HA NMG - Again!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Edubs McCool, Jun 1, 2014.

  1. Edubs McCool

    I know this has been hashed out several times already, however, as a recent discoverer of dasanfall and its delicious troves of data, I found this bit to be the most compelling argument for some sort of a 'nerf' to NMG.

    These are comparisons of the average TTK for various weapons on a HA and LA.

    Solstice VE3
    LA - 1.98s
    HA - 4.01s

    Eridani (My baby)
    LA - 1.7s
    HA - 3.45s

    LA1 Anchor
    LA - 1.84s
    HA - 3.72s

    Orion VS54
    LA - 1.89s
    HA - 3.82s

    T9 Carv
    LA - 2.16s
    HA - 4.37s

    This is huge. You're looking at nearly double the time to kill a HA. In some cases, the difference in 2+ seconds. That is outrageous.

    I think a lot of the problem stems from the fact that the COF of many weapons blooms very rapidly. While it may be accurate killing a non-NMG class, the extra shots it takes to take down a HA are getting more and more inaccurate. Thus forcing one to burst to kill a HA, increasing the TTK even more.
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  2. Shanther

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  3. Ikissyourface

    so nerf LA because they can fly?
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  4. z1967

    Nerf LA and I will cut you.
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  5. Maljas23

    Whoooooa! It takes longer to kill a HEAVY assault than a LIGHT assault??
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  6. Edubs McCool

    It should take longer, yes. However, the difference in TTK is too extreme. 2+ seconds? In a FPS?
  7. Morti

    OP has a point!

    Nerf LA's!
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  8. Maljas23

    These TTKs are with no headshots, and assuming the HA shield is ALWAYS on, and assuming that the shield he is using is full, and assuming that he isn't using RESIST shield.

    Why don't you tell us where these TTKs come from?
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  9. Edubs McCool

    1) No. They factor in headshots. It is an average.
    2) It is an average, so it would take in account the times resist shield is used, yes. Or the shield is not full.
    3) http://stats.dasanfall.com/ps2/items/weapons
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  10. Shinn


    The difference on those weapons might be extreme, but there's a cartload of stuff in PS2 that'll kill a HA pretty much as quickly as an LA. This is a bigger game than most FPSs. I'll start worrying about the poor endangered LA class when I stop seeing them buzzing about the place in-game.
  11. Maljas23

    Thanks for the link but I am still not seeing the issue here. You think the TTK is too long on HAs. Why?(And yes I read your first post)
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  12. Edubs McCool

    That difference in TTK is an insurmountable advantage for equally skilled players. Even if you start a fight by shooting a HA in the back, he still has enough time to spin around, acquire you as a target, and begin firing back.

    If you provide the argument that HA is 'supposed' to be the best 1 v 1 fighter, no. I will just say no. There is nowhere that is stated. The HA is a fine class without having NMG as it is now.
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  13. Maljas23

    HA without NMG is no better than a LA without his jetpack. They would literally be the same class that uses a different primary weapon. Rocket Launcher is only thing they would really be setting them apart then. I MIGHT agree if HA had a little extra HP/passive shield, over every other class. Like how the infil has slightly less max hp.

    Finally, to be fair, I think having a toggled shield as well as their passive shield is over kill, but what else should a HA have instead? What else could a HA get that really makes them "heavy" compared to other classes?
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  14. lNeBl

    We are discussing one classes ability while completely ignoring another's. Interesting. Will a HA win a 1v1 directly engaging any class? Yes that is what he's supposed to do.

    Light assaults are not supposed to be directly engaging enemies like a HA does. They can fly to special places and flank and stuff. That's their ability.

    These TTK numbers are irrelevant. Its literally supposed to look like that.
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  15. Crashsplash

    This is silly. There's a difference because there's supposed to be a difference.

    You're supposed to play each class differently.
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  16. Edubs McCool

    How are the TTK numbers irrelevant? They are what they are. It takes twice as long to kill a HA with most infantry weapons. I wish they provided the other classes as well, but I expect it's the same.

    I say that is ridiculous.
  17. Alarox

    Where are you getting these numbers? Give links.
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  18. Edubs McCool

  19. Hibiki54

    Get rekt. L2P.
  20. Edubs McCool

    I play infantryside just fine.