Scout Radar nerfed

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lynoocs, May 21, 2014.

  1. Lynoocs

    • Updated tooltip on scout radars to mention they detect player movement. They have functioned this way for quite some time.(Surprise! It's a feature!)
    That's bull, scout radar detected enemies who stood still, AS THE GAME INFORMATION SPECIFIED, that's the only reason i sacrificed flares or extinguisher for it. If you are going to change an item so drastically, at least REFUND all the now wasted certs, like you did with the nanoweave and zoe. Hell, most of the teammates didn't even care about the minimap, I need the radar to avoid infantry while on the deathchair. Either that, or make it so it FUNCTIONS WHILE THE VEHICLE IS EMPTY. I really think it's fair to implement one of these two solutions, at least refund the certs if you think it's op with empty vehicles, I don't believe anyone will choose scout instead of something more useful.
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  2. Spoprockel

    I too would like a cert refund for my Flash Scout Radar.

    I certed into it specifically to find stationary infiltrators in bases and in the field.

    Now it's just a 100 resource version of the motion detection device with more range.
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  3. Vinny

    I also agree, they have now made it functionally different and should refund the certs ( does the sundy , ligthing , MBT radars also work for only movement as well ? )
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  4. Pikachu

    It sure is annoying now that you cant detect pesky LA sitting on a roof somewhere is infils using stalker cloak sitting in a corner. Dots suddenly disappear from the map instead of staying until dead. :L
  5. Bankrotas

    How the hell it is functionally different? It detected enemies, it still detects enemies. It was nerfed, not changed in function.
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  6. Vinny

    Because it now only detects moving enemies. It excludes moving while crouched enemies and stationary enemies. Its not like the other nerfs where they adjusted values but the abilities stayed the same.
  7. Longasc

    How the hell could I explain that major difference to you as the difference between detecting people all the time or only when they are moving is lost to you and apparently not a change in function? :>
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  8. Bankrotas

    Cause it's a nerf of a function. It still reveals enemies to friendlies in vicinity as it did before.
  9. Vinny

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  10. Spoprockel

    The main selling point for me was exactly this function. And it was the only thing that made it superior to other radars.

    Why would i sit in a 100 resource flash and be an easy target if i can just spam darts for free to get the same effect?
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  11. LibertyRevolution

    Showing everyone regardless of state, to only showing movement, is a fundamental change in how it works.
    They should have refunded everyone's certs and let us decide if this new type of scout radar is what we want.

    Between this change and the implants chargers.. it is like the devs are actively trying to anger their playerbase.
    They are going to have to offer a pitchfork avatar pretty soon...

    You are really angering your bread and butter playerbase lately.. Camel straw back soon coming.. keep it up devs..

    /signed The angry auraxium level member with $100's of SC invested, with 6 characters, and 100+DAYS of playtime.
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  12. Aegie

    Well, to be sure it depends on how we define 'functionality'.

    Do you remember the initial proposed changes to the ES RLs where the ones that could lock-on air and dumbfire were going to be changed so they could no longer dumbfire?

    People (myself included) were upset because the dumbfire capability was central in the decision to unlock/purchase and thus the change represented a functionality change.

    Of course, people could (and did) effectively say "the function is to fire rockets" or "it is still an anti-air RL" or even "the function is to damage armor" and they would (and did) have a point. However, at that time they backed down from the change and, IMO, rightly so because the ability to dumb fire was a central selling point for many users. Of course, the nerfed dumb fire so hard that it was (and iirc still is) a joke- so they did still all but remove that functionality.

    The lesson I take is this- if they want to or have decided to remove functionality (a la once could x, no longer can x where x is a discreet action- as in, 'once could detect stationary targets, no longer can detect stationary targets') then the most you can get by fighting it is a token gesture.

    In other words, even if this campaign is successful they could (and history suggests would) just make it so that stationary targets are only pinged once when you get in range or something similarly effective at removing all but the offending functionality thus rendering it useless anyway.

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  13. Vinny

    Would also like to point out the radar options for the sundy/lighting/MBT have also been changed to only spotting moving enemies , which also kills that utility for me on those vehicles and now find it to be a useless option
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  14. Get2dachoppa

    umm...are you sure you're not misreading the patch notes? It says all they changed was the tooltip description to clarify an already existing feature, nothing about changing the way scout radar currently works.
  15. Luke15g

    Lies, not the first time they've done this.
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  16. Vinny

    • Updated tooltip on scout radars to mention they detect player movement. They have functioned this way for quite some time. (Surprise! It's a feature)
    is and outright lie . Used to be shows all enemy players and that is what the tooltip said it did
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  17. Chioxin

    Ya, definitely want my certs back. =/ Got no reason to have scout radar on my flash now. I can see using it on my scythe though. But totally understand the disappointment.
  18. Bankrotas

    Or just different perspective. I don't view it as a change of functionality, only a nerf of it. And no, I don't really remember the RL change discussion back in the day.
    Honestly, it does what it's meant to do, in my perspective, and Flash scout radar is still best recon device in the game. I don't really care if they gave back certs, but I see no reason to do it.

    Fine, cry for refund, you win. I'll still hold to my view that scout radar still works as intended and at least is being brought in line with other recon ways, though that's another discussion.
  19. Aegie

    How exactly was I crying for a refund by trying to put the discussion into perspective?

    In fact, did I once ask for a refund for the scout radar? Nope, just pointing out the similarities in this discussion to a previous discussion.

    Seems rather odd for you to accuse people of crying over an issue that you yourself "don't really care" about. I could also care less whether they refund the certs and had known that they changed the functionality. Moreover, I agreed that you had a point- the function of scout radar is to show enemies on the minimap for yourself and nearby allies and it still does this. Of course, I also think the OP has a point- scout radar used to identify all targets and now it only identifies moving targets, they did not change the range or the cost but rather how it identifies a target. There is no "right" or "wrong" because it all depends on how someone interprets the semantics of the argument.

    As I said to Spoprocket, I doubt they will make any changes at this point, including cert refunds, and if they did make changes to the radar to 'preserve' that functionality then they would find some other way to make that functionality so marginalized that it would be little different from it is now.

    Not a big deal I suppose but I find it offensive when people accuse others of "crying" on internet forums and honestly, as someone familiar with your posts, I'm a bit surprised you would respond that way to my reply.
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  20. NCDaniel

    I would like my certs back.
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