Why VS dominates

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gritmo, Apr 14, 2014.

  1. Pineapple Pizza!

    I haven't ran into an actual cheater since January, and that was during primetime. Who are these 'late night cheaters'? I play late nights and nobody is ever suspicious.
  2. Vixxing

    Not populations? On Cobalt NC often 40-45% on primetime and VS 25-30%
  3. ackerx

    3.The TR players DON"T KNOW HOW TO KILL MAXES.(Especially VS)
    We were winning at Ikanami with A/B/C point then suddenly VS made a PUSH with MAXES and we lose B/C just in sec.
    So it should be capped before alert time end but those MAXES ruined it. I really don't understand why people tend to shoot MAX with their bullet not rocket if you are a heavy assault. 99% TR HA barely use their rockets to hit MAX and not much player play LA with C4.
  4. biglosee

    Some Asians in the Vs they a wall hack speed hack and aimbot:(
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  5. hellokict

    weapon imbalance, We have only been bullied:( Especially Vs Max
  6. RubberFur

    I, from personal experience, as being in the outfit for a little over a year and then leaving because of the catastrophic meltdown and idiocy. Say officially, that the NC outfit of 666-Devil Dogs of Connery is the reason why the NC of Connery are failures. ADG as well, those guys are a giant mindless zerg. I have yet to see a SINGLE joint-organization of the outfits on connery.

    Simple Terms: ADG/666 Suck
    VS/TR Outfits are more organized.

    Of course, doesn't help that former NC/TR outfits from Waterson are playing VS/TR just so we can kill the NC. *namely DVS/TRAF/NUC*
  7. Peebuddy

    I know during late night on Connery Nc & Tr will prefer to fight each other than the Vs because of the 45-50% pop advantage.

    You can't attack any Vs outpost with out the zerg eventually showing up and re-securing with under a minute left on the timer, that happens constantly and takes the fun right out of the game! However when Tr/Nc fight each other their pops are very close together, you can actually take hexes from them because we don't have entire divisions in reserve.

    Meanwhile Vs are ghost capping the rest of Indar while Tr and Nc get fun fights between Peris and Tawrich
  8. ColonelChingles

    Yea, sorry. I meant populations as in the OP's original theory, that smaller populations dominate servers because they are forced to work together. On some servers the largest population wins the most alerts, but on other servers this is not the case.

    Therefore it can be said that server population probably isn't the most important factor in these sorts of things.
  9. Ronin Oni

    666? Haven't seen hide nor tail of them in months. not in any serious numbers, just an errant tag here and there.

    FCRW doesn't focus as heavily on alerts, but they're usually there. Only thing that keeps them from alerts is defending against 2:1 odds in a Biolab, but they go where the fighting is and VS isn't overpop... which during alerts, usually means what the alert is for.

    Recursion and Outfit X are the only NC 'fits I regularly see properly responding to change in tactics during alerts (or at all really).

    lol what? Where's all our instagib weapons? I wanna use em!
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  10. Ronin Oni

    Population can help a faction do better by numbers...

    lacking a pop advantage, a faction on a server would require better coordination to make up for the reduced pop.

    Either can lead a faction to victory... or in the case of Matherson VS a mere month ago and earlier, both :eek:
  11. Rogueghost

    And for good reason.
    Certs are easy to obtain, nearly worthless in the higher BRs, and there are quite a few more profitable ways to get them than ghost capping in an alert.
  12. IamDH

    Unless you want VS to be bright pink, i think complaining that you cant see VS needs to stop. The solution if you really cant see them (which i dont really think is that major as everyone makes it seem) is to spot them first
  13. Peter Daniel

    In Cobalt, AP Prowlers and Vanguards always come after my small HE Lightning, all full of confidence they will win... but there is no defense against marksmanship and mad driving skills.

  14. Ronin Oni

    Ghost capping... in an alert?

    The only ghost capping during an alert is on the continents or near territories that have jack-all to do with the alert...........
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  15. Paragon Exile

    Statistically speaking, the NC is by far the dominant faction across most servers. The Vanu are only seriously leading on Mattherson.
  16. z1967

    Oddly enough, the announcement of the April balance patch being mostly TR focused probably made some of the NC or VS quit their faction for a while because I am starting to see more red 0_0

    Although usually only by a percent, the VS are actually now *slightly* underpopped. Which translates to about 40-50 something guys less than the TR has. TR have even pulled overpop during prime time in the last few days, and not even during server downtimes (TR are apparently the first ones to log back in o_O). So, now I don't get a free xp booster on every continent that is not Indar (darn). I don't want to be on the Over pop faction, might end up rolling VS or NC during the week or so after the patch to help with their numbers (since everyone and their dog will want to be TR...). Meep.
  17. Rogueghost

    48+ zergs capping territory with only 12-24 hostiles makes up more than half of an alert.
  18. Ronin Oni

    There's always a couple of those "fights" going on regardless of alert status...

    and for every zerg vs small holdout region there's another zerg on zerg or 24-48 matchup somewhere else for the alert.

    Oftentimes we (T42) will look at the map, decide on a target, and before we cap our second base (many times before we even cap the first) an enemy outfit has shown up to give us a good fight.... or we'll see an enemy outfit trying to bypass whatever random zerg is on our side, and we'll react to stopping them to hold the relevant territory.

    The reaction fights happen a LOT more often during alerts than off times where we'll only get stopped if an outfit is looking for a fight rather than what would be best to win the alert in question. Hell, We'll ignore an outfit chewing up a lattice line if there isn't much reason to stop them ("Eh, let em go, they'll hit warpgate soon and run out of territory, lets keep going for that Amp station")
  19. AnnPerkins

    Oh god. I needed a laugh. Thank you.
  20. Gritmo

    This morning again.. VS ties for first with TR on an Amerish territory control, we started with the lowest pop. I platoon led for my outfit.

    Whoever said we VS like to fight NC over TR may have a point... Personally, no matter what the charts say, I find TR rips us faster in face to face combat. NC gives us slightly more time.

    BTW - I didn't say the underpopped will win.. I meant, VS wins because our weapons aren't good at CQC.