
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Celludriel, Apr 20, 2014.

  1. Celludriel

    Well I bought this game a year or so ago with the alpha boost thing and hoped to enjoy it on a macro scale. However with no continent locking and a lot of other frustrations I though bleh forget it I'll come back in a year or so. Well last week I read on the roadmap about continent locking and since it will be implemented this decennia (hopefully) I thought why not give it another go but now 5 days in I'm getting more frustrated each day. I wonder how you guys can keep on playing this ??? Just gonna make a nice list of things

    • You can hardly see who is friendly and who is enemy. A few centuries ago mankind invented uniforms a way to see who is friendly. Now in the year 2014, we managed to throw all of that out, everyone has different cameo's some vanu have some nice blue color and even red and white ... well ... basicly the same as the OTHERS !! good going there, you shoot more friendlies then enemy and thanks to weapon lock sometimes you are afraid to shoot at all ... making you end up death ...
    • Buying a weapon, you do some research on the forums for a new weapon since well you can't seem to hit **** with the starting LMG, except QCQ. You buy an S48 or something don't remember the exact number. Not much of an improvement , looks the same , shoots the same, still doesn't hit anything. K so on to the ursa also a recomandation of the forums. Same thing over again ... not much of a difference, however we did try it in VR first and noticed you needed about 4 burst to kill a target. Live ... not so much you need an entire ******* clip IF the bullets hit ... BIG IF.
    • Same range same class, same distance, trading fire ... losing about 80% of the time. Considering at least 30% on the servers are probably aimbotting, I wouldn't mind so much however the 50% of the fair shots that hit and you miss all the time. Those drive my blood pressure up.
    • Lets try infiltrator a little bit of sniping at least we can see the enemy now right ... Ok shoot , hit , yeah ... wait he's not dead, bullet back ... DEAD. Wait a minute I hit him clearly the red X was there, even was straight in the upper torso region ... so why am I DEAD ... wait right 30% aim botters, must been one of those. Ok other target ... again SAME thing ... No way everyone is aim botting, Ok lets buy another sniper bolt action, max damage sniper , again ... HIT ... and he is STILL alive ... AGAIN ... WTF ! K screw infiltrator back to HA
    • CQC yeah this can't fail I'm sure to get at least a 3/1 kd on avg , how can my bullets miss on this range. Here an enemy unload ... nearly an entire clip goes in him, he turns around shoots ... dead ... ok ok granted probably an aimbotter and headshotted. Let's cary on ... and again and again and FRACKING AGAIN. Same scenario. In the five days I played I had around a 0.5 to 0.6 kd. Mind you I don't care that much as long as I can help capture facilities, but wait a minute I'm more death then alive it's the others that are capping. Leaving myself feeling pretty useless
    • Next up the constant flanking , you start shooting someone and bang you get shot in the back, either a tank or his buddy. Yet there NEVER seems to be the same happening on your team, it's always those others that know how to flank. Also from the 5000 players on the field it's always me that is gettings sniped or flanked ... Or so it feels at least
    There is much more frustrating than this, but I needed this of my chest , hope some of you peeps got a good laugh from it. I promised myself to play it for at least a month to give it fair chance. But I'm not sure I'm going to make that. I might try a TR or NC char maybe it just is the Vanu faction weapons that just can't kill anyone unless with spray and pray. But I'm betting it doesn't matter which faction I choose. The concept of the game is great fighting for facilities to conquer a continent. Once the continent locking would be here and you could win the "war" , this might even be one of the most fun MMFPS to date. However with how the shooting mechanics are now, it's just not fun at least not to me.
  2. Nick Riviera

    I'm guessing we're playing a different game. But probably you're just very unlucky. I've rarely come close to anyone that I suspected of aimboting.

    Honestly it seems you aren't just cut out for this game (like me in SC, but I still like playing it anyways), or you're just playing this game wrong.
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  3. M2_Bradley

    If you look closely to army uniforms IRL...There is little difference between a UK and a US soldier...Or a German or a Russian soldier...There is little difference.
  4. Captain Kid

    The weapons in this game.. are odd. They have recoil and cone of fire and with a lot of them you can't just hold the trigger and let er rip. There really is a difference between weapons. And they are quite useless after a certain range. but not for the enemy.

    About your first point. I had the same issue but after 200 hours of play time you start to notice the coloured triangle over your team mates head.
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  5. Elrobochanco

    What's your ping and framerate like? And are you playing with a group/outfit?

    What you described sounds like you are not likely seeing things in real time, because there is not very much cheating going on (I mean I know there must be some, but I mean fractions of a percent). And that you probably don't have a lot of support when you are playing.

    Both of those will make the game that you re playing radically different from the one many of us are enjoying.
  6. Celludriel

    Well so I tried an experiment. I went TR and played only with an uncerted Light Assault trooper with the basic Trak-5 gun thing. After playing about 3h30m I had about 100 cert. I'm not counting exp or levels cause lets be hounest the don't mean squat, you don't get more HP, you don't get more shield, it's just fluff ...

    My k/d ended at around 45/98 or something. But the story was just the same as with VS. You unload at close range see that you are hitting yet the opponent only has like 15% shield damage, turns around one shots ... over and over and over AND OVER again ...

    Someone said here that I might be exaggerating with a 30% aimbot ratio ... I don't think I'm ... And if I'm , I wonder why I get one shotted over and over, while hardly get kills unless I spray and pray. A shooter game that acts like an MMO with random number generator, would probably be more real then this. It should be plain and simple crosshair, aim, shoot , kill ... If you put the cross wrong you miss, you put it dead center on the hostile, you win ... yet in PS ... you seem to lose 95% of the time
  7. DQCraze

    You left the game here's what happened:

    You lost your situational awareness.
    Players are actually learning the gun recoils and adjusting.
    Sniping is all aiming. Hit Em in the face or your dead.
    Don't come to the forums and look for the FOTM weapon. Pick one with high damage mid range. Smgs and shot guns for CQC.

    You left the game while we endured, it's not how do we stand it, we believe and hope the game will get better and we are doing our best to get it there. How bout you stay and help as well.
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  8. Celludriel

    First of I haven't left yet, second of I'm always willing to help make a game how it should play but well if 99% of the people like the rng instead of hit where you aim there isn't much I can do now can I :D
  9. Prudentia

    Sounds like a L2chose server issue.
    are you sure you didn't chose a server that is not in your region? like many Austrians who went to Briggs because it's labeled "AU"?
    For the sniping part: they removed the only way to prevent headshots without using heavy shield so you simply didn't score headshots.
    For the Accuracy at mid range part: Burstfire Burstfire Burstfire Vanu weapons are kinda bad for that because we have a higher First shot recoil multiplier, but it still works.
    Also i think the first weapon you got was the Polaris? great weapon, no recoil. but takes an entire minute too kill if you don't aim for the head. Ursa is great, but the recoil is hefty and requires some practice to counter.
  10. Huxer

    I guess I want to put it out there like this. you are new, you are getting killed because, you are not good. remember that weapons have muzzle velocity, that's how fast the bullet travels from a weapon to a target. When you look at the guy who killed you it will notshow damage done by bullets that are still 'en route". High rate of fire weapons or shotguns are the close range weapons but you need to make sure you are leading targets or in close range upper chest seems like a good target. are you aiming down your sights before you fire? All of the complaints you are listing are complaints generally listed by a new player who doesn't know what he's doing. If you think that because you lose 1v1 fights regularly try and imagine me playing 5 hours a day for the last 2 years so you can stop wondering why you are not about to get your 3 kda in infantry combat.

    I wouldn't be entirely wrong to simply tell you that this is largely a L2P issue. How about you try joining up with an outfit or at least watching/following a more experienced soldier before you start accusing 30% of the population of cheating and realize that it's your poor skills that's causing the loss.
  11. SnipersUnion

    1) You can change the color of the cursor above the heads of enemies and friendlies in settings. All of your friendlies within a few hundred meters will render with a colored cursor above their head or vehicle. Enemies will only show if you Q them. So shoot anything without a cursor. You may have to take care more care when flying with thermals and bombing targets, but ultimately this shouldnt be a problem. You also have to learn to pay CLOSE attention to your mini map, which you can zoom in or out, to see where your friendlies are, and how they are moving.

    2) Do not unlock a weapon thinking it will be better than the original, this is rarely the case. What actually happens is you find a weapon that better suits the way you play, or the way you want to play. The VR dummies are stock targets, they do not pop an overshield or wear nanoweave or flak armor, So engaging a target on Live will not be the same as engaging a target in VR. Think about your play-style and buy the right weapon for you. Do you get in close or keep your distance? etc. Do check the forums though or search youtube for weapon reviews on how to best utilize that weapon to your advantage.

    3) If you open fire first on an equivalent target to yourself and shoot him in the foot whilst he shoots you in the head, you lose. Damage is relevant to the part of the body hit. There are things to consider here like client side hit detection, and the FPS or graphics setting you are both playing on, but I've been playing this game forever and I have never seen anything like 30% aimbotters. More like 3.

    4) Again, headshots. A body shot will not one hit kill a target, only a headshot. You shot someone in the body and someone shot you in the face.

    5) All new players experience this. And they always will. You're up against people that know the base, know the mechanics etc. If your playing HA with a default LMG in CQC your going to be beaten anyway. Hipfiring those guns and using them at that range is not optimal. In fact all medic, engi, and LA guns have an advantage over those default LMGs at that range. Also you have to learn when and where to get close. Almost every fight will have an area which will become an absolute meatgrinder and charging into it is a bad idea. Biolabs are a fine example of this.

    6) As someone who makes a career out of flanking I have only two words for you, situational awareness. Knowing where the enemy spawns, the geography that they are likely to be using, constantly studying the mini map for movements etc may not come naturally at first, but it's easy to get better at. You have to find the opportunity, they rarely find you.

    All this aside there will still be frustration with this game. Getting killed by a lib 200m away when you have no counter and are on an infantry killstreak is very annoying, but that's the price you pay for having a combined arms game. Rather I die to that lib, than air be taken out the game altogether.

    Client side hit detection is VERY annoying. My pet peeve. You will have noticed it, when you run into a building and clearly avoid the enemy, only to lay down and die in cover. This is because players are playing on a server with a different connection speed to it. If I kill you on my screen, you die regardless as to what is happening on your screen. This makes carbines seem to one hit kill. People kill you without even firing their weapons or with their backs to you. Sometimes an engagement is simply decided by who turned the corner first. As frustrating as this is, it's not a PS2 problem. It's a PC FPSer problem. I hear other games are even worse for it.

    You also said something that I think sums up the whole post. WHY IS THIS ONLY HAPPENING TO ME.

    Last night I was in the middle of a tank zerg in a lightning. Must have been 50 tanks. 5 phoenixes hit ME and no-one else. Coincidence, maybe. Teamplay on the enemies part, possibly. Conspiracy? No. I know how this feels and I understand, but take comfort in the fact that 90% of the people playing this game are saying, WHY IS IT JUST ME.

    Join an outfit. the people you play with will make this game more enjoyable than frustrating. Not that a game should rely on that (note to dev's there)

    TL:DR want help, read the post.
  12. DrPapaPenguin

    And aside from the above, what is your average FPS in game, and your ping?
  13. Celludriel

    Here is another fun frustration part

    • Defending a point after capture : you cover each entry point from a distance. Cause we all know that the dooropening is the actual killbox right, nobody should come through. You go to the dooropening to die ... plain and simple works in real life, works in games ... Yet in PS all the allies LOVE to go stand in the door and die , leaving those that want to do it right a choice. Kill the allies first , and then shoot the hostiles, probably be out of ammo the second a hostile steps through the door, or well just die once they do decide to rush and all your support lies death in the doorstep ... This has nothing to do with learn to shoot and ******** btw ..;
    • Someone mentioned the Q key. Actually I use it like crazy only half the time it doesn't work (maybe because of distance) and when it works you probably just lost to much time pressing the button, you can't dodge anymore (you only have so many fingers). Furthermore if you are nearly the only one on the server using it, it quickly loses it's point. However luckaly I read on the roadmap about an implant that when equiped marks anyone you shoot. So hope that will be here soon
  14. John_Aitc

    I was glad to hear that Celludriel tried TR, but it is too bad he chose the LA w/ TRAC-5. I wish he chose HA with any weapon with the extended magazine attachment. Having a bit more health and a lot more bullets is the solution to a lot of his frustrations!
  15. eldarfalcongravtank

    huh? in my eyes, the specific factions in planetside2 couldn't be MORE OBVIOUS in their appearance. you have a blue-yellow, purple-teal-greenish and red-black-grayish faction. additionally, all your foes dont have teammate doritos above their heads. what more could you ask for? i think if you tried playing battlefield4 you'd be lost, because in that game all the teams/classes look relatively similar
  16. Noktaj

    Long story short: you suck :D
  17. Celludriel

    Interesting ... no but really ... do go on ...

    So what else then putting your crosshair aimed directly on the target and firing in bursts (mouse clicks, to make it even more relevant can a guy do) Is there any other secret to the game , then moving your mouse on the enemy and clicking ... cause face it that's very much how the FPS genre works right. Move your mouse, press a button ... You do not have to assign a group of units , you do not have to remember hotkeys, You don't have to worry about map control (ok granted maybe in PS you do). Move mouse, click ... yet ... seems Math.rand(0,100) is probably the most researched function at SOE ... or well whatever dev company made the game.

    Btw I'm ranting I know, but considering I can't curse the entire house together , I believe writing it down is more productive
  18. ShureShot

    Sounds like a bad case of the L2P

    See, you assume you are gonna just 'get' a k/d of 3 playing infantry. As an inexperienced player who can't tell the difference between weapons and sees a cheater in everyone who kills him.

    Yeah, not gonna happen. Only the best players will get 3+ k/d's playing infantry, and only after learning the ins & outs of this game. For every player that gets an infantry k/d of 3, there's probably 100 that don't. But you just assume you can come out of nowhere and be one of those great players. This is not a 16v16, there's death around every corner, and until you learn how to position and move, you'll have several enemies shooting at you at the same time whenever you try to engage someone yourself.

    And 30% cheaters is absolutely ridiculous, if that were the case, not ONE regular player would EVER get a kill in this game, because those 30% cheaters would kill everyone before anyone else could get a shot on target. A good & experienced player can spot a fishy player rightaway, after one death. A bad & inexperienced player on the other hand, sees cheaters everywhere. 30% would mean that every single player with a positive k/d in this game is a cheater.

    Anyway, thanks for funding a great game. And if you ever do try to get back into it again, don't pretend to be an fps god. Try to get your k/d to 1 after a few weeks and take it from there. If you can get it to 1.5 after a few months and 2.0 after a year, you're actually doing better than most.
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  19. Celludriel

    I was exaggerating to make a point. I very well realise that 3/1 would be to high a goal to reach. But with all the bull in my posts combined, the fact remains that this game is frustrating, because most of the time you never hit where you aim. Now in one of the posts I've read over the few days a guy was complaining why there is barely 10k people online worldwide on a F2P game.

    Eve a subscription game for life, has 31k players online each day. Don't anyone find it odd that PS2 a game people have been screaming for since PS1 went into decline has so few players ? I can't be the only new player with these frustrations. A game that frustrates , will not thrive ... Again disagree with me, I don't mind, but you know I have a point
  20. Appalachian

    Playing infantry in this game can be very hard and frustrating as you have found. You are going to die as infantry no two ways about it. That said you do seem to be having a harder time. You will stop dyeing so quick/much once you learn how to move correctly. You need to get a better understanding of firing angles and how to minimize the angles you can be shot from through proper use of cover. That is what makes this game so great, you really need to know what you are doing. It may be hard, but once you get better it is much more fulfilling when you start taking people out.

    You really shouldn't be getting taken out as a sniper that easily though. As a sniper you need to choose your target, get a bead on him THEN decloak, fire, reloak and move at least a foot or two from where you fired, preferably back into cover. I have counter sniped quite a few ppl just by shooting where they were because they thought cloaking was good enough. Never stop in the open and always try and evaluate your cover position and watch the firing angles you're exposed to. Also, you need to hit a player with full health in the head with the sniper rifle in order to kill them in one shot. I would suggest going to the VR and learning how to compensate for bullet drop with your sniper rifle in order to get those head shots. You can place a waypoint to see the distance of your target so you can practice sniping at different ranges and know how much to compensate at eash range. 300m is maximum distance for players on foot to render on your screen.

    As far as IDing enemy goes, just shoot anyone who doesn't have your teams color above their head. Friendlies will always be "spotted" for you with a triangle and the color you have chosen for friendlies. It is a bit hard to get used to looking for the triangle over their head instead of at the player themselves for ID purposes, but once you get yourself trained to look for it instead of their uniform its not too bad.