What Exactly Does It Take To Kill Infantry So Easily?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CJ2DaRescue2, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. CJ2DaRescue2

    Infantry vs. Infantry

    I just don't get it. On several occasions I will shoot a guy 4-5 times. He will then turn and kill me in 2-3 shots. Is this an fps issue or do I just suck at this game. fps averages about 30.

    I would love to know how this keeps happening time and time again. Are people just that good at this game or what.

  2. M2_Bradley

    heavy assault shields.That's your problem,
  3. Thagyr

    What class were you and the target? What weapon are you using and what weapon is he using? Did either of you get headshots (you can tell from the noise when you get shot. It's a sharp *ting* sound). What's your average ping to the server.

    There's a whole bunch of reasons. He could have been a Heavy with his shield. They could be using a weapon that is better suited to the range you engaged him at. He could be awesome at headshots. You might be a victim of lag compensation.

    This vid explains the lag thing.

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  4. Rodinvac

    That sounds like lag or the hit-detection breaking.
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  5. Plunutsud pls

    Hit detection is inconsistent, has been for a few months already.
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  6. Jbrain

    I took a small break and I can tell you the hitdetection and the low server tick rate has really screwed me in so many situations. I pray they upgrade their servers and increase things like tickrate and fix the hit detection.
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  7. libbmaster

    Smed has already addressed this.

    It's server side lag, they are aware of it and they are working on getting a fix out ASAP.
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  8. TheFamilyGhost

    You win some you lose some.
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  9. Axehilt

    The most common factors
    • Headshots deal a lot more damage than regular shots. Leg shots deal less.
    • Nanoweave at higher ranks provides an extra bullet worth of protection against body shots at closer ranges. This is an unfortunate form of vertical progression mattering in the game, which means that sometimes you'll just lose because the other guy has a higher BR character. It sucks, and would be much better if they started all new characters with a single max-rank item for every suit and vehicle slot, to level the playing field.
    • Heavies have an overshield for more HP or resistance.
    • Infiltrators have a little less HP (in case the OP was an infil)
    • "Initiative" provides a significant time advantage over your opponent (see video in reply #3) Often enough to win the fight. (Although in the OP's example it sounds probable that the OP had initiative.)
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  10. Tbone

    Maybe this will help you:

    There is a 0.2 sec lag in this game.The average ttk is about 0.6 and 0.8 sec so this 0.2 sec is big.Problem of all modern multiplayer shooters.You don't suck ,never even think you do.
  11. PhantomOfKrankor

    Hit detection is broken by several things right now. They just put out a patch fixing dead bodies on the ground occasionally blocking shots, and another fix for another big issue is hopefully coming monday... "maybe 20% of the people are impacted by it at some point or another." - Smedley


    It would be nice if they posted things like this on the official forums or through a devblog or something to keep people updated on problems that are killing their game for a chunk of the population.
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  12. Bush82

    higher ping wins and headshots.
  13. Latrodectus

    Pretty sure this mystery is solved.
  14. FABIIK

    Am I correct in thinking that the more FPS I have the more hits are going to register in the same lapse of time ?
  15. IamDH

  16. McToast

    Nope. It just means that the game is running more smoothly for some of your opponents, allowing their skill to shine more than yours. I played this game for about 10 months with an old core2duo and I can tell you that having 25-30 fps or having a constant 60 fps makes a massive difference in aim and recoil controll.
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  17. Utrooperx

    Hit detection issues...Smed speaks!

    "We found a pretty big one and it's up on PTS just for the weekend to make sure it's tested properly. This one is pretty big... maybe 20% of the people are impacted by it at some point or another.

    OMG...so it really wasn't my firewall/router/ISP/CPU...like SOE Customer Support insisted????

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  18. Liberty

    As someone with a 6.0 infantry K/D I can tell you it is a constant struggle. On the FPS side of things I start at ~50 - 60 and can drop as low as 30. At that point target tracking becomes much more difficult and things like CQC sniping and what not is just an exercise in frustration.

    The hit detection issues that were recently brought to light certainly don't help things (where you will unload into your target scoring 2-3X the hit markers required for a kill and have them still standing).

    That being said, even if you have that working against you, you can still outshoot your opponents. It is just an uphill battle that some players don't have to worry about. (The first part at least).
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  19. LibertyRevolution

    Post some video of some of your gameplay.
  20. TopVanuTroll

    Are you playing NC? If you are, maybe you're not compensating for the vertical recoil enough. I remember I started out with like a 0.2 KD because I tried to rush people with an uncerted Gauss Saw