They gota fix nc maxes, i am getting instagibbed in my vs max.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by jaktrobot, Apr 25, 2014.

  1. jaktrobot

    Why is it fair a nc max can gibb my vs max, and now more and more are using slugs, its way to much dmg atm.

    What do u guys think about nc maxes?

    Bascily any nc max wep can gibb my vs max and i cant do anything back, maxes r used in close combat so what is the reason nc max is so powerfull?
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  2. Selerox

    They're OP and have been since the beginning of time.

    But god help you if you say that within earshot of an NC player. Who will then tell you that actually NC MAXes take 18 shots to kill a heavy, but only on Thursdays with a tailwind, after a goat sacrifice to Higby. They'll also tell you that the Jackhammer is the worst shotgun in the game and that God Himself detests the NC which is why they're so underpowered in every single aspect.

    Obviously only one of the statements in the above paragraph is true. God does hate the NC.
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  3. Mastachief

    Old topic is old.

    You are not being instagibbed at all. NC max has no range... no suppression and its huge.

    If you want to complain about a max go check out the pounder.
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  4. BiggggBRIM

    Stand more than 5 feet away and you'll be fine.
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  5. Paragon Exile

    *Stands 10 metres away*

    *Gets instagibbed*
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  6. Epic High Five

    With slugs the killing power against MAXes is actually reduced to well below that of what any of the TR/VS HMGs are capable of. This is an exchange that is more or less vital now that buckshot is so bad, but let's not faff about here and pretend like going from 12x130 to 2x500 isn't a giant drop in killing power for magazines that are already forever stretched to the limits due to their small size.

    Also, MAXes aren't used only in CQC unless you're only using them in CQC. My NC MAX only sees CQC when the blood is in the water, otherwise I'm middle distance with slugs or Falcons 100% of the time. Way safer that way :D
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  7. HadesR

    As the ZOE defenders used to say .... Use a Rocket Launcher .. A suggestion that's even more apt for a slow moving Max like the NC's

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  8. SuperMedicated

    what's the weapon? I'm downloading a patch right now and i thought you only could instagib infantry at extreme cqc with dual 6-pellet shotties, not maxes? also maxes are easy to kill, to the point of view of a LA like me, just fly above their heads and drop the lil brick of poop
  9. Epic High Five

    Exmags go a long way toward making those arms less infuriating to use, but otherwise yeah that's the instagib range. I strongly suggest running dual Falcons while you save up for exmag/slug Grinders/whatever
  10. SuperMedicated

    I don't like rolling max, to me it's just OP and requires a very low level of skill (Both VS and NC, I don't know about TR), i like LA and also just bought my ns-7 PDW as it gave me a lot of kills after i tested all weapons on VR and got a trial for it.
  11. jaktrobot

    The reason i am pist is because just lost another alert due to nc maxes, was even numbers and they rushed our maxes, we just go shot down in seconds, how is that ballanced? As vs max u cant do anything, u cant shot back, u do ZERO dmg on a nc max, our comets do zero dmg on a nc max while both tr pounders and nc falcons can gibb a vs max. So give us back Zoe atleast?
  12. lothbrook

    The NC max is one of the few things in this game that is truly asymmetrically balanced, where it has a clear advantage at close quarters, and a clear disadvantage past 10m. If the NC max didn't basically instagib inside 10m it'd be completely useless.

    It also should be noted if you cert for small arms resistance only dual grinders with extended mags can 1 clip you, in other words almost no NC max will 1 clip you as they're all running mattocks or slugs, lol.
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  13. jaktrobot

    Use slugs then.
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  14. jaktrobot

    Well most nc maxes hide behind a damn shield while vs got nothing now, ballanced much?
  15. lothbrook

    Slugs dramatically reduce the NC maxes ability to fight other maxes which has been stated already.
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  16. Llaf

    Nice try. Very Funny. No.

    If you're getting gibbed by NC MAXes it's because you're letting them get in your face. MAXes are affected by headshot multipliers the same as any other infantry unit, so if an NC MAX get's in your face he can easily land all his pellets on your head for what feels like an insta-gib compared to the damage you can put out. I was MAX hunting with dual ex-mag hacksaws in a biolab today and I'm not sure how many MAXes I killed but it was a lot, nearly all of them were ambushes or baiting in order to get into that golden range. Even killed a few pounder MAXes.

    VS has the most accurate MAX when using Blueshifts, that is your advantage when it comes to AI weapons and it's pretty indisputable. I suggest you use it. No, you won't be gibbing other MAXes, but they won't be able to gib you either, except AV MAXes, which have every right to do so.(speaking of that, Comets hurt more than you think they do...)
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  17. minhalexus

    You lack situational awareness if you are taken down by an NC max within 5m.

    NC maxes can not instagib maxes.
    NC max can not one-mag a max without ex-mags. (with the exception of grinders which work if you land all 14-16 shots perfectly)

    Slugs can not instagib you.

    If you buy kinetic armour, you will probably never be one-magged by an NC max again.
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  18. Epic High Five

    If you're just using it as a throwaway blockade buster that's going to get you a few kills, yeah, it's low skill no doubt. The TR is actually best about this because the Mutilators basically fire forever and never stop or run out of ammo.

    To use it as you would a big, slow, uparmored infantry though without getting the crap killed out of you, that's a different thing entirely. They can be as low or high skill as you like. Rolling Falcon MAX is a good example of this - if you're good, you're like a super kill everything killguy, but if you're not good you just miss a bunch then die.
  19. Brandmon


    I find it amusing that 75% of VS Maxes react against an NC MAX by going closer to him. "What could possibly go wrong?"
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  20. IamDH

    #Sluglife #TupacShakur
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