Miller Continent Locking

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tanchester, Jun 26, 2014.

  1. Caserion

    The main problem is, Esamir and Amerish will 99 % of the time be unlocked, and with 2 continents left no other continent will ever be locked or any alert have a domination victory.

    Maybe locking 2 continents at the same time is an overkill, i feel.

    I know a lot of people enjoy the increased concentration of population, but now everything is one giant battle everywhere. No chance of ever taking large amount of ground. Always returning to some sort of equilibrium.

    I'll miss Esamir and Amerish. Or my frames and less than 24 enemies.
  2. Valeriu

    No, players are the key to PS2 longevity.

    If people leave because of this, then its not "holding back progression"...its actively detrimental.

    Not saying that will happen, although I;m already pissed at continent locking.
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  3. randallt3mpd

    Well of course that is your opinion. You may only like Indar, but I like all the continents. Amerish is awesome. Have you played since the revamp? I agree that Esamir may be the least varied in terms of color, but there is still variety in the geography/topography and bases. Also I like snowy/icy maps. :) Havent tried Hossin yet though.
  4. Arisso

    same on cobalt. i hate indar and hossin is not really better. thx for wrecking the game.
  5. Arch

    Sorry but I don't think the players who log off because Indar is cont locked or pop locked, are the kind of players who will keep this game alive. Yes this game needs both dedicated and casual players, but to log off because your favorite map is unavailable... that's too casual and I doubt these players care that much about where this game is headed.
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  6. randallt3mpd

    You may only wish that Planetside was purely Indar, but I and many others like variety and different continents. Personally if this game only had Indar I would have stopped playing a long time ago.

    Basically you are implying that a huge portion of the people playing this game arent playing because its Planetside, but are playing cause it happens to have this Indar map in it.
  7. Danath

    Hey look. VS locked Indar and about to lock Esamir, 38% pop :rolleyes:
  8. randallt3mpd

    THIS ^^
  9. Valeriu

    news for you, its the "casual" player that pays for games. really. A dev can pretty much tell the self proclaimed "hardcore" players to go take a flying ****, and not notice a drop in revenue. Lose the casuals, the ones that spend money for convenience in this type of game, and its end of the road time.

    Besides, opinions off people who are dedicated fans of the game dont matter. Thats just real life. Its like safe seats in politics. If you are going to be a fan no matter what, you dont get catered to. The devs will always cater to the floating gamer, the ones they can attract in over and above the core player block, as thats the potential market for them.
  10. omegaflarex

    WAH! WAH! WAH!

    Planetside 1 was a zerg-fest too and no one complained.
  11. Diodeone

    Well then support the movement to make Higby honor his promise of server token transfers or tell him to merge the EU servers together.
  12. randallt3mpd

    Only problem with this is that the "casual player" is not likely to be the one funding this game and will most likely not stick with it very long since they constantly hop around to the newest and most popular thing.
  13. Arch

    So as a casual player, your opinion counts more than mine? Like **** it does. Casual players who don't invest in the games future are not going to stick around to keep spending cash on it. If you actually bothered to read my post I said the game needs casual players, but not the so casual I only play on one continent and whine they have to log off when it's locked.
  14. Diodeone

    Add to that the fact that because of Higby's Forumside club has shot down the server transfer token those who are paying customers such as myself are not able to transfer their tokens for a fee and then will become frustrated and quit. Too much is being done based on kids who have all day to sit around and tweet Smedley rathter than those of us who have to work to pay bills and support the game.
  15. Pouk3D

    And now we have 2 continents on Miller. Threat outdated.
  16. HadesR

    Well it kinda needs any players it can get .. They are running out of servers to merge .. So i wouldn't be so quick to bemoan or dismiss a person preferences ..
  17. Alzir

    There comes a point when SOE need to realise that they managed to pick up a lot of new players with this version of planetside, who thought the original was terrible, and therefore didn't stick around long enough to complain. We just voted with our feet.

    Massive fights where you can barely move on every lane may be good for ps1 vets, but believe me when I say that for anyone coming in from a more traditional shooter, it's a nightmare experience. I had just this last week managed to get 3 guys I'd been nagging for 18 months to join me more in this to admit they were finally enjoying it....until tonight when every lattice lane was 48+ on both sides. I hope it was just busier today because of the update, but it wasn't even an experience that I enjoyed.
  18. Arch

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocate they should be kicked off the servers for being to casual, but I do worry for what the future of the proposed changes to resources ect if these are the players SOE are catering for. Look at the current redeploy mechanic for an example of how catering to the casual gamer has damaged the game.
  19. Valeriu

    I personally prefer amerish to indar...but whatever.

    What I am for is people having 4 continents to choose from and play on. Not beign forced into the 2 unpopular ones when the popular ones are locked....YOU are for restricting choice, I am not.
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  20. HadesR

    The problem is that because this game is being aimed at a console as well, it will continue to be aimed at the more casual gamer .. It's all very well finger pointing at players and laying the blame on them.. But I feel it's a direction SOE wish to take the game ( due the PS4 ) regardless of forumside input ..