What are the non-cheating ways to find a cloaked infiltrator?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by smokemaker, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. smokemaker

    I have been studying the stalker cloak. AKA cloaked forever... love it.

    With this said, when not moving and crouched, i sometimes die to the guy/vehicle that is running by, stops turns and kills me. I know there is a few ways this can happen, but what are they exactly?
    the 4wheeler when a rider is on it, i guess has a radar that can find you even when not moving... i think... others?

    Specifically the non-moving, non-spotted infiltrator, what makes them appear on the map?

    Thank you in advance
  2. -Synapse-

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  3. Akeita

    Darklight. Flashlight.
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  4. Paragon Exile

    You can't make a cloaked guy appear on the map, as cloaks specifically disrupt spotting, but you can reveal them either by shooting at them or using the darklight flashlight which highlights them.
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  5. z1967

    Scout Radar, darklight, and people who are playing on decent graphics levels. I can see infiltrators fairly easily on medium graphics.
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  6. smokemaker

    1.) Eyes - check, sometimes you just see them, and settings ( low vs ultra ) effects this as well.
    2.) Darklight - check, but this i can see and ideally react.
    3.) Scout radar - Now this one shows all enemies moving , cloaked, or not moving if in range if i understand it right?

    ok any other vehicles have a radar like the scout radar? Or does scout radar go on any vehicles?

    Again, thank you in advance.
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  7. ShinBreaker

    Medium Graphic Settings
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  8. Krayus_Korianis

    Lightning I believe as well as a Sunderer and Harasser. (NOT sure on the Sunderer, but I think it does.)
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  9. MorganM

    Nope; they have Proximity Radar. That only works for people IN the vehicle.

    Scout radar is only available on flash and ESF. Anyone within it's are of effect can see moving enemies on their radar.
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  10. smokemaker

    Alright, getting a better sense of this now. Thank you...

    Wonder if implants will enter into this at some point.
  11. Captain Kid

    Funny how everybody says something else, contradicting each other.
    This game needs a decent wiki.

    to the OP: I have no idea, like most things in this game.
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  12. BOOKEN

    Crouching (C button) makes you even more "invisible" while a stalker. FYI in case you didn't know. And yes some people can see you and they know what to look for. The light bends around you.

    If you are crouched but turning and looking around, you are changing the light refracted around you. Thus, they can see the movement. Stay out of lit areas and out of corners also. They tend to fire randomly at corners. I crouch in the open room while stalking.
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  13. Ghosty11

    Scout Radar (Flash & ESF only) detects all enemy units (moving or not) within their effective radius (100m for the Flash, 200m for the ESF at max level). This is the only radar that will detect a non-moving cloaked enemy.

    Darklight flashlight will reveal a cloaked enemy at a short distance

    Sight - At short ranges non-moving cloakers will appear as distortions, very subtle, but they can be seen, and certain lighting effects will show off the distortion better than others.

    Collision - I have walked into cloakers that were otherwise invisible and the ability to block my movement is how I detected they were nearby.
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  14. WyrdHarper

    Try to focus your eyes on profiles (ie the edges) of enemies instead of the centers. This will train your eyes' edge detection, making infiltrators more apparent to you, especially if they move. Also use your ears--each faction cloak sounds different, which can alert you that one is around so you can more readily be looking for them.
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  15. AnnPerkins

    The ESF scout radar is extremely powerful. 250m radius that spots everything on the ground. If you don't have air superiority expect someone to hunt down your red dot.
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  16. Owen W.

    Keep your eyes peeled for distortions, get a dark light flashlight for your secondary weapon and eat carrots. Not kidding. F**king carrots.
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  17. Nerp

    From most to least effective :

    1. Scout radar. This lights people up on the mini map regardless of whether or not they are moving.
    2. Eyes ( And a radar pinger ). Just have sharp eyes and constantly look around with a radar pinger. Don't stop moving so that you aren't a super easy target for the infiltrator
    3. Flashlight ( This is lower on the list because people often don't know how to use them properly, and it can leave you exposed ). Look in every possible spot, don't just skim around. Try and find the boundries of the capture point too if that's where the infiltrator is.
    4. EMP grenades. These uncloak infiltrators and drains their cloak depending on how close to the emp grenade they were. Do note that a stalker infiltrator can immediately cloak again once they are hit by one of these, and their cloak will begin to regenerate, so do keep your eyes peeled onced you toss one of these.
    4.Fire into spots/ where you think they may be. Something with a high splash radius is most effective because if you get a hit marker, you know the area in which the infiltrator is to a few meters.
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  18. WorldOfForms

    Since when did this game have player collision? I run straight through every player I see.
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  19. Stromberg

    ESFs and flashes have them. max certed radius is huge. 200m for esf and 100m for flash. the scanning "body" is not a 200m sphere around the scanner as one might assume, but a cylinder. if an esf flies low enough so infantry renders to him, he will light up an entire AMP station for example.
    proximity radar on tanks and sunderers only triggers on moving targets afaik.
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  20. Prudentia

    When there is a fight in a Biolab i always spawn my Radar/Stealth scythe, afterburn straight trough everything aand land on the biodome. i usually get around 3-5k xp before i get noticed just for sitting there and watching the radar assists tick in.
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