How will valkyrie impact gameplay?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Codex561, May 31, 2014.

  1. Codex561

    As most of you are aware SOE will release a new transport air vehicle similar to the harasser since it has a few rumble seats.
    How do you think this vehicle will impact the game? (Air game, infantry combat, vehicles, etc...)
  2. gigastar

    It will either be the hot new OP **** for about half a year before getting thoroughly nerfbatted.

    Or it wont make much difference at all. I just cant imagine it being able to reliably take on a decent ESF.
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  3. cruczi

    It won't affect gameplay significantly. It'll basically be an air Harrasser. Ground vehicle combat would be just fine without Harrassers, but they're a fun addition nonetheless.
  4. Codex561

    Harassers DID impact the ground game. Being OP it got nerfed along with halberd, PPA, marauder, some-nc-gun and fury. Also they impacted the general 'feel' of the game.
  5. a-koo-chee-moya

    The most it could probably do is deposit the two players in Rumble seats (Engi +Max?) into a nice position. If there is an ejection system.
  6. DxAdder

    Skyguard Bait.

    Even if its as fast/manuverable as ESF it won't have the armor of of Lib, I don't see how it will do well if there is a Skygurad
  7. eldarfalcongravtank

    imo it's pointless. because we already have ESFs for AA, Libs for AG, Gals for transport.

    i'd rather want a new ground vehicle like ES buggies, Colossus heavy tank, Infantry fighting vehicles, self-propelled artillery/howitzers
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  8. TyranEndlos

    It won't, by the time the devs actually do get around to putting it out on live the three guys still playing in 2020 will just shrug and keep stat padding for the lulz.
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  9. DaMann22

    Although we have ESFs, Libs, and Gals the Valkyrie will fill a niche role that of us will use often. Many times my guys when running a smaller squad will use harassers to get from point to point. Now we can use Valkyries as the preferred mode of transportation as they can land inside a court yard with more concealment than a Galaxy. We use fireteams a lot in my squads so having something for quick response is beneficial to us. I JUST ASK PLEASE MAKE THE VALKYRIE 6 OCCUPANTS TOTAL PLEASE!!!!
  10. ronjahn

    I agree that this vehicle isn't really a necessary addition and we would be better served with the ES buggies or a true stand alone AA vehicle. With the current state of Libs I think a good dedicated AA vehicle is exactly what this game is calling for.

    I also think Sunderer/harasser trailers would be a fun addition, IE a specialized AA attachment that can be towed around by a Sunderer or an Equipment resupply terminal that can be towed in by a harasser.

    That said, I am happy they are adding a new vehicle and it should be fun to figure out its strengths and the best ways to counter something new.
  11. GeneralPeragorn

    I hope it'll be like the Harasser, in skilled hands it can take down both ESFs and Libs, but needs a team to do it. It does however need to be as fast as ESFs.
  12. IamDH

    My ESF SPM will increase

    Seriously though, i think it will serve a nice way for small squads to move about quickly. It clearly has little defense options which isn't really a good thing (it should have weapons but worse than the ESF's)
  13. Taemien

    I'm hoping its a beefed up ESF. Basically the nightmare of the skies. Basically a good team in a Valkyrie will wreck any ESF or Lib it comes across.

    However due to it being heavily slanted towards air. Its Ground options are limited and/or require giving up lots of focus to be able to do things to ground. Sort of like the Skyguard gives up nearly all of its anti-ground ability to affect the air.

    Basically hoping it would shake up the air game a bit by regulating the ESFs to single man transports that can do ground or air decently depending on its focus. Libs focus on ground but can deal with air threats somewhat decently. And Valks just tear up the air game but have little impact on ground.

    Give it the resistances that the Lib and ESF have (the average of the two). And give it 4000 health (again putting it between ESF and Libs). This gives it staying power, but not tanky. So if it does running passes at a Lib, the Lib either has to disengage or die. And I would give it the mobility that the ESF has, minus the reverse maneuver. Having a dedicated gunner probably means it doesn't need it. This isn't a dogfighter, and it doesn't need to with its firepower, plus lockons from rumbleseated heavies.
  14. Nepau

    One diffrence is that as far as I'm aware the Valkryie won't have a weapon of it's own, but just the passengers, and to be honest the Harrasers Rumble seat passenger isn't a large threat.

    One thing I wonder is that I've heard it wont have Ejection seats, but is considerd a vehicle to get a small group in and out fast. If that is the design (think Helicopters that quickly drop troops off) I'm thinking it might have a good air break on it, to allow then to go in fast, stop on a dime and drop passengers before Speeding away.

    Really think we will have to see how they are implementing it on the PTS before we can get any real idea how it might impact gameplay, since all we can really do is speculate, much like how we didn't really know how much the Harraser was going to impact the game until we got time to play with it.
  15. Taemien

    From what I've heard about it, its going to have a Pilot, a Gunner, and two rumble seats.
  16. squarebug

    any word on what guns can be used on it?
  17. Tbone

    Yepp we do have Gals for transport(1m/year speed) but this will be a fast transport i do hope SOE change the 2 rumble into 4+the 2 pilots.If the 4 is not rumble just passenger seat that's fine by me just give us a fast -in and out- transport.It can be a choppaaa. :)
  18. PlatoonLeaderG

    No,they didnt share any detail information i think except the release date.I need to check out to find what i can about it
  19. Taemien

    This is just a prediction. But I think it will probably be those Rail Drivers that ESF's didn't get in their update. Long range, high damage, 2-shot weapon useful against air. But like I said.. just a prediction.
  20. CrashB111

    They said it would have no driver weapons, a gunner manned chin turret, and the 2 people in the rumble seats.

    I hope it is the king of AA duty since the driver can focus on flying, the chin gun tears up other aircraft and the rumbles can use AA launchers.