Statistical liberators kill

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by boobeb, May 4, 2014.

  1. boobeb

    Everyone in this days how many Be Kill in liberators?
  2. Pikachu

    Yeseterday I got killed by a shredder.. for like the 11th time in my 80 days of playing.
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  3. Stromberg

    it's not about how often you get killed, but how defenseless you are. e.g. only a few ppl got killed by invincible guys when the bug was around but the outcry was enormous nonetheless.
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  4. iller

    The only way to really get a sense for this right now, is to look at outfit activity and basically know ahead of time how much each outfit on your server employs Libs. The ones on Connery that employ Libs at every other fight, have been trending up quite significantly.

    Other than that ... sorry there is no Global stat tracking that really pools ALL lib weapon stats together in a single API on a monthly basis
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  5. Goden

    We had two guys in a Lib hovering over a base earlier who was just mowing people down with his Shredder.

    We had several guys shooting at it with dumbfires and lock-ons but we couldn't even get him to leave. One vehicle basically locked down the entire base. I did the only thing I could - redeployed.
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  6. Axehilt

    • 90% of the Liberator problem can be solved immediately by all players, including you. Just use actual Lib counters (ESFs) instead of non-counters (flak, lock-ons, dumbfires).
    • 10% of the Liberator problem is that they genuinely need an agility reduction, because they do just a little too good against same-skill ESF pilots.
    If you refuse to switch to at least a ground vehicle, don't be surprised when Liberators mob the floor with you.
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  7. Justicia

    Wow how difficult can it be. Go to the next tower or facility and take a Tank Buster. Approach the hovering lib and kill it. Done.
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  8. Bl4ckVoid

    NO, MOST PEOPLE do not want to fly an ESF. It requires a lot of certs and a lot of practice to fly in PS2. And the flight model in this game is completely laughable, which is a big turn off.
    On top of this while you get to this hovering lib, other counters will deal with your ESF: enemy MAX-es, lock-ons, skyguards and other ESFs.

    Liberators need a big nerf, or even better, a total revamp. Currently the only viable counter to a Liberator is REDEPLOY.
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  9. DevDevBooday

    Remember kids, anti-air isn't actually a counter for air!
    - PS2 logic
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  10. iccle

    Posted this elsewhere but it is relevant here:

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  11. Brahma2

    Go 500 meters away from Liberator... Shoot at it... win.
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  12. z1967

    Ok, here are two major problems in Lib balance. When one guy suggest that the easiest way to kill a Lib is by pulling another Lib there is a major balance issue. When another guy does not list dedicated AA as a valid counter you really start to get worried. So tell me, If the only valid counter involves hopping in another vehicle of the same type, why are Liberators considered even close to balanced? Even better, why is it that the ESF the only counter outside the lib that should be considered effective?

    I really do not think that the above statements are truly represent the balance of the Liberator, but they do get fairly close to how it ends up working most of the time.
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  13. Justicia

    The Liberator is locking down the spawn. What would you say if the Lib was replaced by an HE Prowler? Same answer.

    And in any case, a flak burster, even a single armed one, can most definitely chase away a hovering Lib over a spawn room.
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  14. z1967

    We're looking at things that kill Liberators. There are many ways to kill a tank with the appropriate AV weapon, why should Liberators get a special snowflake card with AA?
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  15. BengalTiger

    That HE Prowler can get killed without warning by one person.
    The Liberator can get chased away after some time by one person (assuming it doesn't shoot back).

    The MBT also costs more than a Lib, so the chances that it's coming back soon are smaller (assuming the Lib gets killed by the Burster MAX like the tank gets destroyed by C4).
    And finally - if the tank decides to come back it'll be driving, which often takes longer than flying (especially when climbing a steep hill is required to reach a firing position).
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  16. Hosp

    1) Make Yaw Bindable to Mouse X-Axis. Pilot entry issues 1/2 solved right there. (also should make dogfight frame more viable.)

    2) Ramming Gals, if that doesn't work, then redeploy.
  17. Huxer

    Is that a thing? Can we really just get rid of aircraft because as it stands right now, that's what I would like to have happen too. I don't want to fly. I do want to fight over bases and capture them which can only be done as infantry.

    Let me reassure you that if I can being spawn camped by libs and ESFsI will not be pulling anti air (which would probably lose anyways and at the very best scare them away and waste my time). I am not going to spawn an ESF (even though I do know how to fly, it's not fun for me to play sky god). I am goign to redeploy and if it happens enough time, I'm going to log off.

    So go ahead, tell me to leave. Tell all the infantry players who are unhappy to leave. Enjoy what is left and let me know how star citizen is working out if you get a chance to stop back on these forums before they close. Now quote me how LIBs can easily be killed by other air vehicles, I'm sure I can find time to read your post while downloading.
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  18. Justicia

    Take out infantry and let them play Counter-Strike if they don't want to be disturbed by vehicles.
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  19. DaninTexas

    As mainly an infantry player who is farm bait for air - I don't want air nerfed. I want my battle brothers to pick up some darn G2A missiles more. In a field of 30+ infantry - just having 2 HA with G2A missiles isn't going to cut it. Give me 10 and you will see things clear up in the sky.
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  20. Axehilt

    The Liberator's design is it flies, is fast, and has high HP.

    Fundamentally, ground-based AA will never be a good design for countering a Liberator. If ground-based AA ever become good at countering a Lib, it would be so overpowered as to completely invalidate the entire air game.

    Which is why the only workable balance is:
    • Liberators counter ground.
    • ESFs counter Liberators.
    • Ground-based AA with a cost (Skyguard, Burster) acts as a counter to ESFs.
    • Ground-based AA without a cost (lock-ons) is just a time-limit on air's presence.
    We've very close to that balance currently.

    If no-cost ground AA countered air, you'd just infantry zerg everywhere and that's a shallow game.

    If ground-based AA with a cost countered air, you'd field one burster and he'd be sad because everyone would know never to pull air because one burster prevents you from doing anything useful.

    So the only balance issue here is that ESFs are just a little too weak against Liberators currently (which is best-solved by reducing Liberator agility, and possibly having it fall faster when rotated too far.)
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