Why VS dominates

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gritmo, Apr 14, 2014.

  1. Gritmo

    Yet another alert where my faction, VS on Connery, was outpopped and took a victory. We get outpopped rather regularly but still win often or get a "nice fighting for our pop" second place.

    Are we Over-Powered? If you look here:


    I'd say.. our guns are really the worst of the three factions! In fact, my playing experience is like that too... the other factions definitely have the stronger guns. Unless the magrider alone rocks that hard (I don't think it does, in my experience, but I don't play it very often).

    Watchign youtube videos only confirms this... Great players who post vids on youtube obviously aren't bothered too much by the guns available to their faction.

    My philosophy:
    See, the way to dominate at this game is not to get into "face to face" confrontations. In VS, we're all forced not to fight "face to face" because we simply lose these fights way too much. So, we pretty much all have to cheap shot you from the side and windows in order to get any kills at all, so this is how we beat you all in the long run... we're just all accustomed to guerilla tactics.

    That also describes why the other factions hate us so much.. They're all looking for a face to face fight when we jump them from behind, beside, or whatever other tactic works.

    What do you think? I haven't actually played NC and TR much, so people who've played all three would have some better ideas.
  2. reydelchicken

    I also haven't played NC much, but I've gotten about 200 hours in my TR character.

    And I can say, that all factions are similar in terms of weapon performance, with TR being stronger at close range, VS being stronger at mid range, and NC being stronger at long range.

    The reason people think that VS is "OP" is because most fights happen at mid range, which is around the 25-50m range. Besides VS definitely have the best LMGs with the orion and sva, and this can cause quite an outrage due to the majority of people using HA.
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  3. Hoki

    Can't see the bastards at night.

    Granted, I personally have excellent night camo too, but not every freeloading TR has good night camo. For VS its a faction trait.
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  4. Taemien

    VS doesn't dominate on Connery, I dunno where that idea came from.

    The only time VS does anything is from 2am to 7am EDT when they have 40-45% of the pop. Then you're just taking territory by numbers.

    And speaking as NC, the TR give us trouble more than the VS does. Has been that way since Genudine.
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  5. ColonelChingles

    You know there are different servers, right? With different factions dominating on different servers?

    Servers by Most Alert Victories:
    VS: Connery, Mattherson
    TR: Miller
    NC: Briggs, Ceres, Cobalt, Waterson, Woodman

    So I don't think it's equipment much... or even populations. Otherwise the smaller populations on some other servers would be winning as well, but that's not the case. The TR are the smallest faction on Mattherson, for example, but they don't do very well in terms of alert victories.

    In my mind it comes down to faction leadership and culture, which changes from faction to faction and server to server. That's the number 1 most important thing about determining which factions come out on top.

    But the problem is that SOE really can't do anything to change factional leadership, so we wind up arguing over silly weapon characteristics all the time.
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  6. BITES

    40-45% is being conservative.

    Since most alerts occur during those periods ... hey "Vanu win more alerts" ...

    Some alerts the relevant continent is 75% .... basically pointless .. or pissing into the wind.
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  7. Gritmo

    Nah, VS definitely is pushing out more bang per pop than you guys... last NC win I played (which wasn't late night, btw), was 5 biolabs to NC to 4 biolabs VS... but the pop was 40% NC, to 30% VS...

    For as long as I've been playing, NC only kicked butt when their pop went sky high, which was mostly due to ADK. I wish ADK would start an outfit in every faction... seeing as they went from 0 to the largest faction in no time. I'm sure ADK's individual players are no where near as good as say, recursion, but a giant ADK zerg will out-do recursion in an alert.

    It's our strategy that wins? Could be. I guess we're cooperative.. I mean, if you really want to lead or be in a big platoon or outfit, you more than likely will. We usually have 3-4 full platoons run by the big outfits that do all the heavy lifting during prime time alerts. They tend to run from levels 15-80, with a few higher level people. A lot of the platoon leading gets done by the level 30-60 range, since they seem to want to do that. We cooperate, but it's tough to hear on the command channel.

    We do try and pull the other armies around... like, if 20 of us can drag 40 of them into a certain region (and get their butts kicked) while 10 of us cap this other territory (and that was the territory we REALLY wanted)... that can be good.

    I remember one of my friends drew TR and NC into some crazy 3 way battle once.. it worked, we were baiting and hookin you like fish through a canal.

    Maybe it's our strategy and cooperation.. which, I have to say, is very laid back. Most people are pretty friendly and helpful
  8. blag

    The reason the VS win the majority of fights on Connery is simple.

    1: The TR are severely underpopulated
    2: The NC have zero coordination and almost never work as a team.
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  9. Baconite

    VS won the alert tonight because they have *slightly* more coordinated outfits that respond faster than either the TR or NC do.

    Off the top of my head, the coordinated outfits that will drop what they're doing and do what it takes to win alerts:

    TR: TRG, TXR, DLEG, OP4, SOLX (5 outfits listed, but some of them are smaller than their VS counterparts listed previously).
    NC: Recursion, Outfit X, Praetorian Guard.

    I apologize if I left anyone out, but VS averages *slightly* higher than TR/NC on players that are good teammates, can uproot and adapt quickly, and make smart tactical choices. Tonight was just one of those nights where VS peaked above averages, had their game together a little better than TR, and the NC made a few fatal errors that caused them to lose all their biolabs.

    p.s. Please notice I used the word "slightly." a 1-2% difference makes up for a lot. I have a lot of respect for all 3 factions on Connery so don't take this as an insult.
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  10. zombielores

    The VS aren't really that strategically more superior or better then any of the other fractions across any server.
    Now on Connery, there is this odd behavior by the TR and the VS, they don't seem to like to fight each other, the TR would rather give VS their own territory and fight the NC during land grab alerts. During the first hour and a half of todays bio lab alert around 9:00 to 10:00 PM MDT,

    Here are all the fight breakdowns from the NC perspective.

    World Pop sits around 33% all with NC above by 1 or 2 percent occasionally and VS dipping about 1 or 2 percent.

    Indar (TR 32%, VS 33%, NC 34%)
    -NC and VS had about a major 48+ on each side near Indar Ex. and Quartz Ridge on Indar.
    -Another NC and VS fight near Allatum which had about 1/3 of the NC pop there and about 1/4 of the VS there.
    -NC and TR fight at Allatum Botany both 48+ on each side.
    -NC and TR fight at Scared Mesa Lookout, 24-48 on each side,
    -NC and TR at Tawrich Depot and Broken Arch, NC 24-48 70% pop in hexes until TR noticed their tech plant was in danger, evened out to about 50/50.
    -A bunch of TR/VS 1-12 enemies but most of them weighted about 70/30 for pop in the hex.
    {VS would not push Mani even though it was 2-3 Adjacent territories away, had about 1-12 enemies at NS material, TR 60/40 VS}

    Esamir (TR 18%, VS 61%, NC 21%) [1 TR Bio Lab, 2 VS Bio Lab]
    -TR and VS had 1 large 48 enemy plus fight at Jaeger's Crossing.
    -All other are small scrimmages no bigger then 24 all around the map.
    {VS could have pushed Ymir with not problem as they had 61% pop during the time}

    Amerish (VS 11%, TR 45%, NC 44%) [2 Tr Bio Lab, 1 VS Bio Lab]
    -NC 48+ fights TR 48+ at Xelas proper and surrounding bases.
    -NC 48+ pushing Onatha against 48+ TR around 50/50 pop.
    -NC 12-24 pushing Kwahtee Amp against 1-12 VS NC 60/40 VS
    -Auger and NC arsenal, 24-48 and 12-24 respectively at each base, VS 70/30 TR around both. TR 2-3 territories away from Ikanam Bio.
    {TR could have pushed Ikanam but it would have been a risky move}

    Now if we tally up all the fights, It shows 1 48+ VS/TR fight, 2 48+ NC/TR fights, 3 48+ NC/TR fights, 1 24-48 NC/VS fights, 2 24-48 NC/TR fights, 1 24-48 TR/VS fight, 1 12-24 TR/VS fight.

    It shows practical evidence that the TR and VS might not like to fight each other and I will get a video somewhere and post it here tomorrow if I can because youtube takes 2 hours to load a 2 min video for those who want "proof" or think this is something some NC made up.

    So in the end, VS is not better, more tactically advantaged, smarter, etc. on Connery, they just happened to not like fighting the TR for the first 3/4 of the alert until their command finally realized that oh crap, there are Bio Labs that are within 2 or 3 territories for us to attack that.

    To OP, next time check the fights, check the cont pop not the world pop, check everything before going to we are better players and more organized so we win even though our weapons suck. just FYI the infantry weapons are pretty balanced right now, there are no disadvantages that certain factions have over others.

    TL : DR
    VS and TR like to fight NC more then each other, I have provided direct support and have not screwed the numbers in my post, they are closest to the time I was playing. There is no faction that does better then another, because I know multiple NC outfits that do the exact same thing that the OP described.

    Fixed the TL : DR from :D
  11. FateJH

    I'm sorry. The TR on Connery are no longer allowed to play the "severely underpop'd" card. It may swing around that way again since the TR bleeds traitors by the dozen; but, at the moment, they are not underpopulated.

    This one, however, I can agree with. For goodness sake, people, you Connery NC guys had one BioLab in that last Alert at one point. One. BioLab. And then you lost it. And you were same-pop as the TR server-wide. How do you mess that up?!
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  12. zombielores

    you do know FCRW does not participate directly in alerts right, what about 666 Devil Dogs for NC on Connery, there are definitely more "organized" then some of the VS fits you mentioned, also Havoc, those guys are scary because I've fought along side of them and against them, they were former 666 and they can do extremely effective work for their size of squads.
  13. Baconite

    Too many zerglings, not enough soldiers. With just Allatum, I'm guessing the coordinated outfits attempted to make pushes on biolabs on Amerish and Esamir. Usually the Indar pop is capped and good enough to stop anyone from taking a biolab. They had to put their faith in the NC on cap-locked Indar to at least hold Allatum(which is generally a safe bet).

    TR/NC got tangled up, and VS had 4 biolabs with only 28% of the global pop at 45 minutes to go. I had to go to Quartz Ridge to find a fight (ended up fighting the NC in a fairly balanced pop...while they were losing Allatum at the same time...).
  14. blag

    I haven't paid any attention to TR on Connery in the past several days, I've been playing on Matterson instead. I'm going by old experience. I could definitely be wrong.

    It takes a special kind of incompetence only the Connery NC have. The Connery NC's favorite tactic is to zerg an area and then wait outside the capture points until their enemies kill them all.
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  15. Gritmo

    You forgot PINK on VS, they do some great playin. You didn't mention ADK for NC... and they have the pop numbers.

    As far as poppin... VS is the lowest popped on there at the start (before 4th faction) continually.

    We just took you again on the biodomes tonight... 5 to VS, to 4 for NC... but I swear, NC is outpoppin us significantly.

    What, you guys ain't playin the alerts? OH well. I think biodome alerts are great xp. They're action packed.. everyone fighting in a cramped space. I could pull like 100 certs an hour if I had my bonuses maxed.

    But, to each their own.. a lot of the level 100s don't seem to pay much attention to alerts.
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  16. King Feraligatr

    As someone who mains NC on Connery I can vouch for our incompetence. We have overpop at times and we still get creamed. I am so tired of the incompetence that we have, to the point that I complain about it over yell chat. I would like main NC and be on a server with competent NC, but I have put quite a bit of time into my NC main. If only there was server transfers...

    Edit: Also on Connery I hate fighting the VS. Unstoppable steamrolls all the time. I like fighting TR better, but still get our butts kicked.
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  17. Llaf

    I agree with your sentiments about Connery VS being cheap. I tend to avoid fighting them as much as possible because they fight like cowards and it is rage inducing. I get one-shotted/instagibbed on a regular basis, in fact I'd say more often than killed by regular infantry weapons, by the Connery VS. It is frustrating and not fun, half the time you can't even shoot back because of all the spam coming your way. If it's cheap, Connery VS are going to kill you with it.
  18. KnightCole

    On Mattherson VS dominate cuz 1 they do work together well. I see lots of Medics reviving, lots of engi repairing and dropping ammo and turrets. I see lots of planes...and MAX...and libs......

    And the 2nd is they cheat like a mofo..esp the late night crew, along with the TR. its without a doubt to lol.
  19. Gritmo

    insta-gib? That means rocket launcher blasts... I get killed by a fair number of those, too.

    By cheap, I meant hiding in the pillars with a light assault and shooting down... or blowing lightning HEAT shots through a doorway... sneaking around and shooting the side of your head.. throwin up 5 turrets in a doorway.

    Smoking your spawn! hahahaha, don't you love it? You guys look so funny in a smoked spawn, it's like smoked sausage!

    But, in your "fair fight" face to face combat, we're gonna lose because your weapons do more damage per second. They say we have a "mid range" advantage, but I don't see it. It's like.. we have to play well organized and cheap shotting around rafters, cuz otherwise we're just dead meat.
  20. Cinnamon

    Interesting theory. SOE should experiment with this by nerfing all VS weapons that perform decently. If this theory is correct then it would just strengthen the teamwork and asymmetric tactics used by VS players and boost VS pop even more.
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