Who are the aces of your server on each faction?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by iflybad420, Mar 22, 2014.

  1. iflybad420

  2. ZephyrBurst

    On Mattherson.
    TR: Mustarde is always someone you know you gotta watch your head when you know he's in the fight.
    NC: Boursk is a beast. A scary beast.

    Edit: Nevermind, I'm a noob and saw this from the main page and didn't see 'Vehicle Discussion' there. I don't play enough vehicles to know about this.
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  3. Nanomorph

    TIW (NC) and NUC (TR) players are the best I've seen on Waterson.
  4. DevDevBooday

    On Briggs
    NC: BigIronRanger
    VS: Adosattack, JayGee, Inflamess

    There are others but I cant remember.
    No Idea for TR
  5. iflybad420

    IMO there are only a few ok pilots in TIW, most of the good pilots are in PREY
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  6. ZeroErrorz

    just wondering which server have the most ace pilot in it ?
  7. HLM

    The correct answer for TR is "absolutely no one, we're all terrible."

    I barely see any of the above pilots these days.
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    NC Recursion all those pilots are aces
  9. lawn gnome

    i don't know for sure on connery, but i have 1731 vehicle kills and 5534 actual kills vs. 6175 deaths. i think my vehicle kills should count for something since most vehicles are generally harder to kill than troops.

    the EXE outfit seems to be the most organized on the server though, and by organized i mean they all pick a vehicle and swarm an area. ever see a swarm of more than a dozen galaxies? i have. i murdered so many mosquitoes today in my skyguard to the point it began to be stressful and exhausting. crushing the endless tide of mosquitoes today even added a point to my average score per minute (yesterday it was 140). i just sat on an ammo sundy and held down the trigger as rockets filled the air all around us. we held until the tanks and foot troops set upon us. according to my stats i killed more than 100 vehicles today, i think yesterday i was at around 1605.

    edit: i just read the title again and i apologize for being tired and ignorant. feel free to ignore my ranting although the squiters are somewhat relevant.
  10. Nody

    Miller - Daddy & LazyTR

    Enough said :p
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  11. IamnotAmazing

    you were part of that group on amerish last night that 4v1'd me twice

    also prey has the only good pilots left on the server, everyone else quit the game
  12. Flag

    Miller NC:

    **** that guy! :(
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  13. NovaAustralis

    I'd agree, and add all of these players on Briggs will give you a run for your money in aircraft (be it ESF or Lib...):
    NC: Pixelss, BigIronRanger, BUnit, PsychicMoose, eXo, Zesurov, augrunt, HoudiniESC, Bmks, CardinalSpear, csv
    TR: Neiche, TekNiQ, ZenzotuskeN, DOX, ChunkofMetal, S9ilentTerran, BL0ODSUGAR, DaztanTE, HLM, Rege
    VS: ThomasCat, ADoSAttack, JayGee, Inflamess, JayJxxx, TeenageColor, Calopix, Rdord, Dethonlegs, Visual, P199ee, Boganhunter

    Although I haven't seen as many familiar names around lately... :(
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  14. Brahma2

    Who gives a **** about "aces" anymore, when the skies are full of groups of 5-10 pilots in roving little death squads. No one plays alone anymore, and the ones that do get ****** by the zerg.

    Welcome to the new dynamic.
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  15. Accuser

    Size matters ^_^
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  16. VoidMagic

    errr new dynamic?

    maybe on some servers... lol

    I still solo sometimes... got the K/D to prove it too. lol

  17. Xervous

    Datablue: best recursion pilot, pretty much the entire server agrees. Though I'm not sure who the best NC pilot is
    SYDExxOvenmitts: best Connery pilot I know of. (plays all 3 factions, mains VS, favorite ESF is reaver)
    PinkVoid: best TR pilot I've run into in the past 3 months
  18. lawn gnome

    why do you care, when you aim bot and butcher moving aircraft with the halberd anyway. 4 dead on hits in a row on a moving scythe (a friend of mine) from a full speed harasser and a head shot on my heavy assault from around 100 meters on a harasser that was leaping a hill (caught a decent amount of air). the harasser never slowed down and he consistently head shot a group of 6 of us. the only time i was ever fully convinced someone was aim botting on this game.
    i recognize Datablue, he always escapes my skyguard smoking just before i am about to light him on fire.
  19. HLM

    You sure you weren't thinking of someone else?
    I only recognise about 3 of those TRs, and 1 of them is only because he's in my outfit.
    I don't think there has been a single time where I have spotted a friendly mossie in the air and thought "I'll be safe if I stay near him". I mostly just see them hovering around spawn rooms and getting themselves killed.

    I guess me never being on the receiving end of a mosquito nosegun probably has something to do with it.

    The other thing is the VS and NC have dedicated air outfits where they all fly and practice together. Nothing like that on TR.
  20. SolLeks

    a large majority of the aces of connery quit.

    hell, Snafu even went libs >.>