Saron... nerfed Who can tell me at least one reason to use it?

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Adeon, Apr 4, 2014.

  1. Adeon

    Halberd is better at as anti-tank. Pre-nerfed saron was a little better against infantry but worse against armor. Now it nerfed against infantry. So can somebody tell me at least one reason to use saron instead of halberd?

    it does more damage than halbird.
    1701 saron
    1000 halbird

    Up close Saron>Halbird Spam saron hits stuff at close
    Medium Halbird>Saron Saron has to be carfully fired
    Long Saron> Halbird halbird drop interferes with accuracy.

    Also the saron can kill 2 infantry vs halbird can only kill one. Also the splash of the saron was increased to 1 meter so you can shoot the ground around the enemy to kill them. So if you spam the ground by the attacker, he will die of splash damage.

    Also the saron just makes the magrider a magrider IMO.
    But I am pretty biased and probably will never drop my saron.
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  3. BobSanders123

    Hey our minigun got nerfed. You don't have a right to complain about op things being nerfed.
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  4. Aesir

    Fun facts, the "nerf" that took place with the AV Secondary change(that no one asked for) was actually an attempt by SOE to buff the Vulcan ...

    In that same patch(again, no one asked for this), the NC got a TR style weapon ... the VS got something that was a pure down grade.

    And the best part about that patch(we didn't asked for) was that their goal was to "diversify" the AV Secondaries from one another(they were all more or less Halberds) and make the Vulcan useful outside of brawling ranges.

    Did I mention that this patch(you know, we didn't asked for) was pushed live, out of the blue, with no feedback, liitle to no PTS testing, within less than one week of it's announcement.

    And initially it actually looked like a buff to Tanks, but it was pretty obvious that the OHK on the Enforcer, Saron and the AI killing power of the Vulcan was to be nerfed. This also was the Harasser patch ...
  5. eldarfalcongravtank

    saron has more dps at shortrange (spam fire button) and no projectile drop at all, so you can snipe (wounded/damaged units) with ease

    halberd may have higher alpha damage but needs to reload after every shot, has projectile drop and low dps at close range. due to this it's less forgiving and more difficult to use

    so i wouldn't say the saron is useless now.
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  6. Qaz

    DPS doesn't translate directly into TTK though. The saron doesn't kill prowlers even a millisecond faster when combined with AP than the halberd. It's marginally better against vanguards (~1s) and sunderers, with the caveat that the saron gets worse than the halberd as soon as you have to manually time your shots. I'd say that it's fair to say that you'd be gimping yourself in the name of swag if you equipped the saron after this change goes live.
  7. Cinnamon

    Unfortunately for this common wisdom that VS players accept on the forum the majority of successful tankers keep on equipping saron and outperforming other tanks with it. Maybe if they all started using halberd and started deliberately underpeforming you could get the buffs to this play style that you want.
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  8. teks

    the biggest problem with the saron now is its so bad against infantry you have to take the halberd. Three direct hits...Seriously.

    Three direct hits. Freakin impossible.
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  9. Qaz

    not sure what you're talking about here.
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  10. vanu123

    I don't understand why I can't have my old 1 shot saron! The current saron is just decent, two shots made it difficult but could still be pulled off. I don't understand how they nerf the saron yet let the Vanguard to have its IWINSHIELD!
  11. vanu123

    We didn't ask for it, the vulcan buff could have been used but the other weapons didn't need to be changed. They were fine as is. Besides armor is already cut out of Esimir entirely, most of Amerish, and we are limited to the northern part of indar to be effective.
  12. vanu123

    Oh well, I don't expect they'll listen this will go live next week anyway so, yea.
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  13. vanu123

    We don't have any other options.
  14. NoctD

    Welcome to TR - who've been stuck with the Halberd for a long time now, cause the Vulcan *cough* no range *cough*.
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  15. vanu123

    I feel your pain. They could'ave just put in a vulcan buff and left the saron alone/give us our old 1 shot saron cannon back.
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  16. NoctD

    Indeed. They could have buffed Anchor and Magburn too instead of the small Vanguard Shield nerf. I don't think SOE really cares about tanks too much, most changes are geared towards infantry.

    Although I'm wondering why no Lib specific changes - that thing is an absolute OP abomination now.
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  17. vanu123

    The only way I'd pull magburner is if it turned into an omniburner.
  18. NoctD

    I've seen some people use it rather well even without omni... one time I gunned for someone that had the burner and NAR combo, he had us dancing all over the place. Still does have its limitations though.

    They should really put proxy radar back into its old slot for tanks, and move the ES abilities into the cool down area like the AMS and Harasser Turbo.

    And I feel you - I'd rather have the 1 shot Saron back in the game. I left the game for a while soon after that, one of the factors was that SOE's GM pricks didn't want to refund the Saron which was totally changed! And SOE wonders why its so hard for them to get revenue and sales these days... cause they keep alienating their paying customers!
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  19. Adeon

  20. focart

    SOE so hard tried to make it closer to vulcan, that give to saron rediculous fire rate and DPS in close combat. Meanwhile accuracy of saron and mobility of maggy make it best MBT in a game at long ranges. Zero limitation for any ranges, pure underperforming.
    Nerf against infantry? i would rather ask - why they dont touch saron against armor? It`s so brocken and overpowered. Especially if we keep in mind PPA. Secondary of vanguard and prowler are not even close to ppa. Vanu already have imbalanced fire superiority against infantry.
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