[Video] Vehicle HACKING!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Yamiks, Apr 20, 2014.

  1. Yamiks

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  2. DashRendar

    Hah, nice try. Got me excited for a second.
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  3. TheStonehawk

    Thats...kind of a cool idea.
  4. Nerp

    Seems legit
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  5. Baracuda

    If higby actually adds in vehicle hacking I will resub without a second thought.
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  6. Peter Daniel

    That would make infiltrator an unique class and make the make much more fun.
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  7. CrashB111

    Two exceptions would have to be made.
    1. No hacking of an occupied vehicle
    2. No hacking of a deployed vehicle
    Sunderers are already hard enough to keep alive, the last thing we need is invisible Leeroy Jenkins running up to one and crawling under it to hack one.
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  8. Baracuda

    You should be able to hack any vehicle anytime. You are supposed to defend your vehicle and if you let the weakest infantry unit in the game stand next to your vehicle for exorbident amounts of time without you moving or doing anything about it you deserve to be punished. Same with deployed vehicles, if the people spawning off the sunderer do nothing they would have done nothing to an engineer carrying landmines that would have blown it up almost instantly.
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  9. Goden

    Vehicle hacking is giving more questionably balanced abilities to a class that is already too flexible and powerful for its own good. I do NOT approve of this at all. The idea of the Inf now being able to boot people out of their own purchased vehicles is total BS.

    There is a difference between an Engi landmines (or LA with C4) and an Infiltrator with the hack ability.

    The difference is one can turn invisible and the other can't. One has to use cover and carefully approach the vehicle while the driver is looking the other way and has to do it without being seen by anyone else. The Inf can just hit his ability key and walk straight up to it.

    Another issue with this is:

    Back when Landmines were bugged and slipped under the ground and were impossible to see - people were forced in droves to use the Mineguard cert. Not because they wanted to but because they were forced to otherwise they would randomly explode all the time. While that issue is now fixed this hacking thing is going to do the same thing but with Prox radar. (If prox radar even detects cloakers). I can already imagine that most bases near the vehicle spawners and in the garages of towers are going to be filled with Infs with stalker cloak just sitting and waiting for someone to drive in to repair their vehicle. They'll shoot the driver in the head and steal his vehicle and the driver then ragequits and plays something else. Rinse and repeat. Have you seen how many infs players there are in this game? It's goddamn insane. Prox radar is going to be mandatory to stop your vehicle anywhere or to get out of it.
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  10. M2_Bradley

    I laughed so hard I started crying.
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  11. ZeroErrorz

    where is this recorded ? pts ?
  12. Yamiks

    here 2!
  13. Baracuda

    Except you see to balance that out like in that vid, the more expensive the vehicle the longer it would take. The infil as it is CAN NOT multi-role and MUST kitout before hand and can only operate at what range their gear allows them to. Along with the commi-knife combo nerf it makes killing people harder, especially when they are next to a vehicle, they can just press E and then proceed to laugh at you as you run for your life cause infil gets NO AV WEAPONS.

    Now on the other hand the most played class by a WIDE margin is the heavy, which can instagib almost every vehicle in the game and has the iwinshield. I can always hide in a tower as heavy, rocketrifle the tank pilot and then proceed to kill the tank and it would be faster than hacking a turret.
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  14. AdmiralArcher

    the heavy can only instagib 2 vehicle types, (with decimator) ESFs and flashes, otherwise they cannot instagib

    this would have to be made so that infils cannot hack occupied vehicles, and also the vehicle has to be off for it to work

    if you get into a tank, its engine turns on, when you get out, after a certain amount of time, its engine shuts off, so as long as the engine is on you cannot hack it, if there is anyone in the vehicle, you cannot hack it, if it is an AMS sundy, you cannot hack it

    also this hacking ability would have to sacrifice something pretty big.......because the infil is already an extremely versitile class, either it needs to have SMGs taken away from it, which TBH it never should have gotten in the first place, or it needs to be limited to walking when you have this implant (id imagine thats what its going to be) equipped, its far too powerful if it was only as yamiks showed it to be
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  15. Yamiks

    but hacking enemy low tier vehicles ESF,flash,Harraser would be neat!
  16. ThunderSock

    Infil should have a repair tool that hacks things instead of repairing them, and replaces recon dart.
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  17. Baracuda

    Heavy with C4 and a rocket launcher, instagib everything except galaxies.

    Infil AV option, running behind a rock and hoping for the best?
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  18. CrashB111

    Giving every Infantry class the ability to take out a vehicle single handily with C4 was a big enough mistake as it is, and a major contributor to this game being Infantryside 2.

    The last thing we need is to expand this by letting even Infiltrators do it, especially with how heavy handed SOE is getting with nerfing the ability of Tanks to even kill Infantry anymore. Soon it will be direct hits from a Tank Cannon isn't sufficient.
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  19. AdmiralArcher

    i admit it would be, it might add more dimension to the infil which has yet to really have a defined role since there really isnt anything to infiltrate yet, maybe when the resource revamp happens something might crop up
  20. AdmiralArcher

    if C4 was made to be only for LA, then alot of these problems would be solved
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