Shotguns really, really need to be reworked. (Nerfed up close, more range.))

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by dBus, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. OldCuban

    Sorry OP but I completely disagree.

    The point of a shotgun IS to get in close and ONLY that, in most, if not all online FPS games.

    If you let me get close to you, that's YOUR bad, not the weapon's.

    I'm going to guess you're one of the many players who would send me " You're a hacker " messages, simply because I would one shot them with my trusty TR Uppercut from within a few feet.

    Don't like it? LTP!

    I can understand your point about making it more like RL, but this isn't RL. There's tons of mechanics in game that completely ignore the laws of physics. It's a game!
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  2. Codex561

    YES YES YES!!!
    I always had a problem with shotguns in CQC. Hell, I got 3 auraxiums with shotguns so I know that they are pretty damn easy to use and way to effective. Not enough risk vs too much reward.
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  3. Latrodectus

    You don't have a point, not a comprehensible one at any rate. With nothing left to engage, ridicule is all that can remain.

    Come back when you have something to say other than "don't get shot."
  4. TheFamilyGhost

    I'm sorry you don't like my position. Even more sorry that you don't understand it.

    You got killed. Get over it. Accept that *perhaps*, you were beaten by a player. Figure out why it happened, and how to prevent it from happening again.

    Or, go on the forums and beg for mercy.

    Regarding who I would want on my team, I choose the former. Which one would you choose?
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  5. Latrodectus

  6. Corporate Thug

    Shotguns are awful weapons designed for ease of use. Easy to use for people who can't aim, pure and simple.

    So many people complain about rocket launcher primaries yet shot guns are much more spammable and don't severely handicap you if a shot is missed.

    I find it funny how many shotguns are even in this game. Though it does reflect how bad the majority of us are.
  7. Elkybam

    Just remember that SOE granted all players access to fast-reload shotguns for each empire, so you would be seeing way to many of those if this were the be implemented.
  8. Hank

    Players need to choose the right weapon for the fight, if you plan on fighting in CQ, choose a shotgun. if you dont, thats on you!
    I play the sweeper/LA combo a lot now and i get killed plenty by machine guns, close and far.
    Should i cry about the effective range of a lmg or carbine? maybe the DPS for those should be reduced so i can get closer and use my shotgun.
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  9. Zorro

    Well said, I have advocated for this before. Sadly, there are always individuals who are against changes for a more realistic experience, even if it results in more balance and fun.
  10. TheFamilyGhost

    You attack my character, but not my point.

    Thank you for affirming that my point is correct.
  11. TheFamilyGhost

    Assigning skill level to weapon selection is extremely self-limiting.
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  12. Corporate Thug

    Selecting a weapon for ease of use is self limiting. I personally would rather improve to meet a challenge rather than circumvent my lack of skill. To each his own.
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  13. Latrodectus

    And this is something that I feel a lot of players will never grasp. They have probably never been in a situation where a player keeps trying to cheese them harder and harder after every time you kill them. When you kill them as an SMG infiltrator, they come back with a HA rocket primary, when that fails, they come back with a HA automatic shotgun, when that fails, they come back with a MAX suit, and when that fails they come back in an ESF with rocket pods. They either don't understand the escalation of cheese, or they are partakers themselves.
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  14. Epic High Five

    You aren't hitting with all pellets on a Jackhammer at 10m, much less minimum damage distance

    There's more that controls a shotgun's damage than raw numbers.

    I wouldn't be opposed to a tightening of spread except that with how buckshot dropoff is, it'd take a full mag from both arms to kill someone at 30m unless you're using slugs. If you make them an average dps weapon with below average range and NOT buff the magazine size and reload considerably, then you've just completely cut the balls off of the weapon system. It'd be bad at all ranges.
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  15. Zenanii

    No, shotguns are fine. I auraxuimed mine pre-nerf and have since abandoned it completely in favor of smg's as I find it's effective range way too limiting.

    It's a niche weapon made to fullfill a specific and quite narrow role, in a similar manner a AP tank will always beat a HE tank.

    And complaining about another player beating you with loadout as opposed to skill, in a game where one class have 50-100% higher EHP then the other classes? Are we even playing the same game?
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  16. Corporate Thug

    I think your missing the point of this thread. Also, using a shot gun as a light assault is meh. There are amazing carbines that do very well in CQC up to medium long range. You won't be able to instagib people but with enough practice, you can kill them insanely fast and not feel useless on rooftops.
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  17. Flashtirade

    I disagree. SMGs already cover close-but-not-too-close range very well, and trying to push shotguns out of their small niche under 8 meters while evening out the damage output would only make them even less competitive than they are now. I'm not particularly happy about the situation, but that's how it is.
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  18. TheFamilyGhost

    Yes, to each his own.

    Allow me one question: I select a shotgun for ease of use. My opponent is 200m away. How is it that I selected the shotgun for ease of use?
  19. Gundem

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  20. Gundem

    Having over 4000 kills with Shotguns, I beg to differ.

    Shotguns require a much different skillset then standard weapons, namely positioning and timing. A carbine user caught out in the open still has a chance to out dodge and out shoot another carbine user, but a Shotgun user is dead meat. It is the Shotgun user's JOB to be as close as possible to the target, and frankly, if you allow a Shotgun user to get within 10 meters of you(Roughly the maximum range of the Fast Reload, Tight Pellet Spread shotguns. High Cap and Automatic shotguns have even less range, at about 4 meters for the Automatic ones), it is no ones fault but your own.

    "Oh, but, but, it's indoooors!"

    Tough luck, buttercup. Get a Shotgun of your own, and stop trying to be so MLG with your "Fair" weapons.

    The devs designed the weapons to dominate in CQC, and if you decide to bring a non-CQC weapon into that environment without positioning yourself out of range of Shotguns, you have nothing but yourself to blame.

    And as for aiming, even Shotguns require aim. If you miss a single burst with a Shotgun, you are dead. A single miss from a carbine? No problem.
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