Awareness implant + Deathscreen= exact position given away!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MarkAntony, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. MarkAntony

    at 9 mins and 30 secs.

    This needs to never be implemented. Ever.
    Personally I think the awareness implant as a whole is a horrible idea. But seeing as the devs are hell bent on putting in this godawful thing here is what needs to change:
    The spotting from this implant shouldn't count when the deathscreen "program" decides whether to display the cone or the exact position of your killer.
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  2. MasonSTL

    Wasn't it already decided that even when the deathscreen shows the exact position of the killer it really does jack for the victim?
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  3. Captain Kid

    Not if I found a nice position as stalker cloaker and am picking off enemies.. Kill one enemy and my position is already compromised.
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  4. Paragon Exile

    If you're sitting still with a sniper rifle, you're being an idiot. Doubly so with other weapons.

    Suppressors also disable the effect of the implant, so if you're even remotely serious it won't be a problem.
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  5. Umrtvovacz

    Awareness implant + Supressor= enemy implant and energy wasted!
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  6. DrPapaPenguin

    It's not "exact position", it's "exact last known position". There is a major difference.
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  7. MarkAntony

    How fast can you communicate to your outfit mates where exactly you have been shot from.
    It's not the victim I am afraid off. It's the 20 Outfit mates he brought to the fight who now all know my exact position.

    So I am supposed to hike 100m everytime I kill someone. That is just great game design. Or make suppressors mandatory. More great game design.
    Well it looks like suppressors will be a must have if this BS goes live. Guess I'll just have to give up on shooting moving targets and go back to only hitting stationary ones.
    When he can tell his buddies where I am when he dies the difference is practically zero.
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  8. Paragon Exile

    Or just re-position a few metres away with your back to different cover :p

    This isn't rocket science
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  9. MarkAntony

    Yeah that is gonna make it sooo hard to find me. thanks for the great tip :rolleyes:
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  10. PhantomOfKrankor

    This is the main problem.
  11. Ronin Oni

    Use a suppressor.

    Awareness Implant doesn't work if killed by suppressor.
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  12. Hatesphere

    use a suppressed weapon if you are deep behind enemy lines and you will be golden. walk around all crazy firing off unsuppressed shots and never moving and you kind of deserve to be killed.
  13. MarkAntony

    Yeah sniping moving targets and a suppressor work so well together :rolleyes:
    That said I probably will. Back to shooting noobs who stand still....
    No. if I do that and enemies notice me on their own I deserve to be killed.
    But not when I shoot once and kill a guy. My position should not be given away in that situation. At least not like it would be with the awareness + deathmap combo.
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  14. Hatesphere

    An observant player is going to see the map blip when you fire (not the guy you kill, but someone nearby) especially if they are running in a squad. So I really dont see why you are against running a suppressed weapon in close range like you should while sneaking around. the ranges you are fighting at it shouldn't be much of an issue. 100certs = implant countered.
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  15. MarkAntony

    So apparently I only ever fight unaware players. yeah right :rolleyes:
    And I am not talking about close range. I am talking about longer range sniping. Anywhere from 150m and beyond. (spare me the "snipers are useless" BS) My exact position should not be given away like it is in the deathmap.
    That is the change I propose. If you die you do not get the exactz location on the deathmap with the awareness implant.
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  16. Hatesphere

    in that case, sure. you will have to relocate every now and again, maybe even keep an eye on any major routs int our out of a sniping spot. in reality though you can cover a ridiculous amount of ground from sniping distance if you dont just tunnel vision and check your surroundings now and again.
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  17. MasterCheef

    horrible idea.
  18. PlatoonLeaderG

    I still dont understand why are these needed in the game?Already for all the implants that are shown only 2 of them will be mostly used.

    Also craft system? really.

    This game is becoming MMORPG by each day.

    In the next uptade each class will have each own spell,also we are putting 1000 quests and also the best part you can turn OFF the pvp.Hooray!
  19. Phyr

    It takes some real skill to turn a slippery slope into a cliff.
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  20. SpcFarlen

    Dont snipe from the same spot repeatedly, especially if you miss your target and dont kill them. Dont assume the guy you killed isnt on comms telling his/her friends where you are, that you havent already been spotted by someone else, or a nearby enemy didnt see your tracer.

    Also... when you cloak the spot (dorito) goes away, so they still only get that fan shaped directional where you might be.
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