Libs are too versatile

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IamnotAmazing, Jun 2, 2014.

  1. IamnotAmazing

    Currently esf weapons and gal weapons are defined in their roles

    stock nosegun-aa
    high mag cap nosegun-aa
    airhammer is op and kills everything, way too versitile

    the belly of a gal-aa,av

    the old rotary/rocketpods loadout for esfs was nerfed because it was far too versatile

    libs are currently way too antieverything

    dalton-ai,av, aa in the right hands but that doesn't happen very often
    shredder-aa, ai, av

    the shredder is the default, so it could be the all arounder, but currently it's really good at all of these, while it needs to be mediocre at all of these, remove the shredder splash damage, maybe lower the velocity a bit and increase the resistance of tanks

    make the dalton splash damage the same size as a tank ap round

    these are my suggestions and how I think they needs to be changed, if you disagree respond constructively
    before you question my experience I have over 400 hours in an esf, over 8k kills with noseguns(aa), and over 150 hours in libs with auraxium on the dalton and shredder and a good amount of time flying
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  2. Exonis

    Air Hammer OP? Rofl

    But in all honesty the OP is right about liberators, the shredder is great at everything, not mediocre at everything.
    It needs the Basilisk treatment, removing the splash would be a good step towards that direction.

    While I agree it may be somewhat Versatile, The Air Hammer is really bad at being Anti Infantry, you're most likely in dumbfire range to use it because it's terrible range.

    I don't think it needs a nerf, I think it needs a Revamp:
    TBH The AH should have 12 rounds Default and 16 upgraded. lower the damage per pellet, tighten the CoF, remove CoF movement penalty for it (I'm pretty sure it has one), triple the range, change some resist types to it and make it full auto.

    Then maybe it'll be good at AI.
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  3. IamnotAmazing

    it's an antieverything weapon when it's designed to be ai
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  4. Vinny

    I'm be more inclined to nerf the libz speed and maneuverability and making it louder before touching the weapon systems . Doing so would make it hard to stay bell up for any period of time ( fixing the AA portion of the dalton/shredder ) , also since its much more harder to maneuver , lower speed and louder would make tank buster harder while still keeping it silly dps
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  5. GaBeRock

    I don't want the weapons nerfed ,since that lowers the skillcap (not something I like doing) since your weapon's dps is the maximum possible efficiency you can have.

    I don't want the flight charachteristics nerfed, because that lowers the skillcap and promotes camping.

    What I want is a reversal of all the buffs to resistances stock liberators got in the lib update, and a slight resistance nerf against ESF AA noseguns. Lib pilots can still skillfully perform their job, but camping is punished and the enemy side is more capable of retaliating.

    Aside from that, I want G2A lockons to do 5% more damage to ESFs, twice as much damage to galaxies and libs, but have a max lock range of 200 meters, so as to reinforce their "air defense" role. A slight buff to lightning resistances would work too.
  6. JackD

    First mistake, the Dalton isnt AI, it´s in a state were i start raging when my gunners use it against infantry instead of changing to the Bulldog, the Shredder isnt really good at any of these.

    The Shredder is medicore at AI (Zepher better) and medicore at AV(Dalton better) and at AA it isnt great either, since non ******** ESF pilots can just run when they are damage. It does also have a damage drop off and a ****** angle.

    And the biggest joke is that OP actually thinks ESF arent as versatile. Not even going to start with AH +Coyotes but Rotary or defualt noseguns is still pretty strong. Good against Libs, great against infantrys/armour and also decent against air. How is that not versatile?

    The only reason people are saying the Shredder is OP now is that they always find the strongste Lib belly gun OP. We already told months ago, nerf the Dalton and people will complain about the Shredder. Nerf the Shredder and people will complain that the Walker is to strong.
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  7. JackD

    ESF are already at a advantge against a 2/3 Lib, no reason to give them a buff.
  8. Dreadnaut

    Look at the Average K:D of a guy in a Prowler vs a Pilot or Dalton Gunner then come back and tell me that the Liberator is doing 'too much'. The issue with the Liberator is that the belly gun carries 2x more ammo than it should. They are allowed to hover spam with their massive ammo quantities and they need a huge nerf in ammo capacity.

    Of the top 10 guys in Libs vs the top 10 guys in Magriders, Vanguards, and Prowlers, all the MBT guys out perform the guys in Libs by a 3:1 ratio.
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  9. Hoki

    Ehhh, maybe, but more than anything else they have too much HP.

    Do the math on how long it takes to kill those stupid pieces of ****, and how fast they kill everything else.

    They are a black hole of logic.

    Edit: excluding how long it takes a shredder/dalton/everything-buster, OFC.
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  10. Mxiter

    It's not because zepher>Shredder at AI and dalton>Shredder at AV that Shredder sucks at AI & AV.

    Shredder is highly effective at all roles.

    Let's say
    -dalton is 100 at AV, 20 at AI and 60 at AA = 180 total efficiency
    -zepher is 40 at AV, 100 at AI and 10 at AA = 150 total efficiency
    -Shredder is 90 at AV, 70 a AI and 80 at AA = 240 total efficiency

    At AV: only beaten by TB and slightly by dalton.
    At AI: only beaten by OHK weapons that are not forgiveable. (a good gunner is as effective with shredder than bulldog)
    At AA: only beaten by OHK weapons that are not forgiveable. (miss a rocket/dalon/tank shell? no worries with the shredder, you have time to adjust)

    Without mentionning that's the weapons that is able tou counter efficiently all libs threat:

    AA maxes
    G2A heavies
    AA aircrafts

    it can only be beaten face to face by immobile AA (if no composite nor TB volley)

    Overall the libs have many issues:
    Large thermal range.
    High mobility.
    High versatility.
    Ridiculous resistances (to AAMG, dumbfire rockets and tanks shells)
    Ridiculous cost.

    It don't needs to be nerfed to the ground but slight adjustments on those values can easily balance it without making it useless.

    Libs should relies on ESFs and G2A to defend themselves againt AA aircrafts, like ground relies on AA and G2A for Air defense.
    It's a tank that flies, not a death star. (and the death star have weakspot)
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  11. Hoki

    I made a post about it a while back, but what they did to the liberator tailgunner turret, if they were to apply that to every other turret in the game, we'd have dual-bulldog galaxies farming every base, with nearly 100% AA walker coverage, and... well you can't allow ground vehicle turrets to aim up or down because **** ground vehicles.

    But anyways, yeah, libs got special treatment that patch,and honestly just needs to be 100% reverted. Let the tailgunners be treated equally.
  12. IamnotAmazing

    It's an AV weapon, why on earth does it have the splash range of an he tank? It's splash radius should be that of an ap tank, because it's an av weapon
    ok you clearly havn't used the shredder, not even going to bother responding to that
    you're "ok" at everything, which is what should happen, right now the shredder is great at everything, when it should just be "meh"
    it brings out that it was too strong, kinda like the lib update, causing more people to pull libs really showed how broken a2g is right now

    why would they nerf the daltons splash even more? its already awful and its much better to just switch to the bulldog to kill infantry.
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  14. z1967

    Because it's an AV weapon and doesn't need splash damage?
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  15. Rayzr

    My problem with libs is how quiet they are
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    but you connery nerds whine about how its too good at killing tanks/aircraft aswell... MAKE UP YOUR MINDS.
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  17. z1967

    You can group Connery pilots into a bunch of **** pilots, but you can't group us all into a single complaint group. I think that OHK against ESFs should be removed, but only if they do not choose to nerf the maneuverability of the Lib. Otherwise I am fine with it.

    And yes, it will be fine without having splash damage since it is an AV weapon (AP cannon and resist group). No need to make up my mind about that.
  18. Alarox

    Okay. Let's compare. I'll start with top 10 Vanguards vs top 10 Shredders.

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  19. Mxiter

    Imo the tail gun view isn't an issue.
    It especially makes the bulldog more interesting to use as tail gun, wick makes libs weaker at AA.
    Flying under a lib always been a stupid ideat btw.

    The main issue is those resistance buffs that give the ability to all libs pilots to be afk 3-4 sec without taking any risks but TB one (wich also own to libs)

    Get 4 sec AFK in ground vehicle or infantry... and you'll be fastly dead.
  20. jarree

    It's ridiculous to call dalton a "av weapon" and suggest the splash damage to be completely removed. When at the same time OP flies in a mossy rocket podding both vehicles and infantry. Yeah sure Hornets are the "av weapons" but they suck *** and nobody cares about them, lolpods work fine against both. If you claim otherwise, you are lying.


    I think even OP is facepalming.