What's it like on Connery?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheShrapnelKing, Apr 17, 2014.

  1. Negator

    Again, connery's penchant for mindless zerging and overall lack of initiative makes for easy mode battles. ultra hard would be nc or tr on Mattherson.
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  2. iller

    Close but not quite.... VS still have big Overpop in later night Alerts so depending on play schedule, you could be doing an awful lot of ghost capping in a completely unconstested Esamir/Amerish since Neither the TR nor the NC actually want to fight Vanu most of the time. Either the TR, or more often, the NC, are always always being 2v1'd b/c the VS basically don't have a "battle partner" on this server.

    Where you're the most wrong at, is TR being incompetent. They're actually the most competent as far as players go when you consider what they've had to deal with this year alone. While VS is just a hive Mind with better weapons than the TR and a ton of stat padding thanks to the baddy NC, that's why you see them winning 2/3's of the Alerts. Their only 2 "competent" Outfits are PCYS & FCRW which you definitely won't qualify for with your Stats (no offense). The rest of their zergfits basically average a 0.5 kdr against actual competent players (of which there's very few on Connery now) and are generally dismissed with nicknames like COD42, "Dropping free Certs", "JUNK", and "Libber <racist epithet here>". Meanwhile the only TR outfit anyone dismisses outright, is EXE (basically the ADK of TR-zergfits we ended up with from the Helios merge ...they account for atleast 2/3s of everyone's free Air kills).

    So yeah, you could just join the VS, but it won't give you any real opportunity to grow as a player or contribute as anything but just another unquestioning spandex clad zergling through any outfit. NC meanwhile is definitely the most incompetent. You're right about that one being "frustrating". It's so bad there's an entire Outfit dedicated to ROLEPLAYING an outfit that tries to use real strategy (but just makes everyone else on the server hate them for being such over-promising under-delivering scrubs when it comes to actual results). I won't name them, but you'll run into their "Training" roleplay a lot if you join pub squads as an NC and you'll wish you never rolled NC in the first place once you see what a farce its "command structure" and troop movement really is. (there isn't one... it's all trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls and the most TK'ing you've ever seen on ANY server ever).

    So yeah. If you want Respect and the best Farms, go TR. If you just want free victories, Vanu.
  3. iller

    /Seconding this. OutfitX doesn't even share its presence with global Command. PG sometimes does, but X has been fairly hard to find these days coordinating in any public fashion, much like Recursion. They basically know it's a waste of time to even try. Coordination broke down a long long time ago b/c there was too many little kids and trolls in the pool
  4. Sebastien

    You must have some real self-esteem issues if you have to come into threads about Connery and flex your dick.
  5. Tuco

    After about 100 months of subscription to wwiionline, 12 months of subscription of PS1, and a couple years at PS2, I can safely say that "those who lead" are not up to the task. They're just terrible tactician/strategists. Abysmal really. They make every mistake in the book, and do it at least every 5 minutes.

    I've been farming them with AV mines and claymores. Sometimes they step on every single one I place too, hehe, I mean that's a real bonus.

    I really need more infantry resources.
  6. travbrad

    NC have had the highest pop on Connery ever since the ZOE nerf pretty much (which is dumb because VS MAX with charge is just as good IMO). Before that VS had the highest pop on a regular basis, trading off and on with NC. With this latest patch TR actually had the highest pop last night, but we'll see how long that lasts. People just switch to whatever faction is perceived to be "flavor of the month" based on small buffs or nerfs that don't actually make much difference.
  7. Negator

    Huh? No. Im sure there are good players and outfits on Connery, but in general its just very mindless.
  8. Xervous

    If they're not grouped up, the good players tend to stay away from the massive zergy fights where you can easily die by pure happenstance. So if you're at a big fight, odds are you won't see many if any good players.
  9. CactusLynx

    NC: Atleast has lead figures that use command chat and keeps things somewhat organized.
    TR: Same thing except you have terrible outfits like EXE being brainless and less pop.
    VS: Asian persuasion.
  10. Donaldson Jones

    My experience on Connery as a member of BAID who plays once to four times a week. Any of the factions when strong leadership is on; can easily win an alert, a continent what have you. But when strong leadership isn't on or on YOUR side you are either in a rope -a-dope around 3 to 6 bases, or getting your *** handed to you by whatever faction has strong leadership on.

    All three factions have great Outfits Recursion/Merc/Future Crew and many many others. All I can say is figure out what you want to be doing *most of the time, then go to the faction where you feel you'll be happiest. VS could use your help atm sure, but over/under pops on Connery are very cyclical.

    If you don't care and just want to help whoever is lowest pop'd then right now that is VS (prime time). But no matter what side you pick there are many good people on all sides you'll easily make friends on w/e side you pick imho.
  11. Xervous

    A story about NC connery command chat...

    VoC platoon lead: We're en route to eisa
    666 platoon lead: the zerg seems to be settling around Saerro, we can give you some cover with our air wing
    ~ other stuffs ~

    ADK: So where do you guys want us?

    ~ dead silence ~
  12. vanu123

    There are alot of great people and outfits on Connery. You have your more casual outfits: JENK, ADK, XPIV, and others. You have your semi casual/semi tight outfits that get stuff done : DPSO (my own), Dread Legion, TXR, TRG, EXE, Baid, T42. Then you have your "MLG" outfits: Recurion, Future Crew, etc.
    When it comes to pop during the day (US) say around 8 am - 5 pm NC usually has a large pop bonus with VS and TR about the same. Primetime is for the most part even although NC still has a decent sized pop. At night (US) at about midnight - 5 am the VS win..... because Japan. Us playing VS owe our existence to Japan for keeping us alive even when we are outnumbered and outgunned.
    At the last server smash, I'd say all those who participated loved it. We all kinda "bonded" hardcore, I'd go as far to say check out any of the outfits and I am sure you will love each of them.
  13. Xervous

    Don't forget the handful of scary good liberator crews on TR, many of which are in CIK
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  14. TheShrapnelKing

    Ok so I played for a couple of hours. First impressions:

    1. First thing that happened was I got into a battle at regent rock where the tower was getting blasted by 20 Prowlers at once, which was kind of "new" since there's never enough people on Waterson usually to field that many tanks for one base.

    2. OMFG the NC zerg. It's absolutely bonkers, it feels like I've been teleported to the Waterson TR from a year ago - and they're just as mindless and incompetant as those guys too! No offense guys but....jesus, it's like the TR were shooting at AI bots instead of human beings the **** they got away with without you guys responding to. Never have I seen so many TR infiltrators not even using their cloaking devices because they're so sure no one would snipe them (AND NO ONE DID I HAD TO GO AND DO IT MYSELF). I saw a TR LA sit up on a ledge on a tower and just farm guys as they tried to camp the spawn room and no one but me did anything about it, it's like no one even knew he was there.

    3. Owing to circumstances, during the alert I took part in while I was on we only fought the VS at Allatum Biolabd and Indar Comm Array because the TR held the Crown and for some random reason Indar Excavation. I only fought the VS once since they outnumbered us 2:1 and I decided to go back to the more even fight at Crossroads but uh, yeah, who was it that said the TR were actually better and the VS were a hive mind? Because I think that accurate - I can't say I saw anybody using any kind of proper- co-ordinated tactics today but the TR had it together the most, the VS were just like...I don't know, like the NC but better at actually hitting their targets, I guess?

    4. The VS and NC double-teamed the TR for that Indar Alert. I had to leave a half hour before it ended but when I left the cont control was 40% VS, 40% NC, 20% TR. God, I really feel bad for you guys. Why does everyone hate you? You don't have the legacy of the Waterson TR for them to have any reason to go after you, what gives here?

    5. Honest opinion of the server so far: most easiness caused by mindlessness of the opposition is balanced by there being metric **** tons of them. NC are stupid as all hell but it's almost entertaining, I'm staying away from actually getting in coms with anyone so I don't have a reason to hate them yet. And more targets to shoot is always nice. I missed big battles.

    Side note: some NC guy actually praised our zerg for deciding to flank around one side of the mountain in front of Crossroads while we held the TR on the road, like everyone were geniuses for pulling such a brain-dead-simple manuever that the TR frankly shouldn't have fallen for. I decided a sarcastic quip was in order. But seriously LOL.
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  15. King Feraligatr

    If you continue to play NC on Connery and happen to be in the same area as me, you may hear me criticizing the NC's stupidity (or my own suckiness). You may also hear me if you're going to roll VS/TR.
  16. Aeflic

    Connery isnt Mattherson I'll tell you that!
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  17. Gritmo

    Meh... I played some Indar control alert today (I'm VS), it started out with 29% VS, 34% NC, 34% TR (world pop) ... and we won again.

    You can call us a newby zerg if you want, but we still beat them. We're always starting out under-popped these days, that's the only reason NC and TR ever seem to get any victories.

    I know one VS outfit "zergs".. in that they all just pull ground vehicles and tromp through.

    So, if we're just a semi-talented zerg.. then we win that way.

    I don't think recursion (since they're the ones I'm always fighting) can beat a "60/40" pop against them in a territory.
  18. iller

    It's a really simple principle here.
    Even if your faction only makes up 25% of the world pop...
    ...but almost your entire population all focuses on a single Lane together....
    You WILL, win that lane.

    The other 75% of the world pop is too busy durping to stop you nor do they don't look at their Map every 2 minutes.
    They don't actually care WHAT you're doing to begin with.
  19. sumsitup

    I've seen OO capture (not defend) Eisa 68/32. The fight started out around 76/24.
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  20. Llaf

    I don't know, I just don't...really wish I did. Nobody really knows.