If you could get a gun from another faction, what would it be?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Codex561, May 10, 2014.

  1. Nerp

    Vortek Rotary for my mossie.
  2. doombro

    Between the VX6-7 and the Serpent, I prefer the former more. It reminds me of the pre-nerf jaguar
  3. Trudriban

    Post-buff MCG is an absolute dream to use and it's currently the biggest thing in my internal debate whether to get back with the Redcoats. If I'm looking at it from a TR perspective though, I'd love to grab me a Reaper
  4. Sauce Sausage.

    VS wants 200 model gun, get 230 one
  5. BadAsElite

    M2 Mutilator
    Dakka is all I would want for my Max atleast.
  6. Larolyn

    Solstice. I love that crazy good accuracy.
  7. Larolyn

    I'm a Cyclone guy all the way. So much damage. Such a fast short reload. TTK is ridiculous. Everything about this gun is just amazing. Only thing you need is the ability to aim and decent FPS and this gun wins every single time.
  8. Frosty The Pyro

  9. -Synapse-

    Tight-fitting pants for everyone!
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  10. Kalendric

    Phoenix. It's like a camera guided middle finger when launched from the spawn room in a camped and overcrowded base and while about as effective, it's still kinda therapeutic to feel like you can sort of still do *something*.
  11. IamnotAmazing

    vortek, and maybe orion but the tr definitely have the bets ar's in my opinion
  12. Epic High Five

    It comes down to what you're used to. A lot of people (including myself) prefer up and right recoil (or up and left as it may be) because while it's another thing to compensate for, it's taking the place of something that CANNOT be compensated for - strong horizontal recoil.

    I guess it's just my thousands upon thousands of SAW kills but I personally don't feel like the NC1 has ANY recoil at all :p All guns have lightning fast reloads to me now, too
  13. Ultimatestormer

    Phoenix. I have never had more fun than when I use this beauty. Having access to this would switch me from La/Engi primary to HA 95% of the time, no questions asked.
  14. Epic High Five

    Phoenix is good, but when you've got your flight controls mapped (it's an aircraft, so they all work with the Phoenix!) it becomes just FANTASTIC. The only thing holding it back previously was the atrocious reload time on top of the wait to reload at all, but that's fixed now so woooo /y SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  15. applecherry

    I would use the TRAP. I wonder why I don't see much of it in the battlefield.

  16. Lord_Avatar

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  17. LibertyRevolution

    Hacksaws for my ZOE MAX.
    It wont be OP, I promise.... :rolleyes:

    Hacksaws for my Lockdown TR max probably wouldn't be bad for holding a door either.
    Would help with that long reload problem too! :eek:
  18. NoctD

    There is no AF-14 Mercenary in the game. ;)
  19. Donaldson Jones

    For my NC I'd like a Magrider.
    For my VS I'd like the Phoenix.
  20. Peebuddy

    I'd love proximity mines for Tr
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