Server Smash is Over!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GaBeRock, Jun 20, 2014.

  1. TheShrapnelKing

    When externalities may have caused interference, a 1 second win is too close to call a certain win.

    For all intents and purposes, it's a tie.
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  2. Geneaux

    Still raging?

    Right back at ya...
  3. Latrodectus

    Waterson lost, get over it.
  4. Paragon Exile

    fite me irl
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  5. TheShrapnelKing

    Not really, no.
  6. Mekeji

    Not really. They won the main game. Then the extension made them lose.

    Not that it matters because even if one side had stomped the other naming the server waterson or matherson would be wrong.
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  7. Latrodectus

    The extension was part of the rules that had been very thoroughly laid out. It's a solid win, Waterson needs to get over it.
  8. Undeadfred

    That's something to campaign on before the game. Not something to utter after you lost

  9. MacKnight



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  10. Mekeji

    To be honest before the jumping back and forth on the results I was fine with matherson. It would just take time to get used to saying I am on matherson and not waterson. In the first topic to pop up after the original call of matherson winning I stated that. However subsequent topics my feeling changed.

    However once the jumping started and I started to see how closely people hold their origin server identities it became clear that it would be bad to just destroy one server and send the refugees to another.

    In the days leading up to the match I saw yell chats filled with trashing of matherson players and on matherson trashing of waterson players. I figured it was just hype until the board made me see that it wasn't just hype.

    If the server was called waterson those on waterson would probably talk about the matherson players is a rather disgusting manner and if the server was called matherson the players of matherson would talk down to those from waterson.
  11. m44v

    Emerald is a much better name than Matterson or Waterson.
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  12. Mekeji

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  13. MacKnight

    All of this is becoming way too accurate
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  14. Undeadfred

    And that's all something SOE should of considered before feeding into this SS to decide the server name.

    Those were the stakes. It was a close game, well fought. In the end though Mattherson emerged by a hair, but by an inch or a mile she came out on top.

    Respect the bargain, Welcome to #MathErrorSon
  15. Wobberjockey

    I was on the Yimr front all night for Waterson. I'll be honest. I had doubts that we could stand up to the skill that I figured backed Matherson's bluster especially with faction gear that i had little to no experience with (with the exception of this week I haven't put any significant playtime into TR). I also had serious doubts about wanting to play this game going forward if they had utterly blown us out.

    I am honestly amazed that we represented ourselves as well as we did, especially considering the errors I know we made (and the associated swearing and screaming going along with it). i think that every single player on that game can say that they played in tonight's server smash, and the other side would respect their performance.

    The fact that the end result is so close is a testament to both parties, and given the finger pointing that could happen I think it's best that everyone acknowledges the other side played an excellent game, and that we move on from here together.

    if the best road to do that lies with a new server name for both of us, than so be it.
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  16. Solidpew

    Whatever happens next, that was an amazing event to partake in. Props to all involved, GG and see you all on our new server soon. :)
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  17. Regpuppy

    Does that mean that this is Briggs?

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  18. Mekeji

    By the way you do realize that it is official it won't be called Matherson right?

    You keep saying "Welcome to #MathErrorSon" like you think it will be called Matherson.

    They already said it will be called Emerald.
  19. Latrodectus

    Of course they will. Every time there's a chance for SOE to back out and go back on the rules that they themselves established, they'll do it. This server smash just goes to show how far they'll go to keep up that tradition of distastefulness.
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  20. Tommyp2006

    Due to all the confusion on the match, and in order to put the rivalry of both our servers behind us, I agree that this is the best solution, and I think it would have been good no matter who won the match.
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