HA NMG - Again!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Edubs McCool, Jun 1, 2014.

  1. Edubs McCool

    Ah, I see why you defend NMG so vigorously now.

    Your stats:

    Accuracy: 23.111%
    Accuracy Grade: B+

    HSR: 27.463
    HSR Grade: M++

    An average accuracy player who likely uses the extra time NMG gives them to line up headshots. That is fine. I acknowledge your method of playing, and that is a very good HSR.

    However, I am telling you that it is over-performing in its current state.
  2. Scr1nRusher

    its not over preforming.

    your just mad that you lost a bad engagement with a HA, so you created this thread, and found some statistic. And then your using This as a attempt to push a HA nerf that was created out of personal hatered of the class because you got a bad engagement and lost.

    Also sir:

    your writing style & motivations and attitude combined with the your agenda really let me figure out who you really are.

    your the dev who posted that little line.

    Now heres whats funny and kindof strange. 5 days ago I encountered another Thread on here talking about HA shields, Now that guy Was infact Stew360 on another account. The writing styles, grammer, punctuation, Responses etc all matched up together,combined with him already pushing a HA shield nerf thread of his own.

    See if your trying to make the Community think somethings a problem, when infact its not a problem in the first place compared to other massive problems that need to be focused on and addressing, its not going to work out aswell because people figure things out.

    Now...... This Anit HA thing keeps trying to get started up, and you guys use the same patterns and logical faults to try to push it.

  3. Niller

    Playing HA in planetside 2 is plain easy and boring, I still prefer LA, even though I don't have anything other than 2 (Which costs 100 resources each, and I dont have any resource boosts). I do not really have a problem with LA vs HA, more that my LA is useless against vehicles, unless I use C4, which is limited. Oh, seems like most people hate the idea of LA getting a non limited AV weapon.
  4. Donaldson Jones

    OMG you are right!!!

    Holy Cow...We should nerf HA's Now!! 111!1! Except for the fact YOU CAN FLY! It's completely obvious.

    Look, maybe you should look at the class characteristics before you spout inane stats that do not account for LA's ability to fly.
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  5. Scr1nRusher

    I wish LA's had a Radar jammer(minimap disabler) deployable.
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  6. Donaldson Jones

    You do of course realize C-4 accounts for the most MBT/SUNDY deaths right?
  7. JonnyHatesEmo

    LA shouldn't have C4 at all . Being able to fly, drop C4, and take out multiple targets along with sundy/mbt is just ridiculous. LA shouldn't be able to take out vehicles period.
  8. Snorelamp

    While the first and last time is true I think you're overrating LA/underrating HA.

    I think either you're playing on a less pop server, or you favor small fights. I have a hard time seeing how HA would often be more pointless than LA otherwise.

    Thing is, often as LA you're just farming/picking off kills. Cap points are usually indoors, in small areas. That is a big part of where the base capture or defense really gets decided. Preventing a few players from reaching that area usually doesn't matter except in small fights.

    Also, where the LA class really falls apart is when there's air or tanks around in most large fights, and heading up to a rooftop or whatever is basically suicidal.

    Also, there are many bases where you can reach most of the areas a LA can as a HA via lifts or stairs. Whenever that is the case there is literally no point to pulling LA at all.
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  9. Liberty

    Just once I wish when I came into one of these threads, I wouldn't have to post the same thing. Yet here we are again.

    In order to post about HA shields being OP you as a player first must demonstrate that they are overpowered based on your own performance.

    This is you OP :[IMG]

    Somehow, with your brief time as a heavy assault it is your worst performing class but the one you are insistent on being OP.
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  10. JonnyHatesEmo

    Being able to do waht this guy does with a LA and C4 in this video is absolutely ridiculous. Time to take away c4 from LA.
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  11. Edubs McCool

    I am not insistent the class is OP. I am insistent NMG is. Additionally, this is not about my stats. It is about the overall stats of all players.

    However, if you would like, I will play the HA like I play my medic the next few days and keep track of the stats. I generally only pull HAs to deal with air, armor and maxes or to conc grenade an established capture point to wipe out the defending group. This explains the lower KDR.

    I would also like to point out that my stats reflect dying to HAs more than any other class by a large margin. This is likely do the fact that the majority of players use HA as their primary class, but I'd like to point that out.
  12. Posse

    That number is just a theoretical number based on the average accuracy of the playerbase with each weapon, and probably assuming old nanoweave 5 + Resist shield (that gave 2,2k EHP).

    So yes, it's a worthless number
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  13. Ronin Oni

    HA is SUPPOSED to be the toughest class in qvq head on fights.

    That's why Engineers and Combat medics are support and why Infiltrators and LA's strengths are in their ability to ambush.

    Heavy Assaults are supposed to be the primary shock troop of all factions. The most common solder. The BASIC soldier if you will.

    Know what's even funnier? The way NMG works, if the delay in activation nerf actually go pushed forward, IT WOULDN'T AFFECT NMG AT ALL!!!!

    It would only affect Resist shield, WHICH WAS ALREADY NERFED!

    Oh no, so NMG goes off a second late? BFD! I already wait a second until my normal shields go down before activating it (normal shields recharge MUCH faster than even high rank NMG)

    All that changes is I activate NMG on the first hit, to become active about the same time anyways, and still get the FULL BENEFIT of NMG.

    Resist on the other hand would become effectively USELESS from this nerf, and it's already only better in a proactive situation anyways!

    HA is fine. NMG is fine.

    Don't attack HA's head on and expect to win against equal skill. That is EXACTLY the HA's strongpoint.
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  14. Scr1nRusher

    OP, Your agenda has been shutdown.

    You really just need to play better(and complain less..), HA's and there shield are NOT problem.

    The medic class has Carbines.. which are a better gun class then the LMG's, they kill HA's quite fast.

    Also We have bigger fish to fry in PS2.

    The fact that HE Tank turrets even exist.(they should be removed)

    Bio-labs( Remove them)

    Liberators( make them LOUDER)
  15. Edubs McCool

    I suggest watching my killboard, starting an hour ago.
  16. Scr1nRusher

    what if I told you.....we don't care that you decided to start playing your least played class that you've done the worse at, so that way you can later use that experience to justify your point on a forum thread that you got torn a sunder on?
  17. CrimsonEpsilon

    I have been following this thread for a while and I need to throw in a few pointers. HA's are supposed to be the spearhead of any assault team, soaking up damage and retreating after a 1v1 or a 1v2. The class is supposed to take a beating and dish it out two fold. The way that I believe is intended for dealing with HA's is 1v1 head on with another HA or tactical superiority with any other class. When fighting an HA with say a medic, hit it from behind. If he turns throws his nmg up and kills you big deal, you had your chance. He outperformed you. NMG, Adrenaline Shied and Resist Shield are fine as they are. I die mostly by HA's and the kills I get are mostly from flanking an HA. Please sir, admit defeat it is not worth ruining a perfectly good class that also gives new players a chance.
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  18. Edubs McCool

    Where do you get this information?
  19. Ronin Oni


    It's obvious in the game design.
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  20. Edubs McCool

    Really? Because that's not how the class is described at all.