hossin?
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  13. Lucerin_SolTech

    Nothing to see here. Move along.
  14. volth

    "1.How can you possibly claim that Connery could fill 3 continents and then claim that under the new system it cannot fill 3 continents."

    This one is Easy its because players log off when they cant play the map they want to play.
    Its really isnt fun to wait 4 hours to maybe maybe play the map you want to play so they log off.
  15. volth


    This is Amerish on Ceres and its a Alert, no players there its Empty in TR warpgate.
  16. Inex

    I want to make sure I understand your argument.

    Indar is so popular on Connery that when it becomes available to play, half a platoon of NC are able to ghost cap the entire continent over the course of 45 minutes completely unopposed.

    Is it maybe possible that your 'majority' of Indar players isn't quite as big as you think it is?
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  17. volth

    They dont want to play when they need to wait 4-48 hours to play their map. Look at my pictures of Amerish, almost none play there and its a alert. Thats why you can ghost cap continents because its no people's online anymore except a few that like Hossin.
  18. ironeddie

    Am I the only one who doesn't give a frak what continent I play on? I have favourites and least favourites. I'm sick to the back teeth of indar because I know it so well. But still even on a continent I don't like I still find things I enjoy and I can have fun splatting enemies on any continent. I would never log off because I couldn't play on a certain continent.

    I wonder if this is a problem of what people are used to. In every other shooter you can pick the map you want to play on. Not so here and that's upsetting people.
  19. volth

    If you have someone to fight yes, but now its only one map and thats Hossin. No Amerish, Esamir or Indar only Hossin. And Hossin is zerg, zerg and more zerg.
  20. Jeslis

    Im actually avoiding playing this weekend ever since the announcement of *Only 1 continent can be locked* ... cause with 3 up, fights are too spread//random//ghost capping 1 happens (Like the OP Indar picture)...

    See you guys on monday when we can actually lock 2.