Time to increase the Skill CAP by making Rockets not OHK Infantry. Please No More Rocketside!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by G.O.A.T, May 22, 2014.

  1. Ronin Oni

    First off, I strongly disagree

    Secondly, GOAT, this is "Implant Hate" thread week. RPG primaries was LAST week. Libs will be back on topic next week.
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  2. Blippy

    For every time I've died to a rocket primary, I've killed five more who missed and became utterly defenseless.

    G.O.A.T. thread. Disregard and move on, people.
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  3. DQCraze

    If you are getting rocketed, your situational awareness needs work. I'm seeing people whine about everything that ohks. You are in a combined arms game, you are infantry, the lowest combat unit, expect to be blown to hell by anything and everything. In this game vehicles have the ominous learning curve, infantry are about as useful as a piece of used toilet paper.
  4. Hatesphere

    isn't the average kill per hour on rocket launches like half that of most ARs/LMGs? and part of that kill per hour is vehicle pilots.

    I used to think rockets were OP, then I realized I die to them maybe 2-4 times a play session and its usually me thinking the shift key will protect me from everything :p
  5. NC_agent00kevin

    I got rocket primary'd by a Br 5 last night.

    I laughed about it over TS3 as usual.

    Its really not a big deal.
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  6. George_C_Scott

    What a pointless thing to complain about, really.

    Rockets are fine, primary or otherwise. If they miss you they're dead.
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  7. Pat22

    Just give them the 10m minimum range treatment like the UBGL
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  8. Hatesphere

    only if you make direct hits on MAXs still do full damage, even then its a mostly unneeded change IMO.

    rockets are only really good for a few situations. Stand on an ammo pack and very slowly suppress a door way, or treat it like both the most dangerous 1v1 shotgun you ever owned (to both you and one enemy) and very bad sniper rife for killing people who like to AFK or run in very straight lines.
  9. Tuco

    nothing fun or skillful about randomly hitting "ADDDADADDAADADA"
  10. RyanGUK

    Haha I'm thinking exactly the same thing. It is annoying, Heavies do rely on rockets and NMG shields to survive compared to other classes.

    That's why you never hear about cheesy tactics with any other class.
  11. UGoBoy

    I used to think it was annoying to get RP'd by a BR7 while on a kill streak. Now I'm just like...why didn't someone do that earlier?

    This isn't ballet, and PS2' "strafing battles" aren't that great to begin with.
  12. FieldMarshall

    I thought "Implants sucks" was the fotm whinethread. "Rocketside" is sooo last week.
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  13. Pie Chasm

    GOAT, please stop copying people for your troll posts and start being original.
  14. DxAdder

    I just find it strange that when other AV weapons systems that were "balanced" vs infantry that wasn't a problem but
    when comes come to HA's RL its just not allowed.

    Clearly its a crutch...
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  15. Pikachu

  16. DrPapaPenguin

    Hey now, what's wrong with a jet-power blunt fallic object to the face?

    Oh..... :eek:
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  17. Govedo13

    You discuss 6 pages why rockets kill infantry. Everything that kills infantry gets nerfed, tank shells for example or even air got nerfed several times.
    It makes perfect sense 0 resource cost, no timer, revivalable infantry not to die by 20-50kg explosive shell that explode 1 m away from it or even if rocket in the case hit it directly in the face.

    If your logic is that only 1 ninja can kill another ninja, then add bigger and longer knife types and remove the damage of everything else versus infantry because it is noob mode or even crutch. When you are on it also remove the option of second ninja to interrupt the duels because it is not fair and noob mode.

    The flak armour is there for a reason if you find RLs crutch and easy mode I call the flak armour crutch and easy mode because it is so normal that soldier can take ANY type of shell or rocket directly and keep on smiling.
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  18. Wobberjockey

    honestly the only thing HA RL's need is the UBGL treatment where a short arming distance was added

    Quake rocket launcher tactics at 2 m should stay in quake.
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  19. BITES

    _b bang on.
  20. Posse

    That's because the rocket launcher is also used against vehicles.