does dev have contempt for VS?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Emetann, May 13, 2014.

  1. Bingabong

    I think the devs, like everybody else, might have contempt for VS complaining that they are underpowered.

    What is this? A new contrived way of comparing weapons to try and make the vanu look weak? Damage per magazine? An overly simple way of comparing isn't it. Just multiply the damage each bullet does by the number of bullets in the magazine and, hey presto, on paper the Vanu looks worse off. Just ignore how long it might take to fire off all those bullets in that magazine. Just ignore how accurate the gun is. If you ignore such fundamental things then, yes, the Vanu look worse off. Of course you'd have to be a freaking idiot to believe it.
  2. Dis

    The Ginsberg cutting off his nipple thread of the week.
  3. Ronin Oni

    OP is cray cray...

    but this made me LOL!

    1v4 with a Lasher?? BWAHAHAHAHA What, are they AFK or something?

    You can't even win a 1v1 with a Lasher!!
  4. Hibiki54

    And that is why people think the Lasher sucks. You base it on 1v1 potential where both parties are aware of one another.

    Find a room with 4 people in it? Throw in 2-3 Conc nades and see it they react to you.
  5. NinjaTurtle

    No they just lack imagination when they create stuff.

    I agree with all this except the more manageable recoil, I find NC weapons easier to use, even the apparent best LMG the Orion I find harder to use than any LMG the NC has except for the Gauss Saw.... Maybe I'm just weird
  6. Emetann

    Your bad faith is just.. funny! I've edited nothing, check out posts before you one guy made the same mistake, but at least he admits it
  7. Emetann

    Go on, I want some arguments please
  8. Jolly

    You don't need all the things you mentioned in the OP. All you need is a Magrider to drive you around while you spam your PPA in all directions.

    It's what every single VS on Miller currently does! And what a great game it makes! Not.

    PPA spam now outnumbers Prowler HE spam......... and that sir, is deeply impressive. All hail spammable control points!
  9. DQCraze

    I swear it read Orion before...
  10. Fenrisk

    I think you you mixed up Vanu with TR and contempt for apathy.
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  11. Mxiter

    Started reading

    OK let's see
    heuum SVA & orion are the best LMG of the game.
    The Striker is the worst weapon of the game since canister buff
    The phoenix is fun but highly situational.
    The lancer is the most versatile launcher (with G2A ones) and the best ESRL.
    Stopped reading.
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  12. Shockwave44

    Uh, that's if you are actually holding the lasher at that exact time. Otherwise, any other gun is 10x better.
  13. Shaken_U

    Like the striker isn't any better? Also, try sniping an ESF with an anny. Lancer requires at least 3 ppl using it to be effective, like the striker did (yeah, and we got 12+)
    Scythe has the best air brakes, and due to it's lower speed, it's more maneuverable. Also, the mosquito was given the fastest cruising speed for a reason. Your scythe is better for dogfighting than it is for running away. Grow some balls and fight them
    Really. Why we get 40 round mags and you get 30.
  14. Emetann

    False, check out the post after you (below here), an other native (I guess) who just can't read well his own language.
    If it was, like you said, one of the first post would quote the old one.

    Emetann said:
    -worst heavy weapon of all the 3 factions, can't even match a MAX, every class has a to much nice opportunity to hide when they are attacked, we are talking here about buidling's fight, for what those 3 specific heavy weapons were made right?”
    heuum SVA & orion are the best LMG of the game.
  15. Bl4ckVoid

    Lasher is not crappy at all. Maybe you should learn to use it?
  16. pnkdth

    Even when you learn to use it, you still have this voice in the back of your head telling you "I could have done this and more with an uncerted Flare."
  17. SavageBacon

    Until point defense time where a handful of Lashers are holding down the entryways.
  18. ExarRazor

    its actually pretty well known that Higby has a serious hate boner for VS.

    and since he's the guy in charge of all balance decisions... well, you get the picture
  19. Hicksimus

    Nobody was asking this question when the VS MAX was so OP that some folks refused to fight against the VS.
  20. Casterbridge

    I'm insulted here, the NC are suppose to be the drunk faction, VS straighten this out.
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